Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 537 No need for holy-level means at all

Chapter 537 You Don't Need Holy Rank Means at All (Part [-])

Fang Yu glanced at her indifferently, and said:

"Doctor Song knows about your symptoms, but will he know that you have purple congestion in your abdomen? Does she know that you have... a lump in your thigh?"


Tuoba Xueer froze for a moment.

These are the daughter's house, relatively hidden parts.

She didn't say anything, and Song Gusheng didn't check it... How can a woman's body be checked by a man casually?Therefore, Song Gusheng was not aware of these symptoms.


How did the master in front of him know?
Tuoba Xueer was about to ask—

Fang Yu said lightly:

"As a professional doctor, and a miracle doctor praised by everyone... If you can't even see these problems, you are in vain as a miracle doctor."

"You... you, are you so powerful?"

"It's not that good, it should be a little bit better than your Uncle Gu Sheng." Fang Yu said with a smile.

Tuoba Xueer was stunned.

Since she was a child, she believed that the person with the best medical skills in the world was her Uncle Gu Sheng, but she never thought that there was someone even better.This surprised her.

Fang Yu glanced left and right, his eyes fell on the old woman and said: "I have a few more personal conversations with your princess, you step back."

The old woman looked embarrassed.

Ben was ordered to watch over the princess, if he went out like this, he would definitely be punished by Tuoba Yong.

The old woman thought for a while and said, "I'll go to the corner over there."

Wait for the old woman to go to another room.

Tuoba Xueer rolled her eyes and said: "It's so mysterious, what do you want to say? Oh, I see, do you think I'm pretty, you like me, and you want to confess to me? It must be Like this... My senior sister said that once a beautiful woman like me goes down the mountain, she will definitely attract men's attention. Now it seems that it is true. Huh? Why are you rolling your eyes? Did I hit the spot? Feeling guilty? You don't have to be so ashamed, it's not a big deal... Who made me look so beautiful. Oh, I'm sad too..."

Fang Yu: "..."

If it's just on the surface, the average doctor really can't see anything wrong with her.

Even healthy.

Just too narcissistic.

Fang Yu was speechless for a while.

"I want to ask you, do you prefer to stay in the mountains, or in the bustling city of Jiangzhou?" Fang Yu asked.

Tuoba Xueer was stunned for a moment, showing a look of doubt.

"Why do you ask that?"

Fang Yu had already seen that this girl didn't like staying in the mountains at all. From her playing with her mobile phone, she could tell that this was not Bai Ze's princess, but a lively urban girl.

"I can help you stay in Jiangzhou for a long time." Fang Yu said lightly.


"of course it's true!"

Tuoba Xueer showed surprise, and said, "You have a solution?"

"Of course there is."

"Great! I suddenly discovered that you are much more handsome than before... like the Prince Charming I often dream of... Ouba, you are so handsome!" Tuoba Xueer was about to jump on the Went up to hug, but was blocked by Fang Yu.

After all, the old woman was still peeking at it from time to time.

"But you have to promise me one condition..." Fang Yu began to negotiate conditions.

"Tell me, no matter what the conditions are, I will agree to you..." Tuoba Xueer said excitedly.

"Leave Bai Zeling behind."


Tuoba Xue'er couldn't help being surprised, and said: "Bai Zeling's matter is very important...I can't give you this thing."

"Look..." Fang Yu shook his head lightly, "The reason why I want Bai Zeling is to protect myself... You have also seen that your father is thirsty for talents and wants me to join Bai Zeling, but I am free. I'm used to it, I don't like to submit... May I ask, if you were the suzerain, what would you do if you were the suzerain?"

Although Tuoba Xueer is younger, she is extremely intelligent.

Hearing this question, he couldn't help but took a step back, shook his head and said, "No, it's impossible, my father is not that kind of person..."

Fang Yu didn't speak.

Tuoba Xue'er said again: "Then why don't you join Bai Ze? Wouldn't you be safe then? Enjoy the inexhaustible glory and wealth...Even I have to obey your orders!"

Fang Yu shook his head and said:
"The reason for my refusal has already been told to your father, and I don't want to repeat it."

Tuoba Xueer remembered the few reasons Fang Yu said, and couldn't help frowning slightly, what a proud person!
Think for a moment.

Tuoba Xueer said: "Let me try. I can't guarantee that Father will give me Bai Zeling."

Fang Yu nodded, but did not speak.

Tuoba Xueer said:

"Then you can treat me now... I also really want to see the means of the holy rank."

Fang Yu laughed and said:

"Your illness doesn't need holy-level methods at all. What you suffer from is a rare sleepwalking insanity... actually it's caused by years of oppression in the mountains, coupled with not being diligent in cultivation, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days , and eager for success, the dantian became deformed, oppressing the nerves, causing insomnia, anxiety..."

"Ah? Then how to cure it?"

"I have a genius treasure here, which can solve your illness."

As he spoke, Fang Yu took out something from his bosom.

That thing suddenly bloomed with brilliant colorful brilliance, which is too beautiful to behold.

Tuoba Xue'er had never seen such a strange thing before, and was immediately attracted to it, staring at it intently.

"What is this? It's so beautiful."

Fang Yu said with a smile: "This is called a colorful lotus. I got it by chance from a secret place... It can help you stabilize your dantian and unblock your meridians... As for other problems, you just need to stay at the foot of the mountain and they will heal themselves."


Tuoba Xueer was surprised: "That's it?"

"That's it." Fang Yu said.

"Oh." Tuoba Xue'er was a little skeptical. "I thought you were really a holy doctor, but it turned out that you relied on geniuses and treasures."

Fang Yu smiled without saying a word or explaining, so he broke off a third of the Qicailian, put it in her palm, and said, "Take it."

"Huh? Is this food edible?"

Tuoba Xueer was holding the colorful pan, dazed, struggling for a moment, but she still treated the colorful pan as steamed buns, and ate it.


At the same time.

In the courtyard of Gushengtang.

Tuoba Yong, the suzerain of Bai Ze, stood proudly in the courtyard.

Not a word was said.

His attitude and momentum were completely opposite to those in front of Fang Yu.

His gaze swept across Lu Qinghong and He Qianqiu sternly——

Raising his hand, a gust of wind swept past.

Lu Qinghong and He Qianqiu didn't dare to resist, they staggered back a few steps, and their faces turned pale after being slapped.

"Sect Master forgive me!"

"Sect Master forgive me!"

The two shivered.

Tuoba Yong said in a deep voice: "I don't care what misunderstandings and disputes you have with Master Fang, in the next period of time, I need you to protect my daughter... In addition, this Master Fang is a rare talent. I hope you find a way to win him over."

"Subordinates obey!"

"Subordinates obey!"

The two nodded in succession.

At this time, one of the attendants whispered: "Sovereign... What if he refuses to submit all this time?"

Tuoba Yong's eyes were calm, and he said lightly: "In this generation of Beishan, who would dare to rob people with me, Bai Ze? In ancient times, there was Liu Bei Sangu, a virtuous corporal in thatched cottage, and there was King Wen of Zhou pulling his chariot, Jiang Ziya. If I don't even have this kind of bearing, I am worthy To be Sect Master Bai Ze?"

"Sect Master is wise!"

"However... this person is arrogant... unless it is absolutely necessary, I will not turn against him." Tuoba Yong said.

Several people nodded.

This is a holy doctor, if he can't use it for himself, no one knows if he will be an enemy in the future... This is exactly what Tuoba Yong is worried about.

(End of this chapter)

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