Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 631 What are you doing?

Chapter 631 What are you doing?
This woman is the woman with the highest status and the strongest strength on Tiandu Mountain.Empress Ziwei.

She did not come alone.

From the other door of the car, a man wrapped tightly in a black windbreaker came out.Only the chin and cheeks were exposed.

The white beard proves that this person is not young.

There was a strange aura all over him.

"Empress invited me, this is the place??" said the black-robed man.

"Mr. Merlin, it is said that this kind of place is a man's paradise, but all normal men like to come here...Why, don't you like it?" Empress Ziwei has always been reticent, but in front of this black robed man, Can't help but say a few more words.

Merlin, the man in black, said calmly, "This is a paradise for ordinary people. We never set foot here... Dear Miss Ziwei, I'm afraid I've let you down."

"It's okay... The main purpose of coming here today is not for you to enjoy, but for you to help me observe a person."

"Observe a person?"

Hear this.

Mr. Merlin couldn't help exuding his breath.

It has to be said that his sensing ability is very strong, reaching the ability to see all directions with his eyes and ears.

When the perception ability touched Empress Ziwei, it was automatically bounced away, and then entered the Dynasty Entertainment Club.After looking around, he felt an imperceptible breath energy.

Then quickly withdraw.

This kind of close perception is easy to detect.

Merlin nodded, and said lightly, "It's kind of interesting."

Only then did the two enter the clubhouse.

Seeing this, the manager was about to wave his hands to let the beauties on both sides welcome the guests, but he heard Empress Ziwei's cold voice: "Go away."

Everyone was too scared to move.

Wait until Empress Ziwei and Merlin went upstairs.

Those women patted their chests and said: "It's really scary. Good women keep their faces straight every day... they are pretty, why come here."

"Could it be a lesbian?"

"Who knows, but the people who can afford this place must be rich people."

"They know how to play, but it's a pity they don't look down on us."

"Couldn't they do it on their own with the three of them upstairs?"

Just finished.

A gloomy voice came from upstairs: "Take these girls out and chop them up... If it can't be done, I will send someone to do it myself."

The manager was taken aback.

He couldn't help but trembled all over his body, his eyes widened and he said, "Shut up, everyone!"

"To shut up!"

Shutting up like this frightened the group of women even more.

"Manager, what are you doing? You're scaring people!"

"Hey! I was hurt by you guys... come!"

Swish swish.

There must be a lot of security forces in this kind of place.

Hearing the manager's call, many security guards rushed in.

"Take them away...according to the old rules!"

"Old, old rules?"

They all know what the old rules mean.Can't help but be in disbelief, thinking that he heard it wrong.

The manager said in a deep voice, "Hurry up and do it!"

Brush brush!
The security guards rushed forward.

"What are you doing?"

Those women haven't figured out what happened until now, and their faces are confused.

The manager yelled: "I told you, you offended someone who shouldn't be offended... you're going to hell, think about it."

"Manager! Manager, you are joking! You must be joking!"

"take away!"

There was a burst of noise, no matter how noisy they were, they were all taken away by one brain.

The manager looked at those girls and sighed. The security guard next to him asked in a low voice, "Manager, what is the identity of that guest just now?" Can the identity of the person who can make the manager ruthless be simple? ?

The manager glared at him, and said, "Don't ask if you shouldn't! I know I can tell you that this kind of person... Even all the bosses in Jiangzhou combined must kneel in front of her!"

Hearing this, the security guard trembled all over.


at the same time.

After slowly going upstairs, Empress Ziwei had a calm gaze and an indifferent expression.

She could sense where Fang Yu was without someone leading the way.

When she came outside the luxurious private room——

"Damn, this wine is really delicious... I haven't had such a wine for a long time."

"Tsk tsk tsk, it would be great if I could smoke a cigarette, but unfortunately I have given up drinking..."

"Oh, this environment is really good, but there is no beautiful woman to accompany... Well, let's drink another bottle, anyway, there are people treating guests, so don't drink for nothing! Wow... good wine!"

"Speaking of which, this little Ziwei girl looks pretty good... I need some snacks, when can I put such a big man to sleep, and then kick off..."


The door opened.

Air stagnates.

All was quiet.

What comes into view is.

Holding the wine bottle in one hand, Fang Yu was standing on the sofa drinking continuously.

I got a little dizzy from drinking.

There are many wine bottles on the table.

Seeing this scene and hearing what was just said.

Even though Empress Ziwei is the woman who holds the power over his life and death on Tiandu Mountain, she can't help but frown.

Merlin, the black-robed man beside him, said in a low voice: "Miss this the person you asked me to observe? I don't think I need to observe...just kill him."

Ziwei didn't speak.

His eyes fell on Fang Yu who was full of laughter.

Fang Yu's movements seemed to be frozen.

so awkward……

"Well...drink, drank too much... said a few drunken words, you, don't take it seriously..." Fang Yu jumped off the sofa and sat down on it.

With an indifferent expression, Empress Ziwei slowly came to Fang Yu.

Go to the opposite sofa and sit down quietly.

Fang Yu laughed awkwardly, coughed twice, and said, "Actually... I want to show you how glamorous and money-losing modern people are. They are so hopeless and hopeless...Miss Ziwei, you have to Believe me, I actually hate this kind of people. If you have money, you should help the society, build schools, hang out in this kind of luxurious place every day, pick up girls and drink, it's too corrupt, too dark...I feel ashamed for this kind of people!"


"When I came here today, I was wondering how much it cost for a day! As soon as I sat down, I only ordered these wines... I didn't dare to call cigarettes, I didn't dare to call women, it's too wasteful. These few bottles Miss Ziwei won't mind the money for the wine, will she?"

There was a slight twitch on Empress Ziwei's indifferent expression when she said this.

She looked directly at Fang Yu.

After being silent for a while, he turned to look at Merlin and said, "Mr. Merlin, sit down too."

"Thank you Miss Ziwei."

Merlin sat on the other corner of the sofa, didn't speak, just watched.

Fang Yu glanced at it, and said calmly: "Hey, I found a helper... Tell me, what do you want to do when you come to me today? Do you want to understand the conditions I put forward that day?"

Ziwei looked indifferently and said:
"I have already figured out the conditions...but there are some problems that need to be dealt with before then."

"what is the problem?"

"You killed Lou Shanguan, the master of the Dark Temple, what should you do?"

Empress Ziwei stretched out her fair hand, picked up a glass on the table, and gently put it down again.


The glass in the entire private room, and the glass in the entire Dynasty Entertainment Club, all burst and shattered in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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