Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 452 Stripping Light Therapy

Chapter 452

After the discussion between the three of them, Fang Yu went to the restaurant for lunch.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Wenjun and Shangguan Linghui ignored him.This is a bit embarrassing.

As soon as lunch is over.

Ye Wenjun pulled Shangguan Linghui and said, "Come on, let's practice sword together."

The two were as excited as little rabbits, and went to the back garden with the Shuihan sword.

Chen Daotian and Xu Huanwen covered their mouths and laughed, but they dared not speak.

Fang Yu coughed, glared at the two of them, and went upstairs. Just as he stepped on the stairs, he said, "Bring the medicinal materials from the storage room."


A servant went to the storage room and took the medicinal materials upstairs.

Ever since he found the second memory fragment in the forbidden area of ​​the cold pool, more knowledge about herbal medicine refining, as well as experience and skills appeared in Fang Yu's mind.

Previously, in his peak state, he could only refine eighth-rank elixir. This time he came from Mobei, and he is confident in refining ninth-rank, and even yellow-rank elixir.


Back in the room, Fang Yu was familiar with the road, refining the elixir.

The whole process took less than an hour, and several anti-drug pills were refined.

Avoiding Du Dan is a fourth-grade elixir. For a master alchemist like Fang Yu, it is much simpler, and it is 100% successful, and there is no failure.

After refining the elixir, Fang Yu walked out of the room with the anti-drug elixir.


"I'm going, I'm scared, why haven't you been fired yet?" Fang Yu stared.

Really served.

Every time a maid comes to make trouble.

I also blame myself for treating the Ye family as my own home, and I don't bother to pay attention when I go in and out.

"My lord, what are you holding in your hand? It's so fragrant?" The maid said, staring at the anti-drug pill in Fang Yu's hand.

"Go to work, where are there so many things?"

Fang Yu glared at her, then walked towards another guest room.

That room was exactly where Xu Sisi was.

dong dong——

Fang Yu knocked on the door very gentlemanly and politely.

"Please come in." Xu Sisi's soft voice came out.


Fang Yu pushed the door open and entered.

Xu Sisi was sitting in a wheelchair, facing the balcony.Not at all like someone grieving far from home, she looked curiously at everything in the house.

Seeing Fang Yu walk in.

Xu Sisi showed a smile, pointed at the lights on the ceiling, and said: "Our Xu family, only the meeting hall has such lights, but they are rarely used. I heard from our priest, what kind of electricity is needed to supply this thing, is it true?" Is it?"


Fang Yu scratched his head, the technology of modern society is indeed very new to a person who grew up in Mobei.

However, these are the most common things for modern people and are not worthy of attention.

"And that square mirror-like thing on the table...Mr. Fang, this thing is really amazing. There are all kinds of strange people in it...Don't you believe it? Let me demonstrate it to you .”

Xu Sisi pushed the wheelchair to the TV by herself, picked up the remote control, tapped it lightly, and the TV turned on.

She raised the remote control in her hand to show off to Fang Yu.

"Mr. Fang, isn't it amazing?"


Fang Yu still looked at her calmly.

Xu Sisi was not surprised to see him, but felt a little disappointed in his heart, his expression darkened, he turned the wheelchair, looked at the west-slanting sun outside the balcony, and said, "I almost forgot, Mr. Fang was originally this person." People in the bustling city, how can they not know this? Is Mr. Fang laughing at me in his heart, thinking that I am a frog at the bottom of a well?"

"I just's good to be able to live with a blank sheet of paper like you. Facing the sea, the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming." Fang Yu said softly.

"Mr. Fang was joking...Actually, Sisi also has a lot of distress, but no one talks about it." Xu Sisi sighed.

"Miss Sisi, if you don't mind, you can tell me." Fang Yu smiled.

Xu Sisi turned her beautiful eyes, and her eyes fell on Fang Yu's sincere expression. After a while, she said, "Thank you."

No answer.

But it does not hinder their communication.

"Since you don't want to say it, let's treat the disease first."

Fang Yu handed over the anti-du pill, "You take this first. I'll give you an injection."

"This is?"

"Anti-drug elixir, a fourth-grade elixir."

Xu Sisi was a little surprised and said: "I didn't expect that Mr. Fang is still a pharmacist... a fourth-grade pharmacist, at least among practitioners, he can live comfortably."

"I used to study and play when I was idle and bored, but I didn't expect it to happen." Fang Yu said indifferently.

"Mr. Fang is a talent of the sky. If you study casually, you can reach a level that others can't reach."

"It's better not to praise me... After taking the medicine, take off your clothes."


Xu Sisi squeezed the anti-drug pill, looked at it for a moment, seemed to feel that the pill was not as bitter as imagined, so she swallowed it with her head up.

Immediately afterwards, she said, "Just take off your shirt?"

"This one……"

Fang Yu hesitated, and said, "You have a special kind of Gu poison, I need to force it out completely. Although the gold needle has detected its depth, whether it can be forced out requires careful attention. So ..."


Why didn't the clever Xu Sisi understand what Fang Yu meant.

"Can you not take it off?"

"You don't have to take it off, but if some toxins are attached to the skin when they are excreted, if I don't observe them in time, they will leave poisonous scars for the rest of my life."

Xu Sisi was taken aback.

It is absolutely intolerable for a woman, and still a beautiful woman, to stand with unsightly scars on her skin.

After struggling for a moment, Xu Sisi said, "Actually, I have nothing... I'm just afraid of Ms. Ye..."

Fang Yu laughed loudly and said, "Don't's not as exaggerated as you think. Doctors are parents, if I have any bad thoughts, last time I-"

The atmosphere was suddenly awkward.

Before Fang Yu finished speaking, he changed his words: "Take it off. The effect of the medicine should have kicked in."


Xu Sisi did feel the effects of the medicine taking effect.

The scalding heat flowed back and forth with the blood, which made her feel hot and dry.

The coming of winter has not made this heat show any downward trend.

Seeing that she was about to take off her clothes and strip naked, Fang Yu deliberately avoided looking at her and turned to the window.

Xu Sisi took off her clothes and lay down on the bed relying on her own strength.

Same as last time... To avoid embarrassment, she chose to face the wall.

"Mr. Fang, I'm fine..."

Only then did Fang Yu turn his head, his eyes fell on the slender figure...

He didn't dare to read too much, for fear that distracting thoughts would affect his concentration.Raising his hand, three gold needles appeared.

call out.

huh huh.

The golden needle fell and stuck on different parts of Xu Sisi.

With a muffled snort, black blood flowed out along the golden needle!

Fang Yu secretly said: "It seems that the poisoning is not serious."

(End of this chapter)

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