Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 545 Get out of Jiangzhou

Chapter 545 Get out of Jiangzhou (fifth watch, supplement)

Zhang Bing frowned slightly, and then he understood.

He sneered and said, "Fang Yu, you are really enough to scare me with our leader, right?"

Fang Yu didn't speak, just smiled.


A middle-aged man over half a century old walked in slowly.

Everyone couldn't help but look over.

Zhang Bing and Fang Shaolan also followed the prestige.

When he saw the familiar figure and appearance, Zhang Bing couldn't help but startled, his face changed slightly, he quickly jumped up from the sofa, his attitude became respectful, and he walked up with a smile.

"Leader, you, why are you here?" Zhang Bing said with a smile.

This leader is the top leader of X, surnamed Li, and rushed over immediately after receiving the notice.

"Zhang Bing, what are you doing here?" The voice was a little serious, even angry.

"I'm here to see my nephew? Leader, don't get me wrong. These belong to my nephew and have nothing to do with me." Zhang Bing said with a smile.

The voice just fell.

Leader Li kicked him over.

Zhang Bing didn't dare to hide, he kicked hard, screamed, and sat on the ground, looking at the leader in horror.

"Leader, you...why did you kick me?"

"Why did you say I kicked you...I order you, and you, the mother-in-law, to apologize to Mr. Fang!"

Mr. Fang?
Zhang Bing and Fang Shaolan were stunned.

In a state of complete bewilderment.

"Zhang Bing, let me say it again, immediately apologize to Mr. Fang!"

The sound was so loud that it frightened him dumbfounded on the spot.

After all, Zhang Bing is also extremely afraid of this leader when he is in the unit. He is respectful in everything, and he dare not go west if he is told to go east.


He didn't expect that the leader asked him to apologize to Fang Yu.

"Leader, you, did you make a mistake, this is my want me to apologize to my nephew?"

Another kick kicked in the past.


Zhang Bing's face was full of pain, and his wife Fang Shaolan covered her mouth, terrified.Her husband is her greatest reliance, and if even her husband can't handle something, she, a woman, will take care of everything.

The presence of a leader means that this matter is serious.She dared not speak, and began to tremble all over.

After being kicked, Zhang Bing got up in a panic, came to Fang Yu, bowed and said, "I'm sorry...Fang, Mr. Fang..."


Fang Yu didn't even look at him, but shifted his gaze to the leader, and said, "Are you Li Guangze from Bureau X?"

Li Guangze was startled, nodded and bowed quickly, came to Fang Yu, and said, "I am...Mr. Fang, my subordinates made mistakes, and I'm all to blame. I'll make it up to you!"

Fang Shaolan and Zhang Bing suddenly turned ashen.

Even their leader wants Fang Yu to bow down, so what is Fang Yu's identity?
Fang Yu said lightly: "It's time for you to take a good look at the positions."


Li Guangze suddenly became clever and said, "Understood!"

With a change of tone, he said to Zhang Bing, "Zhang Bing!"


"Starting today, you are no longer a member of X, and you will hand in your resignation letter to the personnel department tomorrow morning!"


"Ah, what! Don't think I'm joking, and don't let me rush you. If I don't see your resignation letter tomorrow morning... I'll see you!"


Zhang Bing's mind went blank.

He staggered and sat down.

He was completely bewildered.

Li Guangze looked at Fang Yu with a smile and said, "Mr. Fang, are you satisfied?"

Fang Yu nodded and said, "What do you think?"

This rhetorical question.

Li Guangxi rolled his eyes.

"I will check Zhang Bing's property according to the procedure. If corruption is found..."

Zhang Bing suddenly turned pale.

"No, no...Leader, I was wrong, leader..." He kowtowed to admit his mistake.

This is his fate, once found out, it is not as simple as losing his black hat, he will definitely be imprisoned.

"Go away! What are you doing early?"

"I, I... I don't know..." Zhang Bing said with an ugly face.

Li Guangze glared at him and said, "You said that Mr. Fang is your nephew? You're such a pig... You don't even know who you are, Mr. Fang!"


Zhang Bing swallowed, and looked at Fang Yu in bewilderment.

Li Guangze stretched out his hand and introduced:

"Mr. Fang is the honorary president nominated by the bosses of the Jiangzhou United Chamber of Commerce... In addition, Mr. Fang is also the chief person in charge of the darknet in Jiangzhou... In other words, even our X unit must Follow the leadership of Mr. Fang. Besides... this Miss Ye Wenjun is the daughter of the Ye family, a family of martial arts in Yanjing... The current situation of Yanjing's unification of merchants and martial arts is all created by the Ye family... This girl Xu Sisi, It's from the Xu family in Mobei. This girl..." He froze for a moment, then smiled dryly, "Forgive me for being stupid, I really don't know her, but I'm sure her status is not low."

Shangguan Linghui said indifferently: "I don't have any status... I come from Beishan Glazed Sect, and you don't even know it. I'm the maid of the Fang family."

"Glass Sect?"

Indeed, I have never heard of it.

At this moment, Xu Sisi smiled and said, "Sister Shangguan really knows how to joke..."

"Sister Sisi, you're making fun of me again."

The two laughed.

Seeing that they are so close, no matter how stupid Li Guangze is, he can guess what it is.Immediately bowed and said: "Meet Miss Shangguan!"

"Don't beg me... If you want to beg, you must beg Sister Wenjun. There are three of us, and Sister Wenjun is the biggest."

Li Guangze understood and cupped his hands towards Ye Wenjun.

Unexpectedly, Ye Wenjun said: "This is the Fang family, the head of the family is sitting in front of you, it is useless for you to worship us."

Isn't the meaning of this statement obvious enough?
circled around.

It was Fang Yu who made the final decision.

All eyes were on Fang Yu.

Zhang Bing immediately crawled over and said with a mournful face, "Nephew... I was wrong... I was really wrong! Please forgive me... I shouldn't have done that, I was wrong..."

Fang Yu looked at him indifferently.

Fang Shaolan also took a stride, knelt down on the ground, and begged for mercy: "Nephew... Auntie is fast...Auntie really doesn't mean anything!"


The voice is very soft, but very deep.

All of a sudden the audience fell silent.

"It's because of the blood relationship between you and my father that I tolerate you all the time shouting here... From now on, you are no longer part of my Fang family... Get out of here, get out of Jiangzhou."

The two were stunned.

"You don't deserve the surname Fang... When the Fang family was destroyed, you hid. It's understandable to survive. You helped the Sun family sell information, thinking I didn't know?"

Fang Shaolan was shaken all over.

Couldn't speak at all.

"Don't think my words are alarmist, you'd better do what I say."

PS: Heishan Yimen and Bai Ze are about to start changing.

(End of this chapter)

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