Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 6 The Female President's Invitation

Chapter 6 The Female President's Invitation

Chapter 6 The Female President's Invitation

Fortunately, luck was stopped in time, this Nine-turn Divine Dragon Art is really extremely domineering, it has been a whole year, and it still stays at the third peak level.

I don't know when it will break through to the fourth level.

The master said that the first three stages of practicing Shenlongjue depend on hard work, and the latter is on good fortune and state of mind.This is also the main reason for Fang Yu's return.

He looked up at the time, then went to wash and sleep.

Early the next morning, Fang Yu changed into the clothes provided by the hospital and went to the nurse's duty room.

"Brother Yu, good morning!"

"Yuge Ouba, you look so handsome today."

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu, I want to share a photo with you and post on Moments."

A group of juicy-looking female nurses in the duty room swarmed up, surrounded Fang Yu, compared scissors hands, and took pictures.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, are you overwhelmed by my superb medical skills?"

"Isn't it? The whole hospital knew about your rescue yesterday." A nurse said in a daze.

"Small idea." Fang Yu said complacently.

"Brother Yu, what else can you do besides acupuncture?" one of the younger but pretty nurses asked.

"In addition to acupuncture, I can also massage..." Fang Yu started to look at the nurses as he said that, "Anything I massage, no matter how small, will become bigger!"

Hearing this, the pretty faces of several nurses flushed.


While they were laughing and joking—

Director Du passed by with a straight face.

Because of this operation, he was severely criticized by his superiors, and he was very upset.Fang Yu's appearance put him in an even more embarrassing situation.The whole hospital was spreading Fang Yu's medical skills, which were many times better than Director Du's.

Seeing Fang Yu laughing with several nurses, Director Du coughed coldly:

"Big men, who hang out with female nurses all day long, aren't you ashamed?"

When Fang Yu heard this, he was unhappy, and said, "If you want to do this, you haven't had this chance yet."

Director Du snorted coldly, and left with his hands behind his back.

"What's the matter, Director Du?" A nurse was a little worried.

"I'm sick." Fang Yu said lightly.

"No way? I think he's fine."

"I said he was sick, so he was sick." Fang Yu said with a smile.

A group of nurses were skeptical.

At this moment, at the end of the corridor, Xu Zhaopei, who was dressed in a white coat and had lovely red lips, glanced uncomfortably at the duty room.

When she saw Fang Yu standing in the group of women, she didn't know why, and she was inexplicably furious, and said, "Fang Yu! Director Jiang invites you to go over."

Fang Yu was taken aback, and said, "What are you calling me for? I'm just an ordinary nurse."

But the female nurse at the side said: "After all, you saved the person. It is normal for people to see you. Go."

"That's right, let's go."

Fang Yu shrugged, raised his head, and walked in the direction where Xu Zhaopei was.

Walking all the way to the end of the corridor, Fang Yu said lightly: "Don't stare at me with such eyes, I don't know, I thought I dumped you."

"You—" Xu Zhaopei stamped her feet angrily.


Fang Yu came to the intensive care unit, opened the door and entered.

What came into view was a beautiful and delicate woman.His face became much rosier, his complexion improved a lot, and his whole temperament was upgraded to a higher level than yesterday.Who would have thought that this woman was still fighting Hades on the operating table yesterday?

Her facial features and appearance need no description.Her eyes had already told Fang Yu that she was a noble woman who could only be seen from a distance and not played with.

"Hi, my name is Jiang Wei." The woman greeted while sitting on the hospital bed, leaning on the pillow.

"Didn't you just meet yesterday?"

"I'm a decent person, and I'm formal in everything. Today, I'm formally thanking you." Jiang Wei was serious and serious, her tone undeniable.

"Oh." Fang Yu shrugged and said indifferently.

Looking at Fang Yu's indifferent appearance, Jiang Wei's eyes were complicated, and she said, "Since you know that I am the president of Qingcheng Group, don't you... you are not afraid of me?"

In the Qingcheng Group, Jiang Wei is a woman who says nothing. Whenever she stomps her feet, the earth trembles.

"Why should you be afraid? You are also human, not to mention, you are so beautiful." Fang Yu found it funny.

Jiang Wei was taken aback.

"Do you men like to coax girls like this?"

"What is coaxing? I'm telling the truth." Fang Yu said innocently.

In the corridor, the lights were bright, but there was no one.

The special care ward area was unusually quiet.

Jiang Wei is really a woman who has gone through a lot of ups and downs. Facing Fang Yu's praise, a trace of complexity flashed in her eyes, but soon she returned to calm.

"By the way, how did you get hurt?" Fang Yu became curious.

Looking at Fang Yu, Jiang Wei looked calm and did not speak.

"I see, for a rich woman like you, there must be many people making up their minds. You were kidnapped and blackmailed, right?" Fang Yu gossiped.

"Kidnapping for ransom?"

"Of course." Fang Yu paced back and forth beside the hospital bed with his hands behind his back, looking like a dignified master, "Judging from your wound, the knife that hurt you should be a [Bone Lifting Knife]. It is very easy to handle, and it is not easy to be discovered when hidden, and more importantly, when stabbing people, it is easy to cause separation of flesh and blood, and the lethality cannot be underestimated."

"You seem to be very familiar with knives?" Jiang Wei asked suddenly.


This woman has a really keen sense of smell.

Not to mention bone knives, he has played with all the fruit knives and butcher knives that can be seen on the market-the past is too painful to look back on!

Fang Yu didn't want to mention black history, so he said:
"I used to butcher pigs."


Jiang Wei once again looked at Fang Yu with complicated eyes, "A pig butcher suddenly became a miracle doctor who can rejuvenate... Are you insulting my IQ?"

"Don't you believe it? I swear by the nurse uniform I'm wearing..." Fang Yu raised three fingers.

Jiang Wei suddenly felt dizzy, and interrupted his words by waving her hands again and again, and said, "Okay, I believe it."

"Let's get down to business... As you are, you should not be able to touch the bone knife. This means that someone assassinated you." Fang Yu paced back and forth again, acting as a detective.

A hint of surprise appeared on Jiang Wei's pretty face.

Fang Yu smiled lightly, feeling a little ostentatious, and continued: "You rich people, why don't you spend money to hire a bodyguard?"

Hearing this, Jiang Wei lowered her eyes, sighed, and said, "The bodyguard died in this accident..."

Fang Yu was startled, his eyes widened.

"Since you've seen it, I hope you don't say anything, so as not to startle the snake. This matter is not easy...I must find out who is behind the scenes." Jiang Wei said with firm eyes.

Fang Yu pretended to be calm and said: "Joke, am I the kind of person with a big mouth? I have been a person who knows how to keep secrets since I was a child!"

Just at this moment, Dean Wu's voice came from outside the door——

"Xiao Fang, how's the situation?"

"President Wu, don't worry, the person who assassinated Director Jiang used a bone knife. This kind of knife is relatively short and didn't hurt the internal organs." Fang Yu shouted.


(End of this chapter)

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