Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 679 Going to the Meeting Solo

Chapter 679
Sitting in an empty hall.

Fang Yu began to think——

"According to Empress Ziwei's thoughts, she must not have thought that I was still alive... If so, then use the plan."

"It's just... how to proceed?"

Fang Yu stroked his chin, thinking over and over again.

Previously, he ignored the foreign races in the Western Regions, plus Tianduwei, which caused the entire plan to fail.

There can be no more surprises this time.

Judging from the rumors outside, Ye Wenjun and others were arrested not long ago.

In other words, Empress Ziwei should not have done anything so far.

Think for a long time.

Fang Yu smiled slightly, and said, "Then I'll go to the meeting alone, let's have a lonely hero."

Thinking of this, Fang Yu left the Fang family.


At the foot of Tiandu Mountain.

heavily guarded.

In the Palace of Heavenly Capital.

Empress Ziwei, dressed in a dragon robe, sat on a dragon chair and looked down.

After this suppression of the rebellion, no one dared to doubt her strength.

A person who can kill even the Dragon Emperor, a woman who is resolute and ruthless, who dares to be an enemy of her?

"Return to Your Majesty, the current number of rebels is about 65, and all of them have been imprisoned in the Tiandu Prison, waiting to be released at any time." An official in charge of the prison said.

Empress Ziwei nodded and said: "This incident can be regarded as a wake-up call for Tiandu Mountain."


"The empress is wise!"

Looking at the courtiers of his subordinates with flattering faces.

Empress Ziwei didn't have a happy look on her face, but said: "How many modern weapons are there in the warehouse in Tiandu Mountain?"

Speaking of modern weapons, a civil official in charge of this area said:
"His Majesty the Empress, this time our people seized [-] firearms from Weiyang Prefecture. As for the use and type..." The man hesitated.

But the empress did not blame.

"Modern weapons are complex and diverse. It's normal for you not to know. Next, you need to go to this bustling city and recruit some talents in this field. We don't need to know it ourselves, but we must master such talents. For my use. "


Everyone nodded.

After experiencing this incident, they are all aware of the power of modern weapons.

"Your Majesty, I feel that Houshan should send someone down to investigate. The man named Fang Yu is one of the rare Four Sages. He is very good at formations and seal restrictions. He is not afraid of ten thousand. Just in case."


Empress Ziwei said lightly: "No need..."

The reason why she dared to be so sure.

One of the biggest reasons is that she tried to go down in the past.

She knows exactly what it takes to fall off a cliff.

Friction of air, collision of aura, change of environment, steep slope!
Even she herself feels that she cannot survive, let alone others?
"Yes!" The man didn't dare to continue to raise this opinion.

At this time-

Empress Ziwei asked: "When will the information about Fang Yu I asked to investigate be reported?"

"Go back to Your Majesty the Empress, the spies are waiting outside the palace."

"Let him in."

Tiandu Hall, without reaching the level of heaven, is not allowed to step in casually.

Unless with the permission of the Queen.


A spy entered the hall, knelt down and cupped his hands and said, "This subordinate has already found out Fang Yu's origin."


Everyone also became very curious about this Fang Yu.

Who on earth has such ability?

"Fang Yu, formerly known as Lu Yu. Born in the Lu family, he was unable to step into martial arts since he was a child, and was regarded as a waste by the tribe. In order to protect him, his mother endured the humiliation for many years. When he was thirteen, he could not bear the insult of the tribe and died. Fang Yu Expelled from the Lu family, he was adopted by Fang Jintian of the Fang family. He was a playboy, fighting everywhere, and became a famous iron fist king in the local area. Later, the Fang family was massacred by the Yanjing martial arts family. Fang Yu and his Master Fang Ju fled all the way to the mountains...Eight years later, he became a martial artist, making rapid progress, as if he had opened his mind! You know the rest."


Empress Ziwei nodded, and said, "It's roughly the same as the previous investigation, so do you know what kind of cheats or combat skills he has mastered?"

The man replied:
"According to the available information, he mainly uses sword skills. There are many ancient combat skills and heaven-level combat skills. Among them, the most terrifying is the multiplayer combat skill, and...his weapon has more than one form. It is said that it can become the shape of a needle and can pierce through everything!"

All the civil and military officials in the entire hall looked at that man in disbelief.

"What is his strongest sword skill so far?" Empress Ziwei asked.

Hear this question.

The man respectfully replied: "If you count the auxiliary types, the combat skill he knows is multi-play. This combat skill is too exaggerated. Let his sword skills exert several times the power! If you don't Forget it, he has a very terrifying combat skill called, Osumi Sword Move!"

"Osumi's sword move? Say it again!"

Empress Ziwei has never lost her composure like today, her face became serious!The voice was full of horror.

"Among Fang Yu's sword moves, the Osumi sword move is the most powerful one he has so far." The man repeated.


Empress Ziwei couldn't help leaning back.

He muttered to himself: "How is this possible?"

The waitress Xia'er was even more surprised, she didn't even ask, she whispered: "Your Majesty, this... the Osumi sword move is the Dragon Emperor's unique combat skill, and it is also his famous combat skill. Judging from his growth trajectory, he is really far from the Dragon Emperor, could this be a mistake?"

Empress Ziwei also wanted to make a mistake.

However, she is very clear that her intelligence network will never have problems. Even if she can't find it, the intelligence network will tell her that she can't find it, and she will never be perfunctory.

Thinking of this.

Empress Ziwei said in a deep voice: "Two things, first, protect and seal the back mountain. Second, take care of all those hostages. If he is still alive, he will definitely come back."


Although this is just a guess, they are also very clear that this possibility cannot be gambled!


at the same time.

At the foot of Tiandu Mountain.

Fang Yu made up to look like a tourist, turning around and taking pictures.

Click, click, and even left a few sets of videos.

Just when Fang Yu was very happy to shoot.

A voice came—

"After shooting the video, leave Tiandu Mountain immediately. Otherwise... shoot me to death." The voice was so piercing and gloomy that it made people tremble.

Fang Yu glanced back.

Aware that the voice was behind a big tree.

"I'm sorry! Now it's a society ruled by law, and this mountain belongs to the public. Why can't I go up? You guys have no morals and no quality. Hurry up, let me go in!"

Fang Yu also knew the rules of Tiandu Mountain very well.

(End of this chapter)

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