Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 663 Am I Really the Dragon Emperor?

Chapter 663 Am I Really the Dragon Emperor? (two more)


No matter how Fang Yu thought about it, he didn't have the slightest impression of what happened under the cliff in his mind.

He looked around again.

I don't know where it is either.

I also don't know what happened to the Dragon Emperor.

There is only one way to figure this out—absorb the memories in the fragments!
"From the observation just now, no other creatures have been found so far. The spiritual energy is also very strong, and it is also very safe... The fact that the Dragon Emperor was able to sit in He Cave back then shows that it is safe enough here."

thought here.

Fang Yu turned his head and glanced at the corpse, and said, "I'm sorry...apologize to myself, it seems weird..."

After all, move the corpse away.

Fang Yu intends to portray the magic circle.

The strange thing is that because the aura is too strong, and there is no place around to depict the magic circle.

After working on it for a long time, I gave up drawing the magic circle.

follow closely……

Sit cross-legged.

Pick up those three pieces.Start to absorb.

The moment Fang Yu began to absorb fragmented memories.

Scene after scene came rushing forward. ——

The battle between the Dragon Emperor and the alien races in the Western Regions!
Dozens of vampires are tearing at the Dragon Emperor at the same time...

In front of the crowd, Ziwei stood at the farthest distance, watching with indifference.

Desperate, sad.

Various emotions also come along with the picture.

Fang Yu couldn't help frowning slightly, secretly said: "Sure enough, it's the Dragon Emperor's negative emotions again..."

This made Fang Yu never expect that the last three memory fragments actually contained such a large amount of negative energy.

It's all killing!
And hate!

Fang Yu gritted his teeth and hinted to himself: "Stick to your heart and don't be influenced!"

Countless pictures came again.

East, south, northwest, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years of time disappeared like a fleeting moment.


Memory, gradually awakening.

Merged with the original memory.

Part of the memory in the middle has lost its emotion because of the existence of the isolation circle!
Other memories flooded into Fang Yu's brain as if they had found their true self.


Fang Yu gave a big kick and put his head in his hands.

Severe pain came.

A strong consciousness invaded.

This surprised Fang Yu...

"Don't resist!"

"Don't resist!"

"Those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me perish!"

There was a gurgling sound in my ear, as if someone was talking.

Fang Yu shouted: "Who?!"

No sound came out.


As the picture hit, the headache got worse.

Fang Yu wanted to knock himself out like last time... But just as he raised his hand, the three fragments seemed to be floating, almost floating away!Fang Yu had no choice but to hold it down!
Two palms and one harmony.

The negative energy transmitted by the memory fragments is even more——

The voices in my ears are getting more and more chaotic——

"I would rather let the world down, than let the world down on me!"

"Born in the earth, I am the only one who respects me. No matter who dares to disobey this emperor, he will be executed!"

"This emperor wants to travel all over this world, so that this emperor's steed can measure the length of the world with its iron hooves... in order to enhance the prestige of my Heavenly Capital Palace."

There are also more pictures.

These pictures are all focused on the later stage.

For example, the Dragon Emperor is dealing with the Tiandu Palace.

There are still a few memories that puzzle Fang Yu——

"Ziwei married the Dragon Emperor. From now on, marry a chicken and follow a chicken, marry a dog and follow a dog, until death!"

The two stayed hand in hand and went through many difficulties together.


With such a good husband and wife relationship, why did Ziwei attack the Dragon Emperor?

Fang Yu knew that now was not the time to think about these things, so he focused his mind and resisted negative emotions.

"It's can't erode my consciousness. Dragon Emperor, ashes return to ashes, stop being obsessed..."

Gollum, Gollum...

The voice came and went, as if unwilling to give up.


Fang Yu felt tinnitus.It suddenly made his head ache violently.

The memory fragment wanted to break free again, but was crushed tightly by Fang Yu's clasped palms!

kill, kill...

kill kill kill——

A strong killing intent rushed over.

In a blink of an eye, he was sweating profusely.

The surrounding spiritual energy seemed to be ignited, and light appeared.

In the light, phantoms attacked Fang Yu with fangs and claws.

There are sword moves and various combat skills that are constantly practiced, as well as the love and tenderness of the mountain alliance.

There is the iron blood and brotherhood of the South and North Wars, and there are also eternal vows and truths.


"Young man, give up resistance... In the future, I will once again unify Kyushu, step on the world, and conquer the world. Let China stand on top of the world!"

"Young man, don't resist...All difficulties and problems, I will solve them! beautiful the world is before your eyes..."

Fang Yu suddenly felt a breeze blowing on his face.

It's like being in a world of birds and flowers.

No worries.

There is no war.

There is no more intrigue.

In a daze, I forgot my troubles.


A chill ran down his spine.

It made Fang Yu feel cold all over.

"Am I the reincarnation of the Dragon Emperor?" Fang Yu suddenly asked.

His eyes widened suddenly, staring at the quiet and deep environment.

Can't see five fingers.

It's still the same.

Only that weird voice was still ringing in my ears.

"Have you been eyeing me since the beginning?" Fang Yu murmured.

"From the day I was born, some people said that there was a vision of heaven and earth. But I was born with the body of the sun, but I couldn't practice and stepped into martial arts... Everyone regarded me as a disaster star, everyone said I'm a waste... all of this is caused by you?"

"When I was practicing Shenlongjue, I was able to get back to my original self... Dragon Emperor, are you afraid of this Shenlongjue? Are you afraid that Shenlongjue will completely wipe out your negative emotions and consciousness?"

"But you found that the Shenlong Jue is really amazing, you are reluctant, you want me to practice the reincarnation art, but you can't let go of the Shenlong Jue... The world is hard, without the Shenlong Jue, I don't know how many times I have died !"

Fang Yu was talking to himself like a lunatic——

"Every time you face some tough problem, you affect me... don't you?"

When the international mercenaries killed pirates in the desert, they killed three NO.40 people in the first shot.Fang Yu didn't vomit, as if he was used to it, but Chen Daotian vomited for seven days and seven nights.

In the courtyard of Ye family in Yanjing, when killing the guard of Yinlong.

When killing those thousands of criminals on Alcatraz...

Scenes of killing.

It was all imprinted in Fang Yu's mind.

"Dragon Emperor, Dragon Emperor, please tell me, am I reincarnated? What do you... want to do?"

The voice could not help raising a lot.



The picture is like a thousand troops.

"Give up! Let me answer your doubts!"

"give up--"



Severe tinnitus came.

Fang Yu frowned and closed his eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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