Chapter 59
Yan Hu laughed a few times, and said, "Brother Yu, Brother Ji said he must come and see."

He knew the relationship between Fang Yu and Ji Qiubai, they were the best brothers in the past, they lived and died together, shared weal and woe.When Ji Qiubai heard the news of Fang Yu's return, he couldn't wait to clean up for Fang Yu.

Now that he has this opportunity, how could he not come!

Ji Qiubai glanced at Fang Yu in front of him, showing an excited and sincere expression, and walked up to him——

First punched Fang Yu's shoulder with his fist, and then gave him a big bear hug!

"Just come back! Just come back!"

Fang Yu looked at Ji Qiubai, who was much more mature than before, and said calmly, "You have changed a lot."

Ji Qiubai waved his hands and said, "As you get older...of course it will change."

Following Ji Qiubai's gaze, he glanced around, and asked with concern: "I heard from Yan Hu that someone is going to kill you?"

"It's nothing, I've already taken care of it." Fang Yu said calmly.

Ji Qiubai stood in front of Fang Yu, with a hint of concern on his steady and mature face, and said, "I will find out the truth and find justice for you."

Fang Yu snorted softly: "No need. It's normal to fight and kill people in the Tao these days. I don't care about the truth, they come as long as they want, come and kill as many as they want, I like those who don't have enough skills People come to die!"

A pun, as if speaking to Ji Qiubai.

"Brother Yu is domineering!" Yan Hu beside him beamed with joy, "Brother Yu's title of Iron Fist King is not for nothing!"

This was supposed to be aimed at Ji Qiubai, but Fang Yu didn't dare to confirm it.

"Brother Yu, we haven't seen each other for a long time, let's go, have a drink and catch up!"

Fang Yu looked back at Xu Zhaopei.

It can be seen that Xu Zhaopei has a natural estrangement from the gangsters, and there is an unconcealable embarrassment on his face.

Fang Yu didn't want to go, but Yan Hu's stubbornness made him unable to flinch.

Indeed, as a brother, it's been so long since we haven't seen each other, it's both emotional and reasonable.Seeing that Yan Hu was about to say at the top of his voice that he would cut off the relationship if he didn't drink, Fang Yu could only nod in agreement.

At the same time, he also began to worry about Yan Hu.Ji Qiubai's city is extremely deep, if he really revealed the secret of Mandala, then he must be wary of himself, who can guarantee that he won't attack Yan Hu?
The group got into the car and went to the largest restaurant nearby.

Drinks and dishes are served.


"Miss Xu, I offer you a toast!" Yan Hu picked up the glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Xu Zhaopei smiled awkwardly, her alcohol capacity was not bad, and a glass of wine was harmless, so she took it up and drank it clean.

"Miss Xu, are you Yu's woman?" The fat man was strong and cowardly, and he spoke without restraint.

Hearing this, Xu Zhaopei, who has always been bold and unrestrained, couldn't help lowering her head, her pretty face flushed slightly.Yan Hu's words really make people daydream, what kind of woman is Brother Yu?It's like a little lover, the kind who can accompany the bed and sleep with you at any time...

Seeing her blushing face, Yan Huhan laughed.

"She is my colleague, so don't talk nonsense," Fang Yu said.

How could Yan Hu believe it? It doesn't matter that people will blush because of a question?

"Miss Xu, my Brother Yu is better than Lao Niu. He knows astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom. He is omnipotent and omniscient! Don't give up!" Ji Qiubai said with a smile on his face.

This restaurant is not very high-end, and the tables randomly found in the spacious hall are grouped together.Back then when they were just hanging out in Jiangzhou, it was just like that. Sometimes they ate at roadside stalls, picked up two bottles of wine and drank unscrupulously by the roadside.

Now the past is gone, but the memories are still there.

Xu Zhaopei couldn't be bothered by the talk of these gangsters. After all, she was a bold girl, and she opened her mouth to retort: ​​"You gangsters, don't you just like gossip so much?"

"Hey, we don't gossip, that's a woman's business. Isn't this a lifelong event for Brother Yu!" Yan Hu laughed.

"Look at what you said, discriminating against women? You are not much better than women!" Xu Zhaopei said dissatisfiedly.

Yan Hu was not angry at all, and said: "Aren't all beautiful women as angry as you!"

Fang Yu waved his hands again and again, frowned and said, "Huzi, don't bully women..."

"Oh." Yan Hu lowered his head and snickered, Brother Yu has a woman and forgot his brother...

"By the way, Brother Yu, Brother Ji and I will participate in grandpa's dragon and tiger feast at the beginning of next month. Is Brother Yu interested in coming?" Yan Hu asked expectantly.

"I heard about it, but I'm not interested." Fang Yu doesn't want to have too much interaction with Ji Qiubai for the time being...

"do not……"

Before I finished talking, two cars came out of the restaurant.

Stop at the entrance of the restaurant, and then come down to count.

Fang Yu couldn't help turning his head to take a look, startled in his heart.He had seen the leader one before, and it was Zhou Bufan who recorded the rooftop case last time!

"Fang Yu, please come back with us." Zhou Bufan said in a serious tone as soon as he entered.

As soon as these words came out, the brothers beside him, including Ji Qiubai and Yan Hu, were stunned for a moment.

What kind of temper did Yan Hu have? Dang even slapped the table vigorously, and cursed angrily: "Fart! Arresting people is also based on evidence. If you engage in this battle, you will be scared by Brother Yu?!"

As soon as he slapped the table, the rest of the younger brothers also stood up one after another. Except for Zhou Bufan whose face was calm, the eyes of the others who followed him all had a flash of panic.There aren't many police officers out there today, if these people make a scene, the consequences will be disastrous!
Moreover, these people are not good at first glance.

I thought that their identities would make this group of hooligans fearful.But they are wrong.

Not only were they not afraid, but they slapped the table and shouted on the spot!

Simply lawless!
Zhou Bufan, an expert investigator, spotted Ji Qiubai sitting in the crowd at a glance.

He also knew the background and strength of this person. From the bottom of his heart, this person was also the target he had always wanted to arrest.But he has been suffering from no evidence, so he is allowed to get away with it, and he has become more and more troubled in Jiangzhou these years.

And Zhou Bufan suspects that this Ji Qiubai is inextricably related to them.How could Zhou Bufan offend Ji Qiubai without conclusive evidence?

It's not that he's incapable.

But things are too complicated.

When the atmosphere was about to become awkward, Fang Yu said, "Huzi, what's your name?"

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Yan Hu's face: "What's so great?!"

Xu Zhaopei was a little dumbfounded.

"Huzi, how are you talking!" Fang Yu stopped with a serious face, and then smiled, "You ask me to cooperate with you, and I will definitely accept it, not to mention that I have to win the award for being brave."

Zhou Bufan was slightly taken aback.

He was not for Fang Yu's straightforwardness, but for Ji Qiubai behind Fang Yu.If you want to take someone away from Ji Qiubai's hands, it may be more difficult than going to heaven.

But at this time, Ji Qiubai was holding the chopsticks and holding the cold dishes on the table, looking relaxed and unconcerned.

In fact, Zhou Bufan once knew Ji Qiubai very deeply. This person is famous for his scheming, the more he pretends to be indifferent, the more likely he has troubles in his heart.

This meant that he couldn't move Fang Yu.

Even if Fang Yu is willing to go with him, it won't work.

For a moment, the atmosphere fell into an extremely embarrassing situation.

No one moved, no one spoke.

"It's all there!"

Suddenly, there was a burst of hearty laughter behind him.The person who came was an old police officer with a wrinkled face, over fifty years old, with his hands on his back and serious eyes.

Before he could speak, an irresistible majesty exuded from his whole body.

"Xiao Zhou, let's stop here this time." The old police officer's eyes froze, "The parking lot has been investigated, and I will tell you afterwards."

(End of this chapter)

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