Chapter 68
"Why doesn't it look like it?" Fang Yu said with a smile.

"No, please show your ID." The middle-aged man said seriously.

"You are crazy! You have to bring your ID with you when you go out to eat at noon?" Fang Yu rolled his eyes.


Seeing what else he wanted to say, Fang Yu said:

"What are you? As a doctor, shouldn't saving people be the first priority? You have been comparing me here for a long time, but the patient is still in a coma. This shows that you are not a qualified doctor at all."

This is very strong.

But it got the response of the surrounding audience.

Yes, what the hell are you talking about if you don't save people?
When the little boy heard Fang Yu talking about his master, he refused to accept it and said, "My master is the chief physician of Jiangzhou No. [-] Hospital, don't talk nonsense!"

Fang Yu glanced at him, didn't care, and said:
"Okay, okay... the chief physician, right? You are saving lives!"

The middle-aged man snorted at the doctor, and instead of looking at Fang Yu, he lowered his body and examined the beauty.

Eyelids, breathing, and checking for trauma, etc.

After the inspection, the middle-aged man sighed: "Xiao Gao, go get the equipment, it must be further inspected."

Hearing this, Fang Yu snorted softly and said, "If you had this method of treatment, people would have died long ago."

When the middle-aged man heard it, he said angrily: "Nonsense, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. How can I check without equipment?"

"Quack doctor, look after you!"

Fang Yu walked over and pushed the middle-aged man away.

Then he looked around, frowned and said, "Everyone give way, give the patient a little space, and let the air circulate."

The crowd of onlookers cooperated very well and spread out in all directions.

Fang Yu glanced at the middle-aged man with a smile, and said: "You don't even have this basic common sense, so you have the nerve to call yourself a chief physician? Go back and study hard before you come back."

"You—" the middle-aged man was so angry that he couldn't speak. He was just trying to save people, so he forgot about it. "I'd like to see how you can treat it without instruments!"

Fang Yu ignored him.

First, I opened the eyelids of the beautiful woman to take a look, and then felt my pulse...

"It turned out to be a Chinese medicine ... Chinese medicine liar." The middle-aged man laughed.

After taking the pulse, Fang Yu smiled slightly and slapped him.

"It's a pervert!" The middle-aged man said again.

Fang Yu still ignored it, and passed the weak inner energy with the palm of his hand.

Then he took out a gold needle——

The golden needle crosses the acupuncture point!A needle stuck in a person.

"Teacher, I seem to have seen his acupuncture in a book." The little boy said honestly, "It seems to be called Taiyi Shenzhen, and the drawing in the book is the same as what he used."

The middle-aged man scolded: "Nonsense, do you think everyone knows Taiyi acupuncture?"


Before the little boy could speak, Fang Yu raised his head and said with a smile: "You are too bad a teacher, the students know more than you... you can see that, little boy, it's not bad .”

Hearing this, the middle-aged man was taken aback.

He didn't continue to sarcasm, but he was thinking in his heart, continue to deceive, I see how long you can deceive, and you will die, and you can't afford to go around.


After Fang Yu applied the needle, he stood up.

The people around thought he was going to leave, so they hurriedly stopped him.

"You can't go!"

"Yes, if the person is not cured, how can he leave?"

"Don't let him run away, he looks like a liar to me! All the beauties are like this, and they still take advantage!"

"That's right, there are too many perverts these days!"


Fang Yu was speechless.

There are so many troublesome people in poor mountains and bad waters!Although this is not a poor country, these people are too easy to be fooled.

No wonder there are so many liars in this world.

at this time--

The beauty lying on her back murmured and woke up.

"Wake up! She's awake!"

There was an uproar!

The middle-aged man looked at the beauty in disbelief, and turned to look at his apprentice again.

how can that be?

"Really Taiyi acupuncture?" The middle-aged man looked at his apprentice and asked.

"Oh, if I remember correctly, it should... yes." The little boy said, "However, it's just an informative book without specific content."

"This kid, you're really good at it." The middle-aged man's face was ugly.


At the same time, Fang Yu looked at the beauty who just woke up——

"Fortunately, you met me... Otherwise, you will die."

The people around also smiled and applauded Fang Yu.

"What a great doctor!"

"God, this can save lives!"

"I'm sorry, genius doctor, we misunderstood you just now!"

"Genius doctor, you are too powerful!"

The crowd seemed to be a different person, all praised.

The beauty came to her senses, looked at Fang Yu, and said, "Thank you...thank you."

"You're welcome, you're having a heart attack, didn't you bring your medicine?" Fang Yu asked.

"I was in a hurry to go out today, and I forgot to bring it." said the beauty.

"You may have this disease again."

Hearing this, the beauty showed a worried expression and said, "Then what should I do?"

"Don't worry."

Fang Yu lowered his body again, then said without changing his face, "Take off your coat."

"Huh?" the beauty asked in surprise.

The crowd next to me couldn't stand it anymore.

"Beauty, he is a genius doctor, and he can still eat your tofu!"

"Just a coat."

"This lad is a very nice fellow!"


Hearing everyone's words of advice, the beauty lowered her head and said, "Okay, okay..."

She took off her coat.

Fang Yu couldn't help taking another look, then raised his hand, ready to put it on.

"do not move."

Put your big hand directly on it.

The weak internal energy quickly entered her body.

The middle-aged man looked at this scene with surprise on his face. Is there such a treatment method in the world?Simply unheard of.


Finally, Fang Yu withdrew his palm.

The beauty took a deep breath, and her heartbeat became much more stable.

"How?" Fang Yu asked.

"Much better...thank you."

Fang Yu nodded.To him, this amount of internal energy is nothing at all. Even if he does not practice the Shenlong Jue of the fourth level, it will automatically generate some internal energy to supplement.

"You're welcome, this is my vocation as a doctor... just like the sun in the sky, glorious and holy! Unlike some people, whose hearts are dirty!"

The middle-aged man who said this was stunned for a while.

But in the eyes of the masses, it is too great.

The audience applauded again.

"I have something else to do, so I'll go first."

Fang Yu stood up.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the middle-aged man stopped him with a stride.

"Little brother... wait."

Fang Yu glanced back, wondering, "Why, still not convinced?"

"Little brother, I misunderstood. I didn't expect your acupuncture and moxibustion skills to be so high... I was blind just now, so I apologize to you!" The middle-aged man laughed.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

This guy doesn't look like a nice guy.

Before Fang Yu could speak, the middle-aged man took out his business card and said, "This is my business card. My surname is Chen... I wonder if my little brother is interested in joining Jiangzhou First Hospital?"

It turned out to be digging.

"Sorry, I still have something to do, so I won't accompany you."

(End of this chapter)

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