Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 450 Contract

Chapter 450 Contract (Part [-])
Ye Wenjun and Shangguan Linghui saw his sincerity and seriousness, his expression was natural, and his voice was eloquent, so they became worried about him.

Ye Wenjun couldn't help but clenched the long sword tightly and held it in his arms.

"In the end, Miss Xu Sisi was moved by my sincerity and agreed with me to treat her. The patriarch understood the righteousness and led the eight priests to open the nine-fold restriction for me. That's how the Shuihan Sword came about!"

Fang Yu sighed again, "Although I have experienced many difficulties, all of them are worth it to me. Ye Wenjun is the most yin body that is rare to see. With this water-cold sword, he is like a fish in water. I believe that Wenjun You also want a weapon that you can use very much, and although the Shuihan Sword is not number one, it is still a very good sword."


Ye Wenjun said softly: "No, for me, it is the most perfect weapon."

Fang Yu was taken aback.

Didn't wait for him to speak.

Ye Wenjun took the Shuihan sword and walked towards the back garden.

It is quiet and open, and it is a good place to practice swords.

Once, Fang Yu also practiced swords there.

For some reason, seeing Ye Wenjun's calm attitude, Shangguan Linghui's heart moved inexplicably.

Is Shuihanjian really that perfect?

Fang Yu and Shangguan Linghui followed out.

in the back garden.

Ye Wenjun had already pulled out the Shuihan sword, dancing with the wind in the courtyard.

Like an elf, with light steps.

Moving back and forth, erratic.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yu couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

Unexpectedly, I haven't seen him for a while, but Ye Wenjun's swordsmanship has improved to this point.

This shows that Ye Wenjun practiced his sword very hard during his absence.

Ice Maiden's practice secret book is simply too suitable for Ye Wenjun.

This set of swordsmanship is not so domineering, it is all feminine and beautiful, matched with her most yin body, the moves seem to be soft, but in fact they have hidden murderous intentions.

In the blink of an eye.

Ye Wenjun has already practiced a set of sword skills.

She held the long sword upside down, stood behind her, and walked back gracefully.

He asked calmly, "What do you think?"

Obviously, this was asking for Fang Yu's opinion.

Fang Yu smiled and did not express his opinion immediately. Instead, he glanced at Shangguan Linghui and asked, "Linghui, what do you think?"

Shangguan Linghui said:

"Although I don't know swordsmanship, I feel that there is something missing in this sword."

Fang Yu said:

"You are right. The Shuihan Sword is a sword with spiritual energy. It has a unique combat skill. Only people with the most yin body can use the Shuihan Sword to display this combat skill. This combat skill is called 'Yishuihan', as the name suggests, can freeze the target and kill it."

As he spoke, he paused for a moment, and said, "Besides that, it must exert its due power. Then we must dig out its spirituality!"

"Excavate its spirituality?" Ye Wenjun was full of doubts.

"That's right. You have to treat it as a human being, and treat it with sincerity. If you are sincere to it, it must also treat you sincerely."

Ye Wenjun nodded.

I heard before that everything has a spirit, this is not difficult to understand, but it seems a bit difficult to treat it as a human being.

Fang Yu continued:
"First, you have to get its approval."

Immediately afterwards, with a wave of Fang Yu's gesture, Gang Qi surged out.

Step left and right.

It took about ten minutes to draw strange patterns on the ground.

"This is a small spirit-gathering circle, which can make it easier for you to feel the spirituality of Shuihanjian."

talking room.

Fang Yu shouted: "Enlightenment!"

The patterns on the ground flashed with brilliance.

Ye Wenjun couldn't help being startled, there are so many wonders in the world.

Seeing the pattern, she took it in without hesitation.

"Let's bleed."


She gently cut her finger with the sword, and a drop of bright red blood dripped on the blade.

Facing the light, the blood flowed along the blade, from the hilt to the tip of the sword.



Shui Hanjian trembled.

Ye Wenjun was overjoyed and held it tightly.

Shui Hanjian seemed to want to break free from her control, and the shaking was a bit too big.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Relax...don't hold it too tightly. If you hold it like this, it will feel uncomfortable, so it will naturally resist."

Ye Wenjun nodded.


as predicted--

The trembling of Shui Hanjian decreased and became more stable until it rested in her palm.

A gleam of joy flashed across Ye Wenjun's calm face, and said, "It seems to recognize me?"


Fang Yu said lightly, "The most yin body can easily attract Shui Hanjian's liking."

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but capture a series of pictures in my mind.At the beginning, when this water-cold sword belonged to him, he purely used violence to make it rich.That's something that can't be helped, Shui Hanjian is born with Yin, and Fang Yu is the body of the most yang, which is naturally restrained.

When water and fire are incompatible, there must be one party who admits to cowardice.

So... even though Fang Yu owned the Shuihan Sword back then, he never showed its full power.

"You try again now..."

Ye Wenjun walked out of the spirit gathering array and danced again.

The sword sings with the wind.

And go and move.

Sword shadows streaked across, and a sword light appeared.

"Falling flowers."

Ye Wenjun drank lightly for the rest of his life, and chopped towards a flower.

The sword light slashed across, and there was still a long way to go, the flower's waist was cut off by the silent wind.

"Flowing water."

A sword to the sky.

She has a graceful figure, in that mid-air, as if frozen by the cold air, alternating hot and cold, water droplets fall, the sword blade slaps the water droplets, and the water droplets rush out with a whoosh.In the nearest small tree, a small round hole was left.


call out!
There are more and more sword shadows, and the speed is getting faster and faster!
Fang Yu couldn't help but be amazed, what kind of name is this sword move, I have never heard of it before.However, from these postures and attack forms, he judged that it was Xie Daoyun who changed his name.

The change really has a literary style.

After three tricks, Ye Wenjun came back as if he was satisfied, and said, "How are you doing now?"


Fang Yu nodded, turned his head to look at Shangguan Linghui and said, "You come too, I see that your dantian is recovering well."


Shangguan Linghui couldn't help being startled, and said, "Okay."

Ye Wenjun smiled slightly, and handed the Shuihan sword to her.

As soon as the sword fell into her hand, Shui Hanjian violently resisted.

"Sincerity leads to spirit! Don't panic..."


"Enter the Spirit Gathering Formation."

Shangguan Linghui complied!

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu drew several strange symbols near the Spirit Gathering Formation.


Shangguan Linghui didn't understand why he did this, because Marven Ye had already shed blood and recognized it.I am doing this, is it to make this weapon mutiny?
But she cut her finger and dripped blood on the blade.

Suddenly, the blade trembled.

At this moment, Fang Yu asked: "Shangguan Linghui, let me ask you for the last time, are you willing to become Ye Wenjun's most loyal sword slave, and you will never go back on your word for the rest of your life. If you break this oath, you will fall to hell forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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