Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 576 Endless Controversy

Chapter 576 Endless Arguments (Part [-])
None of them expected that in order to win over Fang Yu, they would even be willing to take out the Nine Turns Huangquan Pill, which was brought back to life.

For practitioners, this kind of elixir is equivalent to saving one's life!

As for whether it can really be brought back to life, no one knows.Because this thing is too precious, few people use it.


The pharmacist who refined it, his status, and the efforts he put in all proved the importance of this Jiuzhuan Huangquandan.

Just when he thought no one was arguing with him—

Someone stood up again and said with a smile:

"My friend, you are really generous... But you may not know that Mr. Fang is not only a holy doctor, but also a master alchemist. As far as I know, Mr. Fang once refined the medicine on the third floor of a hotel. The eighth-rank Soul Condensing Pill, a pill with spiritual wisdom, even attracted Dan Lei. It should be noted that...Mr. Essence of blood. This shows...Mr. Fang's talent is much higher than that of Master Mu. I believe that in a short time, Mr. Fang will become a master of refining medicine even more powerful than Master Mu!"

This statement came out.

The whole place was silent.

The reason why they came here was to win over Fang Yu.

It was simply because Fang Yu was a holy doctor.

The word "holy rank" is enough to make all the sects ready to move.

But none of them paid attention to Fang Yu's other identity - a pharmacist.

Listen to this person.

Everyone quickly pondered.

It is not impossible to refine eighth-rank pills and become ninth-rank or even holy rank in the future. Moreover, he is young and has a lot of time to work hard.This possibility is great!
A holy doctor, and a holy pharmacist?
Anyone who is not a fool knows what this means.

Just then-

Tuoba Xue'er stood up and said proudly: "You idiots, brother Yu is more than just an eighth-rank pharmacist. My life was cured by brother Yu... He made a medicine that can glow, you Have you seen it?" Looking around, everyone said nothing, "I haven't seen it... Ruddy! The medicine that exudes seven colors... After I take it, the disease will be cured!"

There was an uproar.

There was a lot of discussion.

"Tuoba Yong's daughter, didn't she become insane? It is said that it was caused by her dantian... She was cured by seeking medical treatment everywhere. She was actually cured by Mr. Fang?"

"If what she said is true, then Mr. Fang's refining level is definitely not below the eighth grade."

"Didn't she just say that? Seven-colored pills. That's the characteristic of nine-rank pills that open spiritual wisdom."

"Princess Tuoba has no reason to lie, and Bai Ze's lineage wants to win over Mr. Fang, so there is no reason to praise him!"

Think about it this way.

Everyone thinks it makes sense.

They thought about it for a while.

A holy doctor, plus the identity of a future holy pharmacist.

These two identities are not what the original weight can win over.

After a brief silence.

Zhang Yue'er from Xuanmen leaned back again and said, "I didn't expect that Mr. Fang is not only a holy doctor, but also a master of alchemy... Yue'er has never worshiped anyone in her life, and Mr. Fang is definitely the first person Yue'er admired. If Mister doesn’t dislike her, Yue’er is willing to follow Mister and work hard to learn art and alchemy. From now on, she will work like a horse and serve Mister.”


Everyone was speechless.

To put it more bluntly, it's almost a promise of body.

Tuoba Xueer, who heard this, cursed again in a low voice: "Fox, you don't know shame at all."

But the Taoist sect simply ignored Tuoba Xueer.

As long as Fang Yu can be won over, what's the point of caring about these?

The envoy of Feng Jianzong said loudly:

"I thought about it for a while. The man just said is right. How can the sword of the windchaser be worthy of Mr. Fang's status? As long as Mr. Fang is willing, I think the suzerain will definitely give his sword to Mr. Fang !"

"Cut! You can't replace your suzerain and draw big cakes. Besides...Mr. Fang is a holy doctor, and he cares about weapons. If he comes to our Blood Sword Hall, a master of the blood sword hall, he will be killed at will." Mr. Fang dispatched! In addition, all the medicinal materials that our Blood Sword Hall currently has can be owned by Mr. Fang!"

The weight is getting bigger and bigger.

One after another in the hall, there began to be some quarrels.

"Aren't these normal? Mr. Fang should have all the medicinal materials wherever you go... If you can't give better ones, don't fart... As long as Mr. Fang comes to our Jujianmen. As long as it doesn't violate the sect's rules, Mr. Fang We agree to any conditions!"

Any conditions!

It's starting to run out of bounds.

"Fart! Jujian Gate is full of old men, Mr. Fang is on your side, should you let these rough men take care of you?"

"It's as if there is some woman in your Blood Sword Hall..."

"That's better than you. At least Mr. Fang has come to our side, and the Blood Sword Hall can take care of everything from food and daily life to practice!"

"You're the fart!"

"Fuck your motherfucker!"

Under endless debate.

The atmosphere became tense, and swords began to be drawn.

at this time.

with a snap.

Fang Yu patted the table and stood up.

The entire hall became extremely quiet, and a needle could be heard.

Everyone looked at Fang Yu.

Fang Yu glanced at the audience, and said loudly: "I accept your wishes... I am used to being free. I don't like restraint. So I will not go to the invitation of your 72 sects."

"Why?" Someone asked suddenly.

Fang Yu glanced at the man with a smile, and said:

"Have you ever thought... Even if I go to one of your sects, who can guarantee that other more powerful sects will not attack me. There is a saying that is good, if it is not my race, its heart will be different." If you can't get it, the best way is to destroy it. Don't say that I look down on your 72 sects, five major temples, wind, thunder, darkness, ice and fire, any one of the masters, poach your corners... Do you dare to resist?"

Everyone fell silent and said nothing.

In front of the five great temples, the 72 sects are all jokes.

The masters of the five great halls are all veritable powerhouses in the sky.

Moreover, their attributes are distinct. Under each temple, there are many heavenly and heavenly Zhou powerhouses coordinating...

This force is far from what they can resist.

at this time--

Fan Wenxuan said: "Mr. Fang's words are wrong... Our 72 sects are originally affiliated to the Five Great Temples. No matter which sect Mr. Fang joins, he will serve for the Five Great Temples. If the master wants someone like us, of course we Willing to let people go, people go to high places. How is the golden scale a thing in the pond? Once the situation changes, it will be a dragon! Mr. Fang will step into the five great temples sooner or later... Before that, we sincerely hope that Mr. Fang can join the sect. At least one day in the future, Zongmen and Mr. Fang can leave a strong mark in the history of practitioners."

Fang Yu looked over suspiciously.

Seeing Fan Wenxuan was smiling all over his face, that smile had a feeling of determination.

"I still say the same thing... I'm used to being free. If you insist on giving me something... that's fine. I'm not greedy, but I'm not stupid either. If you give me something good, there's no reason not to!"

"..." Everyone was taken aback.

"Mr. Fang is really unwilling to join the 72 sects?"

Just finished speaking.

On the second floor, Ye Wenjun's faint voice came——

"Fang Yu will not join any sect. This is the last repeated answer. If you didn't hear clearly, please turn around and leave!"

(End of this chapter)

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