Chapter 70
"Don't go too far?" Jiang Xiaoxiao said timidly, "Isn't it just money? I'll just give it to you."

Turning his head, looking at Fang Yu, he said, "Give them the money."

Fang Yu shrugged and said helplessly, "I didn't say I would give money."

"Ah? No?!" Jiang Xiaoxiao's face changed slightly.

"With so much money, I can only borrow it. But I don't like borrowing money." Fang Yu said.

As he said that, the man wearing glasses stood up, waved his hand, and the two burly men behind him took out two slender small knives, twirled them twice in their hands, and made a whistling sound.

The man with glasses sneered, "No money? Then don't blame us for being rude."

"Talking about money hurts feelings." Fang Yu said dissatisfiedly, "I used to ask for 100, but now I suddenly ask for [-] million. Are you my bank?"

"Damn, are you playing with me?" The man with glasses got angry immediately.

Seeing a group of men holding small knives and about to rush forward, Fang Yu immediately put on a smile and said, "Calm down. I brought the card!"

Fang Yu took out a bank card from his pocket and waved it in front of his eyes.

The man with glasses took a look, frowned, and waved his hand. A person next to him walked up to Fang Yu, grabbed the bank card, and handed it to the man with glasses.

"There are 100 million in this card." Fang Yu said.

"How do you prove that there is 100 million in this card?" asked the man with glasses.

"You can call customer service and ask." Fang Yu shrugged.

The man with glasses handed the card to the brother next to him and said, "What's the password for withdrawal?"

"The password is 345113." Fang Yu replied.

Seeing that he had a good attitude, the man with glasses lit a cigarette and sat down.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was almost moved to tears, but he didn't expect this stingy bumpkin to give up 100 million yuan.

The man with glasses tilted his head and said to his brother, "Go and get the money."

"Brother, the bank is closed now, and the ATM limit is only more than 2, and it is impossible to withdraw 100 million!"

The man with glasses who caught the key point immediately stood up again when he heard this, shook off the cigarette butt in his hand, took off his glasses, glared at Fang Yu and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"Yo, you didn't know I was playing tricks on you until now?" Fang Yu said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was also dumbfounded.

The air suddenly froze.

kidding you?

Are you not satisfied?
The eyes of the man with glasses were full of murderous intent, and the brothers behind him were also extremely angry.

"Can't get the money, can you? Then don't leave!"


A group of gangsters skillfully swung the small knives in their hands, gritted their teeth, stared at Fang Yu with evil smiles, and within a moment, Fang Yu and Jiang Xiaoxiaowei's water was blocked.

As a student, Jiang Xiaoxiao yearns for this kind of feeling of being a gangster in her heart, and with her fourth-degree black belt, her classmates often praise her to the sky, but at this moment when she really sees this kind of battle, she is already so frightened Sweaty.

The war is about to start.

"Xiao Xiao, are you afraid?" Fang Yu tilted his head and said with great interest, "You just have to watch, I'll let you see if I'm bragging today."

"Damn it, it's all this time and you're still pretending to be in front of a beautiful woman! Give it to me!"

A gangster with a knife raised the small knife in his hand, and with a flash of cold light, he stabbed at Fang Yu.

Before the gangster approached, Fang Yu raised his foot calmly and kicked it at a strange angle.With a pop, the gangster was stunned for a moment, and looked down, Fang Yu's foot was right in his chest.Immediately screamed, resounding throughout the box.

"Fuck him!"

A dozen gangsters started moving back and forth at the same time, but Fang Yu's expression became serious.

Another gangster stabbed over with a small knife.Fang Yu didn't hold back his hand this time, and punched him hard.With a figure like lightning, he spared the other two, and with a gesture, he grabbed a dagger.


Raise your hand and plunge down!The dagger went straight into the thigh of the gangster next to him.


The screams like killing a pig, combined with the bright red blood, this terrifying scene stimulated Jiang Xiaoxiao's nerves.


In the blink of an eye, he grabbed a dagger and plunged it into the thigh of another gangster... One after another, the gangsters fell down!Blood was flowing, mourning was everywhere, and the gangsters fell to the ground in disorder, the scene was extremely tragic.

The man with glasses was completely dumbfounded.

Have you ever seen such a thunderous method!No mercy at all, aggressive tricks.

If he wiped his neck instead of piercing his thigh, he wouldn't have the slightest doubt that these bastards are already dead!

Fang Yu's shots were fast and accurate. In such a small box, there was not much room to move, but it was terrifying to knock down these ten or so gangsters one by one.

This is not human.

This is the devil!

Jiang Xiaoxiao, who always thought that Fang Yu was just a country bumpkin who could fight, immediately re-examined Fang Yu after seeing his gorgeous thunder tactics. At this moment, Jiang Xiaoxiao only thought that this man was simply too handsome, handsome Dregs!

Fang Yu's image has also undergone earth-shaking changes in Jiang Xiaoxiao's mind.

"Cow! It's too awesome!"

This girl looked very scared just now, but now she is full of interest in this violent scene, like a curious baby, her eyes are full of excitement!

Fang Yu glanced back, this girl's film is not easy to teach!

"Brother, if you have something to say, talk it out." The man with glasses turned pale, and he lost the smug aura just now.

"Me? I'm just a nurse... oh no, now I'm the director of the Chinese Medicine Department that everyone respects." Fang Yu drew out a knife casually, "Remember my name, my name is Fang Yu, Fang from Sifang, and the one from Yuhua Dengxian feather!"

The man with glasses turned pale with fright, and said, "Brother, this is all a misunderstanding!"

"Misunderstanding? You dare to bully the students. You are so shameless. You are worthy of being praised as a high-ranking gangster? How embarrassing." Fang Yu went to the sofa with hatred, and sat down Next, "Xiao Xiao, pour me a glass of water, I have to talk to them properly."

"Okay Brother Yu!" Jiang Xiaoxiaomiao turned into a younger brother, picked up the water bottle next to him and filled it up, and carried it over, "Brother Yu, don't let them go!"

Fang Yu couldn't help but get a headache from the way the little girl snapped her teeth.

"What do you want to do?" Fang Yu asked.

"Cut them off!" Jiang Xiaoxiao raised his small pink fist and swung it.

Hearing that they were going to be chopped off, the man with glasses was so frightened that he sat on the ground paralyzed. With Fang Yu's thunderous method just now, he felt that Fang Yu would definitely be able to do it!

"Don't...don't..." The man with glasses begged for mercy.

Fang Yu ignored the glasses man's begging for mercy, but took a sip from his teacup and said, "Xiao Xiao, aren't you going to kill them? It's okay, I'm here, whoever dares to move, I'll kill him with one punch! Here is this knife for you, don't be stingy with your own strength, cut it hard!"

Jiang Xiaoxiao was startled, and backed away again and again, not daring to accept the knife, she kept shaking her head: "No, this knife is covered with blood."

"Oh, he has a clean one." Fang Yu turned to look at the man with glasses, "Bring it here!"

"No!" Jiang Xiaoxiao still shrunk his head, put his hands behind his back, and shook his head while stepping back like a child.If she is really asked to kill someone, she will be really cowardly.

"Don't be afraid, little one. I'm here, and I'll help you. This knife is small, and you have so little strength, you can't kill people. If you really want to kill them, cut them at the neck or heart, and other places A little blood at most." Fang Yu said patiently.

"Ah?" Jiang Xiaoxiao widened her eyes and said worriedly, "But they are really going to die."

"Don't you want to come to dao? How can an immortal person do dao? Besides, the traffic is so developed now. If you are not wanted, buy a plane ticket to fly abroad, or hide in the mountains, who can catch you?" Fang Yu laughed. .

(End of this chapter)

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