Chapter 64
In the afternoon, Fang Yu was doing nothing alone in the duty room. He picked up the book and read it for a while, but he felt bored again. He saw a few nurse girls taking pictures with their smartphones. After thinking about it, he took out his own old mobile phone.

"It seems a little out of date."

I need to change my phone.

Just when a nurse passed by, Fang Yu stopped her and asked, "Sister nurse...wait."

The little nurse smiled shyly and said, "Doctor Fang, you... called me?"

Fang Yu smiled and said, "Let me ask you, which mobile phone is better now?"

The nurse was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Of course it's the Apple X, but it's a bit too expensive. A mobile phone costs nearly 1 yuan!"

1 yuan?

So expensive!
However, when Fang Yu returned to Jiangzhou, he didn't have a good experience of modern technology. If he didn't buy a better mobile phone, he would be sorry for himself.

But my salary is only a few thousand yuan a month. To buy a tens of thousands of fast mobile phones, I need several months of salary.

Who can wait for this!

Fang Yu looked at the nurse and secretly asked, "How much is your salary?"

The nurse showed a bitter face, and said aggrievedly: "Oh, my monthly salary is only five or six thousand, plus the year-end bonus and other benefits, the average is less than eight thousand... not as good as you... Dr. Fang, this time As the director, you haven't invited everyone to dinner yet."

Hearing this, Fang Yu almost exploded on the spot.

It's only five or six thousand, and I only get three or four thousand for myself!

What kind of world is this, the director of the Chinese medicine department, why is the salary of the nurse not as good as it?
Okay, Dean Wu, this old man is oppressing me?
The strong inner imbalance made Fang Yu's expression look a little strange.

"Doctor Fang, what's wrong with you?"

"No, nothing."


Back in the duty room, Fang Yu sighed, it was impossible to rely on salary to buy a new mobile phone.I have to think of other can I get rich?
By the way, Jiang Wei is there!
As Jiang Wei's personal doctor, there are more than 2 yuan per month. If you can advance the payment in advance, wouldn't it be enough?There are still leftovers.

With this in mind, Fang Yu couldn't wait to call Jiang Wei.

"Boss Jiang, I can advance some salary, I won't be able to solve the problem this month." Fang Yu began to complain as soon as he got through.

Jiang Wei frowned and said, "How much?"

"Twenty thousand... oh no, of course the more the better."

"Advance [-], I'm in a meeting right now, I'll call you privately when it's over," Jiang Wei said.

"thank you boss!"


After hanging up the phone, Fang Yu became energetic.

"Damn old man, give me such a low salary and strongly demand a strike!"

Fang Yu snorted as he said this, and went downstairs.

Anyway, not many people see a doctor in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.


At the same time, when Dean Wu learned that Fang Yu was absent from work, he bared his teeth and said, "Hey... this little bastard doesn't take work seriously!"

While cursing, his eyeballs rolled around.

"This kid's medical skills are so good, it's not a big deal to be idle all have to give him a name."

As long as the fame goes out, there is no need to worry about no patients.

Thinking of this, Dean Wu smiled like a traitor.



Not long after Fang Yu walked out of the hospital, a limousine drove over on the road.Fang Yu used to play with luxury cars a lot before, and he immediately recognized that it was a top supercar Ferrari.

As soon as the car stopped, a man in a suit with sunglasses got out.

"You are Fang Yu?"

Fang Yu was taken aback, he didn't know this rich man, and his arrogant attitude made people uncomfortable.

"Sorry, I don't see a doctor today."

The man in the sunglasses chuckled and said, "I'm not looking for you to see a doctor. My grandpa wants to see you. Please come with me..."

"Hehe, there are so many people who want to see me every day, who is your grandfather?" Fang Yu sneered.

When the man in sunglasses heard Fang Yu's harsh words, his face changed, and he said angrily:

"Bastard, if grandpa hadn't told me to be more polite, I would have beaten you!"

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said:
"Good dogs don't get in the way, I'm going out, goodbye."

"Wait, you have to follow me!" The man in sunglasses stopped Fang Yu directly.

"Hey, don't you understand human language? Nope!"

The man in the sunglasses held back his anger, his teeth itching, but he had to forcefully suppress his anger, and said, "My grandfather said, I must see you, the old man said, if you see this sign, you must go—"

The man took out a brown wooden sign from his pocket.

Very simple, very simple, with patterns engraved on it.

Fang Yu only glanced at it, then couldn't help being startled, grabbed it, and looked around——

Sure enough, in the center of the front, there is a character carved from an ancient seal: [Lu].

Why is there such a brand in Jiangzhou?

Fang Yu couldn't believe it, thousands of thoughts flashed through his mind.

He put away his cynical smile and said, "Take me to see him."



In the most prosperous area of ​​Jiangzhou, known as an inch of gold and an inch of land, there is a detached villa that rich people can afford.

The building is not gorgeous, on the contrary, it is very simple and low-key.But the wide garden and quaint style make people dare not doubt its value.

At this moment, a Ferrari parked outside the gate.

Passersby passing by nearby pointing——

"Isn't this the young master of the Gu family's car?"

"Yeah, Gu Shaozhen is filial, and he visits his grandfather when he has nothing to do."

"I have money and good character. If only I could marry such a person, it would be great."

"Go ahead and dream, people don't worry about women at all."


The car door opens—

"Huh? Who is that with Young Master Gu?"

"I don't know him, look at his clothes, he looks a bit rusty!"

"Could it be someone who wants to curry favor with Young Master Gu? Look... Young Master Gu glared at him just now."

"I see, Young Master Gu hates this person very much."

"The gap is too big, how can this kind of person stand with Gu Shao?"


main entrance.

The man in the sunglasses was the young master of the Gu family that passers-by said.

Gu Shao looked at Fang Yu with disdain, and said:

"Don't look at it, this manor, even if you struggle for a hundred lifetimes, you can't afford it... My grandfather will let you take a look, it's the blessing you cultivated in eight lifetimes!"

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said:
"It's pretty grand... Rich people are really capricious... But, you belittled me so much, why didn't you ask your grandfather why he wanted to see me?"

"Che, I've inquired about it. Don't you just know acupuncture? My grandfather is getting old, so it's not surprising to see a doctor!" Gu Shao analyzed, and it was because of this that he went to pick up Fang Yu himself. It can also show that you are very filial.

"I really admire your logic. If I were your grandfather, I would beat you to death!" Fang Yu said with a chuckle.

"Hey, who are you scolding? Looking for death?!" Gu Shao was angry.

When the two were arguing——

Not far away, came a tough voice.

"Who is making such a fuss!?"

(End of this chapter)

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