Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 44 A group of people with eyes but no eyes

Chapter 44

Fang Yu looked back, and without thinking too much, he knew that he had encountered a group of blind fools.

Silently took out a few one-piece banknotes from his pocket, and threw them over——

"Master, my shoes are dirty, clean them for me, and the money will belong to you!"

A tooth for a tooth.

The rich kid looked at the crumpled banknotes and immediately became furious.

"Damn, where did you come from, dare to insult me?"

"Who are you talking about?" Fang Yu asked back.

"The bastard is talking about you!"

"Yo, the pussy is really obedient."

The kid from the rich family spoke quickly, and when he reacted, his face was red with anger!

"court death!"

As he said that, he was about to rush up and beat people.

Just at this moment——

A few people appeared not far away, and there were two people walking in front of them, they were very personable.Followed by several bodyguards.At first glance, he is a big man.

Fang Yu couldn't help but looked over and recognized it at a glance.

Xiao He?

Who is with him?

Those rich kids wanted to beat Fang Yu, but they had no choice but to stop.They seemed to know these two people, and they were a little afraid, not daring to mess around in front of their faces.

"Master Xiao."

"Grandson grandson."

The rich children greeted each other politely at the same time.

When Fang Yu heard it, his surname was Sun?Could it be that this guy is the young master of the Sun family who proposed marriage to Xu Zhaopei?It's really a coincidence that the enemy's road is narrow.

In fact, Xiao He and Sun Junzhong saw Fang Yu not far away.

Sun Junzhong didn't know Fang Yu, so he didn't take it to heart.

Xiao He saw all this in his eyes.

"You are this?"

The rich boy said angrily: "Master Xiao is making a joke. It's all the fault of this kid, he insulted me face to face... Throw a few dollars and let me shine his shoes!"

"Is there such a thing?"

"Master Xiao, you don't need your help in this matter. Our brothers are itching for us. If we don't beat him until he doesn't even know his mother, I'll crawl away!" said the rich boy grinning.

Xiao He glanced at Fang Yu from the corner of his eye.

He knew that Fang Yu was the Iron Fist King, and if there was a real fight, these rich kids wouldn't even have a chance to meet each other.So, don't let them fight.

If you can't beat it, then it goes without saying.

Xiao He's face darkened, and he said, "Don't you know who he is?"

Those rich kids were startled, their hearts were in their throats.

Sun Junzhong on the side had an indifferent expression and didn't even look at Fang Yu.In his opinion, this kind of stuff is not qualified for him to look directly at it.

"Master Xiao, who is he...?"

Before Xiao He could speak, Fang Yu behind him was already complacent, folded his arms and said:
"You don't know Taishan with eyes, if you knew my true identity, you would have been scared to pee! How dare you drag me in front of me?"


Xiao He was startled, seeing how stupid the Iron Fist King was, he felt secretly refreshed.The revenge of killing my brother will be avenged sooner or later!

But he smiled very cooperatively and said:
"This is the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Huada Hospital, with excellent medical skills. At the same time - he has another identity." Xiao He's tone paused, and everyone's eyes were focused on him -

"At the same time, he is also the granddaughter of Mr. Xu's family and Xu Zhaopei's boyfriend."

These words immediately caused those rich kids to explode.


Sun Junzhong's face changed when he heard this.He gave Fang Yu a sharp look in his eyes...

Boy friend?
You know, the Sun family has long intended to propose marriage to the Xu family. This is in the territory of Jiangzhou, and everyone in the circle knows it.

Isn't this the same as giving Sun Junzhong a cuckold?
"Sun Shao, the reason why I didn't tell you was because I was afraid that you might misunderstand, but I really didn't expect him to come." Xiao He said embarrassingly.

Those rich kids who watched the show were surprised at first.

After hearing Xiao He's introduction, he suddenly realized.

He turned out to be a poor doctor, and he thought some big shot came out to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, it scared me to death!
More importantly, doesn't this guy know that today is Mr. Xu's birthday party?At the same time—it was also the day when the young master of the Sun family came to make a marriage arrangement!

Young Master Sun, that is the largest aristocratic family in Jiangbei, with industries all over Jiangzhou, black and white.

It is said that Mr. Sun dominated Jiangzhou back then, and the unified underground forces in Jiangbei firmly took the top spot in Jiangbei.

Even dare to snatch Young Master Sun's woman, I'm getting impatient!

Everyone started watching the show.

"This guy even dares to snatch Young Master Sun's woman! Don't die!"

"Look at his poor appearance, he must have used some shady method to deceive Miss Xu!"

"That's it!"

"But he's finished, Young Master Sun can kill him with any finger movement!"



Sun Junzhong's gaze finally settled on Fang Yu.

He didn't know where Fang Yu's self-confidence came from, but he actually showed a haughty and proud look.

"What you said is true?" Sun Junzhong asked without looking at Xiao He.

"Every sentence is true. If you don't believe it, you can ask Miss Xu." Xiao He said.

Sun Junzhong's face changed slightly.

He sized Fang Yu up again. With his current status, everyone among the younger generation in Jiangzhou had to look up to him.


Sun Junzhong stared at Fang Yu indifferently, and said, "You, Xu Zhaopei's boyfriend?"

Fang Yu had his hair cut.

The person in front of him is from the Sun family. It was the Sun family who stabbed the knife in the back. The entire Jiangbei also fell into the hands of the Sun family.No matter from any angle, Fang Yu should not let him——

And, there are good reasons to kill him.


Now is not the time, Fang Yu is aiming at the person behind Sun Junzhong, the master of the third level of martial arts.

"Do I have anything to do with you?" Fang Yu asked back.

Sun Junzhong was not angry yet, and the judges present were the first to fry the pot.

"This guy's got water in his head."

"Don't he know that Miss Xu is going to be engaged to Young Master Sun?"

"I'll go, I've seen someone who wants to die, but I've never seen someone who wants to die like this."


Sun Junzhong looked at Fang Yu coldly. At that moment, hundreds of ways to kill the bumpkin in front of him appeared in his mind.None of this was shown on his face, but was hidden in his heart.

Seeing this, Xiao He on the side smiled slightly. He knew that it was time to tell Sun Junzhong Fang Yu's identity.

"Sun Shao, this person is not simple..."

"Huh?" Sun Junzhong frowned slightly.

"He is the one who shocked the underground forces in Jiangzhou eight years ago—Iron, Fist, King!"

The words "Iron Fist King" were spoken by Xiao He word by word.

Hearing this name, those rich kids who watched the play just now were shocked and showed expressions of disbelief.

At the same time, Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you scared?"

"A group of dogs who look down on people, Iron Fist King, are you worthy of Miss Xu?"

As he spoke, Fang Yu glared at them, causing them to take a step back in fright.

"Is he the Iron Fist?"

"how is this possible?"

"Eight years ago, the young hero who once dominated the underground forces was actually him? This is impossible!"

They are scared...

All swallowed their saliva involuntarily.

It's a pity that none of the people present knew that the Iron Fist champion eight years ago was none other than Fang Yu from the Fang family.

Among the people present, only Sun Junzhong was not afraid.

Instead, he sneered.

"You, the Iron Fist King? Fang Yu, the trash who escaped from the Fang family back then?"

(End of this chapter)

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