Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 610 Breaking Formation

Chapter 610 Breaking Formation (Third)

Ye Wenjun's face was calm, and he continued to use his sword moves.

"One Sword Tongxuan" was something she learned from Fang Yu's sword moves.Completely self-taught.

But to the Fang family, it was not surprising at all.

After all, she is Fang Yu's daughter-in-law, and it's normal for a husband to teach his daughter-in-law things.


None of them expected that Ye Wenjun would use a sword to penetrate the mystery under such circumstances.

The sword light first bloomed and spread out in the state of fireworks, and then gathered together at a fast speed to form a sword light, as if it could directly penetrate the mysterious feeling.


The suzerain of the Lieyang Sect has the attribute of fire.

Extremely restrain Ye Wenjun's cold attribute, even if she has dual attributes, she is facing Zhou Tianwei.

It's like a drop in the bucket, to no avail.

The Fang family stared at Ye Wenjun flying away, and it was too late to stop him.

The Four Sacred Generals and 36 Xuantian were dealing with other Zhou Tianwei powerhouses, and they didn't have any energy to take care of Ye Wenjun.

"I'm coming too!"

Shangguan Linghui's heart skipped a beat and he ran away.

She was originally Ye Wenjun's sword slave.

If Ye Wenjun died, she would not live long.

They are grasshoppers tied to a boat.

Each other cannot be lacking.

"Eat me with a whip!"

When the head of Lieyang Sect jumped into the air, he was already preparing to strike ruthlessly.

Seeing Shangguan Linghui rushing from below, he snorted coldly, "Another one sent to death!"

"Iron Fist King, that's all! You need a woman to support your appearance!"

While speaking, he yelled violently: "It's as immovable as a mountain, the palm of fire!"

"Fire Five Skills!"

Five flames suddenly burst out from his palm.

A strong heat wave came from the palm print, scorching the scene.

Five heavy skills!

Zhou Tianwei's fivefold skill!

Can Ye Wenjun bear it?

Shangguan Linghui just ran into the range of the heat wave, but because her strength was too low, she was sent back by the monstrous heat wave.

A mouthful of blood spewed out wildly.

The disciples of the Fang family stepped forward to catch Shangguan Linghui.


Ye Wenjun in mid-air, that one move and one sword Tongxuan has been intertwined with Lie Yan.

Bang bang bang!

The flames and cold air all over the sky echoed each other!
It was definitely the first time for the children of the Fang family to see such a gorgeous battle, and it was even more exciting than the martial arts masters on TV.


The strength disparity in this battle is too great.

Ye Wenjun's move penetrated the mystery with one sword, and after resisting for a few seconds, it disappeared.

"It's still too weak!" Ye Wenjun sighed in his heart.

"Zhou Tianwei... is so terrifying!"

After all, Ye Wenjun is only Xuantian.It is five grades behind Zhou Tianwei.

Don't say she is alone, even if there are ten or a hundred of them, they can't be the opponent of Zhou Tianwei Lieyang Sect Master.

A strong force blasted her away.

Sect Master Lie Yang laughed wildly: "It's beyond my control to shake the tree!"

at the same time.

36 Xuantian's gossip flag is dancing like a tiger.

They all looked up at Ye Wenjun who was in the air.

Can't help speeding up.

"Formation, open!"

The detachment effect of the Eight Diagrams Flag began to appear.

The surrounding air dropped rapidly.

Spiritual energy, internal energy, all were pulled away by the Eight Diagrams Flag!
see this scene.

A suzerain shouted: "Pay attention to the formation!"

"Flag array? is it possible?"

"The formation is expanding, while it is still small, let's end the battle as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

"60 seconds! Just 60 seconds!"

This is the time when a formation is fully presented.

Once 60 seconds have passed, if the formation is not broken, or if they leave this range, Zhou Tianwei's powerhouse will also become an ordinary person and be slaughtered by others!
"Five seconds is enough."

Sect Master Lie Yang, with a face full of anger, waited for Ye Wenjun who flew upside down, "I didn't expect you to be able to withstand my trick! I really didn't expect it at all."

Ye Wenjun's face was calm, and he said lightly:
"You don't know, there are many."

"I'll see how long you're still stubborn..."

The Patriarch of the Lieyang Sect stepped on his foot, and the inner energy all over his body was like a flood, venting out.

The powerful oppression forced Ye Wenjun to retreat again and again.

The impact speed of the formation is too slow.

For those outside the range, the formation is even more powerless.

Ye Wenjun raised his Shuihan sword to meet him.

Bang bang bang!
The three swords slashed over!

The powerful inner element is like bulletproof glass, the protective cover formed by the wind, and ordinary knives, guns and sticks cannot break through the protection of the wind.

"Oops! This power..."

Ye Wenjun frowned, and calculated in his mind, "This power is always far beyond me!"



"Go to hell! If you go to hell, I will personally tell Fang Yu that I killed you! Hahahaha..."

That monstrous palm force struck.

"It's over!"


The children of the Fang family were dumbfounded.

If something happened to Ye Wenjun, would he explain it to Fang Yu?
They all knew Ye Wenjun's status and weight in Fang Yu's heart.


The strength of the opponent is too strong.

Every student of the Fang family present couldn't protect themselves, so how could they take care of others?
Just when everyone thought that Marven Ye would suffer a serious injury——

A crimson brilliance suddenly lit up on Ye Wenjun's body.

Dao Dao energy is like lava spraying.

The Patriarch of the Lieyang Sect said with a face full of surprise: "This is..."

No one knows what that is!
All I know is that the energy brought by this thing is too great.

Only Ye Wenjun knew what it was.

"Phoenix Ancient Jade?"

This inexplicable power made her feel a sense of familiarity.Back then, it was this piece of ancient jade that helped her block many fatal injuries.

Now, facing Zhou Tianwei, Phoenix Ancient Jade had this situation again.


The two groups of energies are intertwined with each other.

Ye Wenjun was bounced back by the force.

The Patriarch of the Lieyang Sect was full of energy and blood, and his face was full of shock, like a kite with a broken string.

"What a powerful force!"

"The strange power in Miss Ye is so strong!"

Xu Sisi quickly caught Ye Wenjun like a superficial touch.

"Sister Wenjun, don't fight anymore! The formation is complete!"

"Yes, the formation is done, don't make fearless sacrifices!" Fang Ju frowned.

In the face of such a scene, even if he is Fang Yu's master, there is nothing he can do.He can only use his status as an elder to keep these juniors from messing around!

at the same time.

In front of.

In the big courtyard.

Tuoba Yong's more than 100 Tiangang Sword Formation surrounded five Zhou Tianwei.

The nine Zhou Tianwei have been controlled by the array arranged by the Bagua Banner, and the inner yuan and air are all pulled away!
There was another person, Sect Master Lie Yang, with an ugly expression on his face, slumped on the ground.

"This little girl actually has such a powerful force! It's incredible!"

"What are you still doing in a daze? Just go all out! The formation is coming!"

The fifteen Zhou Tianwei nodded to each other.

At the same time, a powerful internal energy erupted.

On Tuoba Yong's side, the Tiangang Sword Formation with more than 100 people flew upside down when the five Zhou Tian went all out.

36 Xuantian held the Bagua flag and arranged the formation.

While the nine people in the middle exploded their internal energy——

"Gossip returns to Yuan!"

Air condensation.

It's like a photo freeze!

Li Wenyuan was full of excitement, and shouted: "It's finally done!"

However, I am happy for only a few seconds.

In the direction of the gate, five Zhou Tianwei were still outside the formation, jumped up and shouted: "You are too careless, you fell into their formation!"

With monstrous palm strength, he slapped 36 Xuantian.


Thirty-six Xuantians were blown away.

Poof, poof...

Blood spurted.

The formation was instantly broken!

(End of this chapter)

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