Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 406 Restore Your Strength

Chapter 406 Restore Your Strength (Third Update)
"That's right. I'll tell you about this later... For now, being Ye Wenjun's sword slave will only have advantages and no disadvantages."

Fang Yu looked at her hesitant face and said, "Do you really plan to be a servant of the Ye family for the rest of your life? Do you really have the heart to watch the Glazed Sect disappear one day?"

"Impossible! The Glazed Tile Sect has stood on Beishan for so many could it disappear?" Shangguan Linghui retorted.

"Then let me ask you... how did the five great temples disappear?"


Shangguan Linghui was stunned.

She had heard of the Five Great Temples more than once.

That is a force that fell thousands of years ago.

At the beginning, the five great temples stood tall in Kyushu, shaking the world.Even so, the five powerful temples fell overnight.What's more, what about the Glazed Sect?

The seven most powerful members of the Glazed Tile Sect are, on average, seven small heavenly positions.But the five great temples, each of which has a powerful person sitting in the sky,
Thinking of this, Shangguan Linghui no longer hesitated, and said, "Being a sword slave can really improve your strength?"

"Of course." Fang Yu said.

Seeing Fang Yu's serious appearance, Shangguan Linghui asked again: "Then how should I become a sword slave?"

Fang Yu said:

"It's simple. When I find that sword, I'll just hand it over to you. Everything in the world has spirituality. As long as you treat each other with sincerity, there will be echoes."

Ye Wenjun couldn't help but said: "Sword, is it really spiritual?"

Fang Yu chuckled, and said, "You two always think I'm lying? Look after me..."

He took the mandala petals from his bosom.

Seeing the familiar petals, Ye Wenjun frowned slightly. Thinking of the legend about the curse of the Datura flower, he couldn't help being startled. Just about to speak, he heard Fang Yu say slowly:
"Don't worry, the curse of the mandala flower is just my nonsense..."

The sword light flashed.

The blade of the Longyin Sword shines brightly against the light.

Shangguan Linghui couldn't help being horrified, it was such a delicate long sword.

That sharp sword edge seems to be able to cut through anything in the world!
Fang Yu stretched out his white palm and sent it forward.

Gang Qi surrounds the Dragon Chanting Sword, and the sword floats towards Shangguan Linghui and lands on her palm.

Just as Shangguan Linghui was about to grab the hilt of the sword, a scorching force pierced her heart, causing her to scream.


Her eyes were wide open, and she looked down at her palm, as if she had been burned by a fire, there was a small burn.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Your heart is dishonest, Long Yinjian doesn't like you..."

follow closely.

The Dragon Chanting Sword flew towards Ye Wenjun.

Ye Wenjun only felt that this exquisite long sword was so beautiful, and his heart moved, and he stretched out his jade hand.

A whiff of whiteness evaporated from her jade hand, and the cold air wafted.

Grabbing lightly, he grabbed the Dragon Chanting Sword.

Turn around and sweep.

The sword followed Ye Wenjun in a circle, and Ye Wenjun's graceful figure also followed.


The blade trembled.

A smile flashed across Ye Wenjun's calm face, and he said, "This really good."

Fang Yu nodded and said:
"Of course... The Dragon Chanting Sword itself is the most yang thing. I have the most yang qi, so it is harmless to me. Similarly, you have the most yin qi, which can resist its yang qi... In other words, the world The only ones who can use the Dragon Chanting Sword are me and you..."

This sentence, you and me, made Ye Wenjun's heart skip a beat.

Like a prince charming confessing his love, it sounds elegant and beautiful.

She couldn't help but blushed slightly.

"However, you are more suitable to use the Sword of the Most Yin... After all, it is not a long-term solution to spend the Qi of the Most Yin to resist the Qi of the Most Yang!" Fang Yu said.

Ye Wenjun nodded, and handed the Dragon Sword in his hand to Fang Yu.

"When I held it just now, it was trembling at a high frequency, which means—"

"Represents excitement." Fang Yu laughed.

"This is spirituality?"

Fang Yu nodded affirmatively, and said, "Yes, this is spirituality...everything in the world has spirituality...human beings are the beginning of all things, the elder of all things."

Seeing him calmly speaking with his hands behind his back, Ye Wenjun couldn't help but feel his heart move. He was calm, knowledgeable, and strategizing...

Shangguan Linghui looked at Fang Yu and Ye Wenjun with complicated eyes.

Finally made a decision: "Okay... I promise you, from now on, I will be a sword slave."

Fang Yu nodded.

"Take off your shirt...I'll give you a needle."


Shangguan Linghui covered her hands in front of her body, a little wary.

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said: "Although you are the daughter of the Glazed Tile School...but I really have no interest. In terms of appearance, you are not as good as Ye Wenjun...I have such a beautiful wife guarding me, and I will still treat you What are you thinking?"


When Shangguan Linghui heard this, she felt dissatisfied, but the moment she looked at Ye Wenjun... she couldn't help feeling disappointed.Ye Wenjun is indeed too good... Especially in just a few days, after following Xie Daoyun to learn the method of breathing and breathing, the whole person's temperament has improved several levels.

Ye Wenjun, who was originally a phoenix among men, is even more outstanding.

Moreover, the current Liulizong has been incorporated.Shangguan Linghui was a man who had to bow his head under the roof.

Thinking of this.

Shangguan Linghui lowered her head, ready to take off her clothes.

Ye Wenjun also said: "I believe in Fang Yu's character..."


This made it even more difficult for Shangguan Linghui to retreat.

The couple are gone.The so-called, not a family, do not enter a door.The husband sings and the wife follows, and both return home!

Shangguan Linghui took off all her shirts.

Fang Yu was taken aback, and said, "I didn't tell you to take off your clothes? Haha, just take off your coat!"


Shangguan Linghui and Ye Wenjun had black hair at the same time.


"Accident,'s my fault for not expressing clearly. I didn't see anything just now..." Fang Yu said with a smile.

Shangguan Linghui blushed, quickly picked up her clothes and put them back on.

Then lay on the bed.

Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly, and when he reached out with both hands, the golden needle appeared.

"Taixuan fingering!"

The golden needle left afterimages in the air.

All of them were stuck on Shangguan Linghui's back.

At the stage of a doctor, the treatment is not limited to injuries and diseases, but also includes the dantian, cultivation base, and meridians... Taiyi Shenzhen can directly penetrate the body, intervening in the meridians and acupoints halfway.Use vitality or elixir to treat!
This is the fundamental reason why doctors are far higher than ordinary doctors.

When Fang Yu raised his hand, the golden needle buzzed on Shangguan Linghui's back.

In an instant.

Sweat oozes from Shangguan Linghui's fair back.


Fang Yu couldn't help but take another look, he was really a born beauty.If it weren't for her bad personality, she would be a first-class beauty.

Soon, Shangguan Linghui fell into a deep sleep.


Ye Wenjun coughed lightly and left the room.

Fang Yu said with a smile: "Her dantian has recovered... I will observe more."

Said, stood up.

Leave the room.

He followed Ye Wenjun.

"Honey, do you feel that Shangguan Linghui's place is not small..."

Just finished.


Fang Yu felt his waist being pinched.

Ye Wenjun remained expressionless, and hurried back to the boudoir.

Fang Yu quickly lifted up his clothes to see that there was a bruise on his waist.

"I'll go, really ruthless!"

However, he did not follow Ye Wenjun into the room.Instead, he smiled slightly and said lightly, "I'll be back later to fix you!"

One dodged, came to the balcony on the second floor, jumped, and ran towards the back garden.

When he came to an open space, Fang Yu stopped, looked left and right, and said with a sneer, "Spirit Search!"

"Take the palm as the sky, and the ground as the earth!"

Fang Yu slapped the ground with one palm, and a burst of Gang Qi scattered around.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu outlined a small magic circle in his hand.

"Intentionally lure me?" A sneer flashed across the corner of Fang Yu's mouth, and he chased after him without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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