Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 459 I want to follow you

Chapter 459 I Want to Follow You (Part [-])

Fang Yu stretched out one palm.

That fragment was suspended in his palm wonderfully, exuding dazzling brilliance and shining brightly.

Bai Ruoling was amazed...

With her cognition and insights, she has no idea what happened.

Just as she was about to ask, Fang Yu interrupted her——

"Bai Ruoling, it's mostly because of this fragment that you became a killer on the Tianbang list. The fragment contains a sense of inner energy, which is of great benefit to warriors... I originally planned to take back the energy from you. But now It can't live without that energy. So, the energy stays with you."

Bai Ruoling's heart skipped a beat.

A trace of doubt flashed in the clear eyes.

"Is this fragment really yours?"

"Can there be a fake? As for the reason, I won't explain it to you... Knowing too much is not good for you." Fang Yu grabbed the fragment with his big hand, and he caught the fragment in his palm.

"Can you tell me your real identity?" Bai Ruoling asked expectantly.

"real identity?"

With a calm expression, Fang Yu slowly took out the giant token from his body and threw it to Bai Ruoling.

Bai Ruoling caught the giant order, and when she saw it clearly, her face changed slightly, and her clear eyes couldn't help but widen——

"See the giant! Bai Ruoling didn't know that you were a giant, please forgive me!"

Saying that, Bai Ruoling knelt down on one knee.

With a respectful attitude, arched hands, lowered eyes.

Fang Yu said lightly, "Get up and talk."


"It's different now, I'm the tycoon of the dark web, so I don't have to abide by those red tapes... In modern society, there is no reason to kneel down at every turn?" Fang Yu said.


Bai Ruoling suddenly became a little cautious this time.

The whole person is much more nervous than before.

"The killer organization of the dark web was created privately by Tang Yan, the giant of the dark night. Lei Hao, the giant of the thunder, took cover from it. I have executed the two of them on the spot. From now on, there will be no other private organization in the dark ,become free!"

This sentence, you are free.

Bai Ruoling's heart was blank for no reason.

The feeling of emptiness is very uncomfortable.

Thinking back, such an organization is not my final destination, so why not forget it?
She mustered up her courage, met Fang Yu's gaze with her eyes, gritted her silver teeth, and said, "I, I... can I, follow you for the rest of my life?"


Fang Yu couldn't help being startled, and said, "Bai Ruoling, many things are not as simple as you think. After two years, you will know."

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting. You will understand by then. Next week, you can go to work in Ye's Group."


Fang Yu took the memory fragment and walked across the street.

Looking at his receding back, Bai Ruoling didn't know what to say, turned to look at the corpse on the ground, turned and left.

She knew that such a special person would be dealt with by someone in the dark net.


After Fang Yu left the bustling street, he notified the members of the dark net to come to deal with the matter.

The matter of warriors can only be handled by the dark net.

Now Fang Yu's status in the dark web has already overshadowed the giant of light.However, he rarely participates in daily tasks.

In addition, the number one title in the combat power list is no longer important to him.So, he made people take the initiative to kick the rankings, and he conceded defeat... His ranking kept dropping, and he had long since disappeared.

a long time.

The iron fist was gradually forgotten by people.

Only the old members of the dark net know... Iron Fist is Nan Bowan in the dark net.


Fang Yu did not return to Ye's house, but went directly to a hotel.

He needs to absorb the remaining energy and memory from the fragments as soon as possible.

So as not to affect the fragments on the body.

in the room.

Fang Yu stepped down cross-legged.

Take out the main shard that you wrote with you, and the shard you just obtained.

"It doesn't matter if you need energy or not... The most important thing is those combat skills, experience, and knowledge..."

He knew that the energy contained in the memory fragments could help him improve part of his strength.But now that he has Shenlong Jue, that part of energy seems tasteless to him.Moreover, Bai Ruoling needed that part of energy very much.

"I want to take back all the combat skills that once belonged to me!"

Fang Yu stared persistently, "It's just... how can I not be affected by the emotions and characters in memory?"

He doesn't like the extreme killing of the previous Dragon Emperor in the fragments.

Because of this, the Dragon Emperor has offended too many people invisibly.

Otherwise... with the power of the five great temples back then, how could it be possible to fall so easily.

Looking at the two fragments in front of him, Fang Yu felt emotional.

He will not give up those once precious things that belonged to him... But those bad things will naturally be discarded.

"By the way, the magic circle...isolating the magic circle!"

Among the isolation magic circles, there is a magic circle that protects the mind.

This kind of magic circle is not difficult to draw, and it is easy to release... Because it is often not used, it is easy to be forgotten.

It is said that only some great powers will be used when cultivating the Dao heart and dispelling the demons.

Thinking of this, Fang Yu couldn't help but smile slightly, and began to draw the magic circle.


The characterization of the isolation circle is complete.

Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu sat in the magic circle and raised his hand slightly.

The debris floated up.

At the moment of suspension, the fragments emitted a faint light.

In that light, countless scenes came rushing towards us.

With the previous two experiences, Fang Yu has become accustomed to the sudden appearance of these scenes, and is not as nervous as before.

In the picture, he seemed to see the young man practicing agility on the mountain, jumping back and forth, dodging, as fast as the wind and shadow.



palm method.

It's all about the young man practicing tirelessly.

Every move, every style... Fang Yu felt the same way, as if he had practiced it before.


He felt a slight chill hit him.

Blood, darkness, killing...

The scene was chaotic and heart-piercing.

When these images were about to fly into Fang Yu's mind, the isolation circle suddenly lit up, blocking those images from the outside.

Fang Yu couldn't help being surprised.

"It seems that these are all negative emotions..."

Although the isolation circle blocked those pictures, it didn't mean that Fang Yu couldn't get this part of the memory.He can empathize with the part that enters his mind and form his own.

Those who were kept out, he just watched it as a movie, that's all.


Time passed by minute by minute.

All the pictures, what should be obtained, were all obtained by Fang Yu.

follow closely.

Fang Yu felt the yang energy all over his body, and became restless.

"It seems that even if there is no energy, these past memories will still arouse the most yang energy in the body!"

"But... this time there is no ice bed, no cold pool... how can I suppress this yang energy?"

(End of this chapter)

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