Chapter 66

Looking at Fang Yu with a calm face, Mr. Gu did not dare to neglect him at all.

"Young master... all these years, where have you been?" Elder Gu asked respectfully.

Fang Yu shook his head and said:

"Don't call me Young Master anymore... I have not been a member of the Lu family since 13 years ago... My surname is Fang, and my name is Fang Yu."

"Shao...Fang..." Mr. Gu suddenly realized that he didn't know how to address him, and his expression was a little awkward, "But blood is thicker than water, after all, you are the flesh and blood of the Lu family..."

Halfway through speaking, Fang Yu's face suddenly changed, and his voice became gloomy——

"Gu Guangxuan!"

Mr. Gu was startled, his expression changed drastically, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

"The old servant knows his mistake!"

The grandson Gu Qingshan at the side thought that Fang Yu was only related to the Lu family, just like a grandfather, he was a child of a foreign surname who practiced Taoism in the Lu family.However, he never expected that this Fang Yu was actually a member of the Lu family!

In other words, his surname is Lu!

Seeing Grandpa kneel down, Gu Qingshan was also trembling with fright, and knelt down with a plop.


Looking at the kneeling old man, this former servant.Fang Yu couldn't help sighing.

He is no longer from the Lu family, Gu Guangxuan still respects him so much, this loyalty is invaluable.

With a sigh, Fang Yu said slowly:

"Get up and talk."


Gu Guangxuan and his grandson stood up, the atmosphere was still tense.

Fang Yu withdrew his serious gaze, and his tone became calm, saying:
"Back then, the Lu family cleaned up children with other surnames. Although I am a descendant of the Lu family, it is a pity that I am so soft-spoken that I cannot help you."

Scenes from that year appeared in Gu Guangxuan's mind.

At that time, the Lu family was so powerful that they recruited so many talents that many children from powerful aristocratic families were willing to join the Lu family.Even if you can't step into the martial arts, being able to gain a relationship with Lu Tianyuan will bring great benefits to the family.


It didn't take long, and for some unknown reason, the Lu family suddenly began to clean up the children with foreign surnames.In just a few days, all the children with foreign surnames were expelled from Lumen.

"You suffered a lot back then." Gu Guangxuan sighed.

"It's nothing to worry about... It's fine if Lu Tianyuan doesn't recognize me as a nephew grandson, and cut off all contact with him from now on." Fang Yu's face was serious.

"Master Lu must have been deceived..." Gu Guangxuan wanted to warn him a few words, but when he thought about what happened just now, he quickly closed his mouth.


Fang Yu snorted coldly, and said, "Being deceived by others? How did my mother die back then!? Is this a blood relative? This is being deceived by others!? Pooh—"

When he said this, a cold light burst out in his eyes.

Gu Guangxuan didn't dare to look at him... The past is over, and I can't bear to look back.The death of his mother may make Fang Yu never look back.He was determined not to recognize the Lu family again.

"Back then, there were a few people in the Lu family who looked up to me...Fortunately, the heavens took pity on me and let the Fang family take me in..."

Speaking of this, Fang Yu's aura became even more severe——

"Until now, I suspect that the Fang family's extermination is very likely to be caused by the Lu family!"

"Destroying my Fang family is tantamount to destroying my closest relatives! Whether it is the three major families of Yanjing or the Lu family, they are all my enemies in this life!"

Word by word, sonorous and powerful.

Hearing this, Gu Guangxuan was surprised and said: "Such a big thing happened to the Fang family, why didn't you come to me back then?"

"Is it useful to find you?" Fang Yu said disdainfully.

"Although this old slave is not very popular, this old slave doesn't pay much attention to warriors below the fourth level of martial arts." Gu Guangxuan said.

Fang Yu was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that after so many years, Gu Guangxuan's strength did not regress, but improved.

"It seems that you have been practicing hard these years."

"For more than ten years, it has been uninterrupted every day." Gu Guangxuan said.

"Then what if the Lu family is behind it? Will you still help me?" Fang Yu asked back.


Gu Guangxuan's heart trembled, Lu Tianyuan of the seventh level of martial arts was no ordinary person, stomping his feet casually, the earth would shake.

Seeing him hesitate, Fang Yu said calmly:
"Forget it, I won't force you. I will do my own business."

Just after finishing speaking, Gu Guangxuan knelt down again——

"This old slave is weak, but he is definitely not an ungrateful person. You saved this old slave back then, but now you need help. Even if this old slave has risked his life, he will never frown!"

With a sonorous and forceful voice, he continued, "I will be the young master for a day, and I will be the young master for the rest of my life...Young master, just give me your orders."

Looking at the white-haired Gu Guangxuan, Fang Yu's heart moved inexplicably.He had already shown that he hated the Lu family very much, and that everyone in the Lu family looked down on Fang Yu.

Under such circumstances, Gu Guangxuan was still loyal.

Such people are rare.


After a long silence, Fang Yu put away his serious expression, smiled and said:

"Look at what you're saying, as if I'm going to die." Fang Yu returned to his seat and sat down slowly, "Get up and talk, stop kneeling, or I'll leave here immediately."

"Yes Yes……"

Gu Guangxuan got up again, and his grandson Gu Qingshan quickly supported him.

Looking at Fang Yu with a calm face, Gu Guangxuan asked suspiciously: "Eight years ago, the young master disappeared suddenly, and the old slaves searched everywhere but there was no news. Now that they have returned to Jiangzhou, what if those people are attacking the young master? "

Seeing that he insisted on calling himself Young Master, Fang Yu didn't bother to stop him, so he smiled slightly and said, "What? Are you scared?"

Gu Guangxuan paused, and snorted: "How could this old slave be afraid of them! What this old slave means is that the young master can move to my place... Even if I lend them ten guts, they won't dare to come here."

This is not true at all.

After all, Gu Guangxuan wasn't even afraid of fourth level martial arts masters. This Jiangzhou aristocratic family was no different from a small fish or shrimp.

Fang Yu smiled and said, "No need. I'm fine now."

"Little Lord……"

Before the words could be uttered, Fang Yu yelled, "Punch me—"

Fang Yu's figure left an afterimage in the air.

Even though Gu Guangxuan was well-informed and experienced, he couldn't help being extremely surprised.

Gu Qingshan's eyes widened even more!



Fist style, golden light.

In an instant.

Gu Guangxuan took three steps back, raised his hands, and used his internal strength to block.

Fang Yu's fist collided with it.The powerful internal energy and internal energy exploded like two bombs——

Gu Guangxuan couldn't control his body at all, and flew backwards!
All of a sudden, the wooden door was smashed into pieces!

The whole place was silent.


Gu Qingshan's mind went blank.He thought his grandfather had been beaten to death by Fang Yu, and was about to fight him desperately, when he heard from the pile of debris that his grandfather stood up unharmed.

He patted the dust off his body, his expression was shocked, and his heart was even more turbulent.

(End of this chapter)

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