Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 467 Who is it?

Chapter 467 Who is it? (two more)

Everyone was stunned and looked up.

The person who came was none other than Lin Weifeng, the heavenly wizard of the Liuli School.

Holding the long sword, Lin Weifeng slowly lowered it, came to Fang Yu, bowed and said: "Senior, I also want to follow the senior to wipe out the enemy!"

Before Fang Yu could speak.

Chen Daotian said, "Brother Lin, you are really interesting. The Liuli School still expects you to inherit it. If you run away, who will inherit it?"

Lin Weifeng looked calm and said:

"I am devoted to Taoism and practice, and I have never thought of being the suzerain of the Liuli Sect."

"Hey, it turned out to be a martial idiot. Brother Yu, what do you think?" Chen Daotian said.

Fang Yu looked at Lin Weifeng and said:

"Your aptitude is good... To be honest, the dark net is indeed in the midst of employing people. Although the Liulizong and the Mobei Xu family listen to me, they have their own plans after all... However, the road ahead is uncertain and dangerous. Have you thought about it? Also, will Shangguan Hong and the Seventh Son agree?"


Lin Weifeng said in a serious and serious tone:

"Master Seventh Son knows that I am devoted to cultivation, and encourages me to pursue the Dao... Only the master is there, but I believe he will understand... Senior, no matter what the future is, I have made up my mind, and I hope that senior will make it happen! "

Say it.

His body was low and his attitude was reverent.

Xu Huanwen from Mobei scratched his head and said, "You have to have my awareness... For example, not afraid of death."

Lin Weifeng glanced at Xu Huanwen, and said with disdain: "I, Lin Weifeng, have been practicing for more than [-] years, and I have passed through ghost gates countless times. Why should I be afraid of death?!"

Xu Huanwen was startled, bared his teeth and said: "I like you like this! Brother dei, you have enough temper!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward and put his arms around Lin Weifeng's shoulders.

Lin Weifeng was not used to it and wanted to avoid it.

"Brother dei, don't be so cautious, you are a big man, and I won't eat your tofu! Come on, have a smile."


Watching them chat unscrupulously.

Fang Yu said:

"Okay, now that you've figured it out, let's go. The ugly words come to the fore... No matter what the future holds, I will walk the path I choose, even if I'm kneeling!"


A group of people left the Ye family villa in a mighty manner.

Watching their backs going away.

Ye Xingkong was in a daze.

I don't know what he thought of, maybe it was the fighting and killing, the blood and tears of fighting in the past, which made him sigh.

"This world always belongs to them!"

Behind him, Zhong Long also said with emotion: "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the new generation replaces the old ones. This has been true since ancient times."

Ye Xingkong nodded, seemed to think of something, and said: "Mr. Zhong, let's go see the old man today."

"Well, I also want to talk to the old man."



Yanjing, the dark web branch.

It is not a luxurious high-rise building.

It is a park similar to a large factory.

In the middle of the park is a five-story office area.

Only the insiders know that it is not an office chair and desk, but a training hall, gymnasium and other leisure facilities.


Fang Yu and his party arrived at the branch.

The brothers in the branch have already prepared and waited in the park.

I saw one car after another stop.

Everyone's breathing became tense.

"Finally, I can see the true face of the boss!"

"Tch, I've seen him three times, and I even took a photo with him."

"Blow it! The boss will take a photo with a guy like you?"

"Really, it was in the hospital. I gave fire ganoderma to Mr. Chen, and he stood beside Mr. Chen so handsomely. He is really handsome!"


Everyone resisted the urge to vomit.

"Stop talking!"

At this time.

Headed by Fang Yu, Ye Wenjun, Chen Daotian and others entered the park.




Everyone was excited and looked at Fang Yu with burning eyes.

There are only a small number of newcomers, a little dazed, but they are not afraid at all.

Fang Yu looked around and said, "After the first battle at the headquarters, the number of people has decreased a lot."

"Yeah...but the rest are all elites! Brother Yu, don't worry, these people are all selected by me! They are all my confidantes!"

Chen Daotian said awe-inspiringly, "Come here."

Swish swish.

Everyone came over.

"Brother Yu!"

Everyone said in unison, "Brother Yu!"

"Also, call me sister-in-law!" Chen Daotian put his hand in front of Ye Wenjun.

Everyone was startled.

Unexpectedly, this woman who looks like a fairy is actually the woman of a giant.

Everyone became respectful, with nothing but awe in their hearts.

"sister in law!"

Ye Wenjun lowered his head in embarrassment.

Fang Yu knew that Ye Wenjun did not have such a thick skin to deal with this situation, so he said loudly: "Everyone go to work, don't relax!"




In the training hall between Fang Yu and the others, they stopped and waited.

He was thinking, who would attack the dark web?

Ye Wenjun didn't say a word, just stood beside him so quietly.

After a long silence, she opened her mouth and said, "You became a giant of the dark web?"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "It was unanimously recommended by everyone, and I can't help it."

"Did something happen to the darknet?" Ye Wenjun asked.

Seeing her asking the bottom line, Fang Yu told her the ins and outs of the matter.

After hearing this, Ye Wenjun realized the seriousness of the problem.

I also understood why Fang Yu came here in person.

The enemy seems to be targeting him on purpose.

At this moment, Lin Weifeng walked over.

"Senior, before I came to Yanjing, I heard some rumors from a friend."

Fang Yu was startled slightly, and said, "Say."

"My friend told the Liuli School to be honest. It is said that the Black Mountain School is secretly investigating the Hongmen... So, I suspect that this incident has something to do with the Black Mountain School." Lin Weifeng said.

"If it's just the Montenegro sect, things will be easier to handle... Don't forget, above the Montenegro sect is the Baizeshan sect, one of the 72 sects, which belongs to the Five Great Temples and is managed by the empress. The Montenegro sect will never dare Do whatever you want." Fang Yu said lightly.

When Lin Weifeng thought of Fang Yu's real identity, he shuddered.

"My friend also revealed a piece of news. He said that Sun Chu, the young master of the Black Mountain Sect, seems to have arrived in Yanjing. This person is narrow-minded. Even if the Black Mountain Sect did not do the night attack on the dark web, it is estimated that He ordered."

Fang Yu nodded.

"No matter who it is, we will know tonight."

Just finished speaking.

A voice came from outside the training hall.

"Report. Calling in from outside!"

Fang Yu couldn't help but startled.

Who the hell is so bold... The kind who doesn't pay attention to the dark net at all, and hits it as soon as he says it!
"Let them in!"


In the training hall.

Brothers of the Darknet, all assembled.

The purpose of today is to wait here for the forces that attack the dark web at night.

Who on earth is it?
Headed by Fang Yu, the rest stood behind them in unison, looking directly outside the gate.

A voice came in——

"As long as the members of the dark net, those who resist will be shot and killed, and those who surrender will not be killed. If you don't kill the Iron Fist King for a day, you won't give up encircling and suppressing the dark net for a day!"

The crowd rushed in.

Fang Yu looked over.

When he saw the appearance of the visitor clearly, he couldn't help but widen his eyes——

"Ji Qiubai?!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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