Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 613 Wind God Temple

Chapter 613 Wind God Temple (Part [-])

Beating a dog depends on the owner?
This is obvious. Besides, the comers are the five great temples to which the 72 sects belong.


Which of the five great temple masters will come in person?
Everyone's gazes looked at the direction of the gust of wind at the same time——

I saw eight masters coming on the wind, carrying a sedan chair, gliding in the air.

Step over treetops, step over rooftops!
Finally, it slowly landed outside the gate of Fang's courtyard.

The sedan chair was surrounded by transparent curtains, fluttering with the breeze.

The sedan chair is pressed.

The man walked out slowly.

Holding a folding fan, Pian Pian appeared.

Moshang is like jade, and the son is unparalleled in the world.That's the kind of person he's talking about.

Each appliance is imposing and heroic.

Looks younger than thirty.

when he passed the gate.

The first person to see the appearance of the visitor clearly was Tuoba Yong, the suzerain of Bai Ze's lineage.

Tuoba Yong's face was full of astonishment, and there was a burst of joy in his heart. The five great temples he was looking forward to finally came... Only the five great temples can represent Empress Ziwei.

Only they have the ability to turn the tide of battle.

"Welcome to the Lord of Fengshen Hall!" Tuoba Yong bowed repeatedly.

"Welcome to the Lord of Fengshen Hall..." Tuoba Xue'er also knew that this kind of occasion should not be messed up.

Everyone understood that the visitor was none other than the master of Fengshen Hall, one of the five great temples...Ji Wenxuan.

When Ji Wenxuan walked in front of Tuoba Yong, he paused for a moment, then glanced past Tuoba Xueer, and said indifferently: "Tuoba Yong, let your people back down."


Tuoba Yong waved his hand.

The remaining disciples of the Tiangang Sword Formation retreated to the sides one after another, respectfully.

The remaining nine Zhou Tianwei powerhouses, that is, the suzerains of the 72 sects, also bowed to salute.

"Welcome to the Lord of the Wind God Hall!"

This is the status and power of the Hall Master.

The momentum and power possessed by the strongest in the sky.

Ji Wenxuan's eyes were very indifferent, and he directly glanced over the suzerains of the 72 sects, and landed directly on Xie Daoyun.

Before walking up, Ji Wenxuan clasped his hands in the distance and said, "This junior has seen His Highness the Ice God..."

Xie Daoyun's face was frosty, and he didn't speak.

Ji Wenxuan smiled slightly, and said: "Who am I? The person who dared to kill the 72 sects turned out to be the former master of the Ice Temple. What a disrespect... What happened today should be a misunderstanding. Sorry, Your Highness, today's matter, so far, what do you think?"

He is personable, neither hasty nor slow in speaking, neither humble nor overbearing.

Even polite.


You know, this is also a strong man in the sky.

According to the Fang family's opinion, it is completely possible to stop here and wait for Fang Yu to come back before dealing with it.

However, what is unexpected is that——

Xie Daoyun said lightly: "Leave the lives of these nine people... for the others, I can make a difference."


This tone is beyond doubt!
Just like back then, this momentum and style of acting have never changed.

Ji Wenxuan smiled lightly, and said lightly: "Forgive others and forgive others... Although people from the 72 sects recklessly broke into the Fang family's courtyard, no matter what, it did not cause serious consequences. Your Highness Ice God, look at For Ji Wenxuan's sake, how about I spare them? I can make them kneel down and beg for mercy."

A big wave.

The nine suzerains of Zhou Tianwei were slightly taken aback, although they were very dissatisfied in their hearts, how could they dare to resist the request of the most powerful man in heaven.

Immediately kneel down one by one.

"This junior knows his mistake! I also ask the Ice God to forgive me!"

"This junior knows his mistake! I also ask the Ice God to forgive me!"

"This junior knows his mistake! I also ask the Ice God to forgive me!"

Xie Daoyun remained expressionless, glanced at the kneeling suzerains, and said indifferently: "I don't know you, so I have no face to speak of; secondly, trespassing on Fang's house is a capital offense. I won't repeat this... Otherwise, I don't mind, kill them all!"

What a domineering word.

Hearing this was encouraging.

However, it seems that it is not a good thing to offend the five great temples by being so upright.

This made Ji Wenxuan's face extremely ugly.Don't know what to say.

"Your Highness Ice God, you are a senior, why bother with these juniors? If you insist on killing them, how can I, Ji Wenxuan, sit idly by?"

There are hardly any signs of——

Xie Daoyun tipped her toes, and her whole body was as light as a swallow, and she came to the sky several feet high.


It was the sound of the air condensing into ice again.

A long and narrow ice cone appeared in the air, transparent and shiny.

"Ice line!"

The icicle was like a flash of light in an instant, pushed by Xie Daoyun with a single palm, and it went straight to Ji Wenxuan's face.

The crowd was stunned.

They felt the air around them tremble.

"This is the supreme position! It's terrible!"

All the previous Zhou Tianwei powerhouses are rubbish in front of Zhitian.

Xie Daoyun's gestures seemed to shake the air.

Can directly mobilize the power of natural law!
How terrifying?
Raise your hand and it will freeze into ice!
This is the natural advantage of the cold element, which can condense the moisture in the air together.

Where there is air, there must be water.

see this scene.

Ji Wenxuan yelled violently, and the floor within a diameter of ten meters around him was all shattered, his whole body was like a cannonball, and he put his palms together——

"Dharma palm!"

The palms turned red, as if they had been forged in a furnace for a long time.

With a bang, the ice pick pierced into his palms accurately.

Ice collides with fire.

The ice cone dissipated!

Ji Wenxuan shouted violently: "Don't use Qianlong!"

Between his palms, there seemed to be a dragon-shaped wind, and he pushed his palms forward.The dragon-shaped wind galloped towards Xie Daoyun.

Xie Daoyun's face was calm, with one palm forward.

An ice wall blocked the dragon-shaped wind.



A loud bang.

The ice cubes in the sky shattered and fell to the ground.

Ding, Ding——

The dragon-shaped wind continued to gallop.

Xie Daoyun suddenly fell down and pushed up with both palms.

An astonishing scene appeared.

The original shattered ice turned into thousands of ice blades, bypassing the dragon-shaped wind and attacking away.

Ji Wenxuan's face changed drastically, and he retreated again and again.

"Black Armor! Guard!"

All over his body, Nei Yuan forced out the Gang Qi, which condensed into black armor.

Bang bang bang!
Bang bang bang!

Thousands of skates hit it.

Densely packed.

At the same time, Xie Daoyun was like lightning.

The right hand hangs down at a 45-degree tilt, ba——

There is an extra gleaming ice sword in his hand.

"The sword pulls Tianhua!"

One jump, 45 degrees.

All over the sky.

Those skates that fell on Ji Wenxuan's black armor shattered and turned into ice nails again.

The number is even more terrifying!

Everyone was stunned.

Ye Wenjun was amazed when he saw it: "The sword can hold Tianhua, can it be used like this? I always thought that the broken ice could not be used again... Unexpectedly, Sister Daoyun used it so proficiently. This is the result of thousands of years of hard work..."

This is more than one change into two, two into four, it is simply, one change into a hundred!

The ice nails blocked Ji Wenxuan.


Xie Daoyun, who was holding an ice sword, was not attacking Ji Wenxuan, but the nine Zhou Tianwei, that is, the suzerain jointly elected by the 71 sects!


"What are you waiting for, run away!"

The nine suzerains could no longer restrain their inner fear.

Just when they were desperate.

in the direction of the gate.

A ray of blood came swiftly.

"I'm coming too!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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