Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 382 The Ice God Arrives

Chapter 382 The Ice God Arrives (Part [-])
Duan Shenli was taken aback.

Including the five juniors behind him, they were also taken aback.

The voice that came out was obviously a woman's voice, but it carried an irresistible majesty.

This feeling, they will only have when facing the suzerain.

oppressive, tense.

This is the kind of majesty that can only be possessed when one is in a high position.

Frozen three feet does not happen in a day, and only when you have been in a high position for a long time will you have this feeling.

Everyone held their breath and looked towards the door of the main hall.

A beautiful and pure white figure stepped out calmly and gracefully.

Step by step, as if measured.

Neither rush nor slow, neither humble nor overbearing.

A head of silver-white long hair fell down her shoulders.

White gown, white shoes, white pants...

Even the skin is white.

If it weren't for her ink-like eyes, then she would be no different from a snowman.

This is the God of Ice, Xie Daoyun!

Xie Daoyun walked slowly, turned around, and walked towards the gate of the courtyard.

Everything seems to be still, more like a movie that has been slowed down.

All eyes fell on Xie Daoyun.

Ye Wenjun's attitude is very respectful.

Ye Xingkong cupped his hands and said in a low voice: "Senior..."


Xie Daoyun walked to a place only ten meters away from the gate, stopped and did not move forward.

His cold eyes fell on Duan Shenli and his junior brother.

"Before we get angry - get out!"

The cold tone and the ruthless expression make people shudder.


As the elder brother of Liulizong, how could he be intimidated by this appearance.

Duan Shenli snorted coldly, and said, "Pretend! Who are you?"

A trace of anger flashed across Xie Daoyun's pretty face, her eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she didn't speak.

The murderous aura all over his body quietly rippled out.

Ye Xingkong felt a chill, and even Ye Wenjun, who was in the most yin body, also felt this chill.


Xie Daoyun slowly raised her right hand.

The white palms are facing forward.



The sound of freezing air came.

Duan Shenli frowned, not knowing what happened.


Several ice cones appeared directly in front of them.

Huh, huh huh...

Speed ​​like lightning.

He stabbed towards them.

The six people were shaken all over, and their faces were full of shock. What kind of combat technique is this?How could ice cones appear out of thin air?

The icicle pierced them.

They've tried their best to respond.

One of the ice picks pinched Duan Shenli's thigh.Others, either arms or shoulders.

One person really didn't react, the ice pick pierced his heart.

Blood gushed out.

His life is also disappearing with the flow of blood.

I believe that it will not be long before he will die.

Duan Shenli's heart set off a turbulent wave... He looked at Xie Daoyun with fear on his face.

Just when I was about to ask who you are——

Xie Daoyun raised her hand again.


Duan Shenli gave an order, regardless of 21, caught one person, and ran wildly first.

The other four also quickly turned around and fled all the way.

Seeing this, Ye Xingkong shouted:

"Small, still running? See if I don't chase you!"

Xie Daoyun raised her hand to block him, and said, "Don't chase after the poor."

"Why? I think they have no strength to resist." Ye Xingkong couldn't understand.

Xie Daoyun had a cold expression and said:

"The purpose of my coming here is to temporarily guard the Ye family, not to hunt down these trash..."


Xie Daoyun turned around slowly, and walked back to the main hall with a calm face.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

Ye Xingkong thought about it for a second, that's fine, what if the Liulizong is playing tricks to divert the tiger away from the mountain?
"I don't know when Fang Yu had such thighs, it's really scary..."



at the same time.

Duan Shenli was injured and hurried back to the Liulizong.

At the foot of Zongmen.

Some disciples of the Liuli sect saw the senior brother fleeing back with the five sons of the sect in distress, they couldn't help being shocked, and hurried forward to help.

"Big brother, big brother... what's wrong? What happened?"

Duan Shenli clutched the wound on his leg and said anxiously: "Hurry up and take them to the doctor and treat them well!"

Another disciple said: "Brother, you have suffered such serious injuries, are you being watched by other practitioners? Should I report to the sect immediately?"

Hearing this, Duan Shenli stopped him and said, "No need! We didn't meet practitioners, but encountered some monsters in the mountains. Those monsters were very ferocious, and they were injured carelessly... Just go back and recuperate for a few days !"


Duan Shenli knew that this matter should not be known to the Suzerain.Otherwise, this punishment is more serious than their injuries.As for the disciples who died, they were killed by monsters.

These were not questions that bothered him.

The question is, who is that peerless woman who sits in the Ye family?
Why does she have the ability to freeze?
With doubts in mind, Duan Shenli hurried back to his room.

Yungong heals injuries.

"This person is too terrifying. It seems that this revenge may not be avenged... It's the junior sister's side, alas—" Thinking of Shangguan Linghui's unreasonable troubles, he, a senior brother, has a headache.

Duan Shenli frowned tightly and continued to heal his wounds.


After he healed the wound for a period of time, he found that the wound on his thigh not only did not decrease, but became more and more serious!
"what happened?"

This shocked and puzzled him.

Duan Shenli immediately clapped his hands, and the inner energy in his whole body exploded, mobilized, and surged towards his thighs.

But no matter how he mobilized, the frozen thigh damage remained unmoved.

"Oops, it seems that I still underestimated this person... This ice pick actually contains ice-type aura—"

Aura of ice attribute.

Really unheard of, unseen!

Just as he was about to continue practicing, he heard a rapid knock on the door.

dong dong.

dong dong dong.

Duan Shenli had no choice but to interrupt the healing, frowned and said, "Who?"

"Eldest brother, the suzerain tells you to go there immediately!"


Duan Shenli's heart sank, something bad happened.Paper is always unable to contain the fire.


In the main hall of the Glazed Sect.

Shangguanhong, the suzerain of the immortal style, sat on the main seat with no expression on his face.

His daughter, Shangguan Linghui, had a face full of grievances, wiping her tears and complaining.

"Father! You must make the decision for me. My cultivation base was abolished, and it was all caused by the Yanjing Ye family! Wuwu... The senior brother and the five sons of the sect were injured, and one senior brother died because of it! Dad, You can bear it, but I can't bear it!"

Listening to Shangguan Linghui's complaints.

Shangguan Hong frowned, raised his hand and slapped it suddenly.

The whole hall fell silent.

"Duan Shenli hasn't arrived yet?"

"Sovereign, big brother, we'll be there soon..."


Duan Shenli limped to the outside of the hall.

Seeing the suzerain's majestic and angry face, he immediately fell to the ground and said, "Sovereign!"

(End of this chapter)

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