Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 606 Absorbing Energy

Chapter 606 Absorbing Energy ([-]rd)
Seeing those two flames, Fang Yu knew what it was!
"It really is a memory fragment!"


He still doesn't understand why the fragments on his chest don't have any induction?
Thought it was something else.

Didn't realize it was still in pieces.

The nine-character mantra has been released.

The ban on the release of the old suzerain at the bottom of the lotus pond was also completely lifted.

at the same time.

Fang Yu stepped on his foot, his body was as light as a swallow, and he hurried towards the two flames.

The whole person is like a cannonball.

With a bang, he caught the two flames.

Seeing this scene, the old suzerain couldn't help feeling excited, and said, "It seems that these two things have been waiting for their real masters."

Fang Yu grasped that casual moment, and suddenly felt a scorching heat, as if burning hot, wanting to imprint it into his soul.

"Oops! A memory fragment that directly vents energy!"

There is no isolation circle, no other preparations.

This surprised him—

"Good Dragon Emperor, do you really want to revive your consciousness? You are still far from being able to replace me!"

Without the isolation circle, the biggest problem is that it will be affected by the negative emotions of the Dragon Emperor.

Right now, the energy of the memory fragments is constantly venting.

If you don't absorb it in time, I'm afraid even those memories will be lost!
After weighing the pros and cons, Fang Yu said loudly:

"Fu Xihuang, help me protect the law!"

"it is good!"

The old suzerain shouted loudly and raised his hand again.

That old big hand seemed extraordinarily powerful at this moment.

"Great Vajra wheel print!"

"seal up!"

A huge seal descended from the sky.

Cover the entire lotus pond.

Fang Yu couldn't help being startled, and exclaimed: "This is the strength of the highest level?"

How terrible is the position of heaven!
Even in his memory, Fang Yu knew enough about Zhitianwei, but it is still incredible to live a new life now.

Too strong.

Hundreds of times stronger than Zhou Tianwei.

It's no wonder that in the circle of practitioners, some people have said that even 1 celestial positions may not be able to produce a supreme celestial position!It is conceivable that the sky is scarce.

The powerful seal seals the energy.

It's a pity that this is not Fang Yu's isolation circle, which can isolate the Dragon Emperor's negative modesty, and there is no better way now!
"Thousands of pounds fall!"

Fang Yu's whole body was like a huge boulder, falling from the sky and directly into the water.

A huge splash.

Soon, it sank to the bottom of the water.

The bottom of the lotus pond in Tai'a Mountain looks very cold.

As soon as Fang Yu sank, the huge chill penetrated into his bones.

"I didn't expect to choose such a good place by mistake." Fang Yu said in his heart.

Every time it absorbs memory and energy, it will generate huge heat and fire.

This water is the natural nemesis of fire.

With such cold water, there is no fear of flames appearing when absorbing energy.


Fang Yu operated the Shenlong Jue underwater.

The characteristics of Shenlongjue were brought into full play.

At their level and realm, they can survive underwater without breathing at all.

Different from ordinary practitioners, Fang Yu only needs to run the Shenlong Jue to replenish the oxygen in his body. Other practitioners have been lurking for a long time, but they will eventually surface!

Fang Yu began to absorb memory fragments.

The fiery red brilliance, along with the fragments on his body, produced the same rhythm.

In an instant.

Fang Yu felt as if he was hit by a powerful energy in his mind.

"So strong energy."

With this powerful energy, countless pictures flooded into my mind.

There is a warm past.

There are unsightly battlefields.

There are unacceptable betrayals, and touching brothers who never leave.

Scene after scene swept through.

Fang Yu frowned, and brought those pictures into his mind.

What followed was bloody, killing, and cruelty!

Qiang Lei's negative emotions immediately filled Fang Yu's consciousness.

"The reason why Shenlong Jue chose me... is because I... am destined to be stronger than your Dragon Emperor! It is impossible to replace me!"

Fang Yu raised his palm and patted his temple.


The sea of ​​consciousness dissipated instantly under the bombardment of his dust-free air.

In other words, Fang Yu knocked himself out.

Those energies are still continuously entering his body.

Images were also entering his mind.


Fang Yu hesitated and passed out, looking extraordinarily quiet.

The world under the water was torn back and forth by those violent scenes, and ripples appeared.

Uru... Uru...

Those black images formed ferocious fangs, claws and claws at the bottom of the water.

He wanted to find an opportunity to hack into Fang Yu's brain.


Fang Yu was always in a coma.

Not breathing.

There was no movement.

Even consciousness is gone.

Strictly speaking, this is equivalent to a suspended animation.In the absence of ontological consciousness, other consciousnesses cannot invade.


Few people would dare to use Fang Yu's way of hitting his own temple.

There is no oxygen at the bottom.

Before long, he would suffocate to death.

How could those evil consciousness find a dead body?

After a while.

The evil consciousness with claws and claws was so angry that it wreaked havoc at the bottom of the water.

at last……

That energy, unable to find shelter, dissipated at the bottom of the water.



at the same time.

Jiangzhou, Fang's family.

After offending 71 sects.

Those suzerains elected a total of fifteen suzerains who were strong in Zhou Tianwei and went to Jiangzhou.

Ten o'clock this morning.

A plane landed slowly on the airport in Jiangzhou.

At the exit, there are many bodyguards, and ordinary people are not allowed to approach.

Not long after... Fifteen middle-aged men in different clothes came to the exit under the leadership of others.

"Sovereign masters, this is the most prosperous city in the southeast region, Jiangzhou... I have prepared the car for you, please come here!"

The fifteen suzerains couldn't help admiring the tall buildings and the vehicles speeding back and forth.

"I haven't been in the city for many years, I never thought... the things here are quite different from before."

"Hehe, my apprentice said that there are iron blocks that can fly and armored cars that can run. You really didn't lie to me."

"Everyone, since there are so many interesting things in the city, let's..."

"No, it's important. Let's go directly to Fang's house. If the five great temples are blamed, you and I can't afford to go around! After solving the matter, you can play for as long as you want!"

"Okay! Then go directly to Fang's house."

The guide couldn't help but startled, and said:

"My lords, please."

A group of people got into the car in a mighty manner.

The bodyguards stood upright and kept the crowd outside.

The car sped towards Fang's house.

After an hour and a half drive.

Fifteen luxury cars parked outside Fang's villa.

Passers-by on the street saw this scene and started talking about it——

"What is the origin of Fang's family... In the past three days, there have been big figures visiting at both ends, so there are so many luxury cars!"

"Who knows, I'm waiting for you assholes, so let's not bother with so many nosy things."

"Tsk tsk tsk, all Lamborghinis! Poverty really limits my imagination."

The fifteen suzerains got out of the car.

All eyes are like falcons.

"It doesn't matter, let's clean it up."


The surrounding bodyguards rushed towards the surrounding crowd without saying a word.

In an instant, the crowd dispersed.

"It's no wonder that the Fang family is so arrogant, and the place they live in is also the premier dragon water treasure land."

"Whether he is a dragon or a phoenix, he will not end well if he is an enemy of us!"

Everyone nodded to each other and walked slowly towards the Fang family compound.

There are dozens of bodyguards on both sides, full of momentum.

(End of this chapter)

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