Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 702 New Generation Ice God

Chapter 702 A New Generation of Ice Gods (Part [-])
Fu Xihuang opened his cloudy eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

With slightly parted lips, he said tremblingly, " is it possible?"

The others didn't know what the baptism was all about, but looked at the scene in front of them blankly. They just felt that the energy light cluster had become bigger, like a waterfall falling from nine days, magnificent and gorgeous.

Chen Daotian asked: "Old Sovereign, why is it impossible?"

The old patriarch of Tai'a Zong, Fu Xihuang, looked excited and said:

"In my knowledge, it takes at least half an hour for a god to recognize a person. Even so, there is a high probability of being eliminated. The god's review of everyone is extremely strict, so strict that one action may I will deny you! It's just... What I didn't expect is that Miss Ye is a descendant of the Zhenfeng clan. The Zhenfeng clan is born to be a genius in practice. It is rumored that they learn everything extremely quickly, and they even have a photographic memory .”

"By virtue of these advantages, Miss Ye should be able to last for more than half an hour, or an hour before being eliminated. But... the idol actually ended the process of recognition and went directly to the baptism! This... I don't understand!" Fu Xi The emperor said excitedly.

"You mean to say that the statue has recognized my sister-in-law, and she is being baptized?" Chen Daotian asked.

"Not bad!"

This is tantamount to nonsense.

If there is no recognition, will the idol directly be baptized?

Just when everyone was watching everything in front of them intently.

The waterfall-like energy clusters fell on Xie Daoyun's body one by one. With Xie Daoyun as the medium, the energy passed through her body and reached Ye Wenjun's body.

Fang Yu wanted Ye Wenjun to get a better baptism.

At the moment before the energy arrives, lean back and watch silently.

That huge energy looks wonderful, like a clear water flow, dazzling.But Fang Yu never doubted the power of this energy.

in mind.

Fang Yu still remembered the supreme powerhouses who had been baptized by the temple during the Dragon Emperor period.

They are all masters of practice who dominate one side.

When the Dragon Emperor rose, he was suppressed by these people.

Until the Dragon Emperor defeated them and led his subordinates to take over the five great temples.

Xie Daoyun is one of the heroes.

She got the chance to be baptized by the idol, and became the most powerful under the Dragon Emperor!

Since then, no one has been able to pass the approval of the idol, let alone baptism.


The baptism of energy is far simpler than imagined.

I don't know if it's because of the blood of the true phoenix that Ye Wenjun didn't reject those energies at all.

Almost without any hindrance, those energies passed through Xie Daoyun and became a part of her body smoothly.

Ye Wenjun closed his eyes to stabilize himself.

Breathe in and out continuously to increase the Dantian and meridians.


The energy of the baptism of the god is so huge, and Ye Wenjun absorbed part of Xie Daoyun's energy before.Soon, the dantian reached saturation.

The process of baptism cannot be interrupted, otherwise it will be counted as a failure.

Having persisted to this point, it is too late to give up.



Energy continued to enter Marven Ye's body.

Fang Yu didn't blink his eyes almost the whole time, staring at Ye Wenjun, afraid that she might have any problems.

It turns out that he thinks too much.

"I didn't expect the idol to interrupt the approval process, directly choose to approve, and directly baptized. It seems that the blood of the true phoenix has played a great role." Fang Yu praised.

Of course he knew what the True Phoenix Clan represented.

It was a family from ancient times.

After years of changes, most of the True Phoenix clan chose to withdraw from the stage of history.

What Fang Yu didn't expect was that this descendant of the Zhenfeng clan was actually his own daughter-in-law.

What made him even more unexpected was that the blood of the true phoenix was directly recognized by the god statue.

at the same time.

Fang Yu noticed that Xie Daoyun's complexion had returned to normal, only his dantian was still in a state of remodeling.

Fang Yu nodded in satisfaction.

This shows that his pre-plan has been achieved.

His eyes shifted to Ye Wenjun.

"I don't know how much energy the statue has stored this time?" Fang Yu muttered to himself.

The more stored, the longer Ye Wenjun can absorb, and of course, the stronger he will become.


A cascade of energy fell from the sky.

The statue seemed to value Ye Wenjun very much, and he was not stingy with the energy absorbed for thousands of years.

It has been more than 1000 years since the statue of the Ice Temple was successfully baptized last time.

This millennium energy is directly instilled into Ye Wenjun's body, which is equivalent to... more than 1000 years of cultivation.

No one dared to imagine the extent of Ye Wenjun's strength.

Everyone looked on enviously.

Watch her receive this divine baptism.

I don't know how long it took.

The baptism of the idol shows no signs of interruption.

Fang Yu could feel that Ye Wenjun's dantian was being saturated...

If it continues like is bound to explode and die.

This energy is a priceless cultivation base, but you can't chew it off!

"Get ready for Fire Phoenix!" Fang Yu reminded.



When the energy passes through Xie Daoyun's body.

Every time there will be a sense of coolness, reshaping her dantian.

After Fang Yu reminded, he found that Ye Wenjun did not use the fire phoenix, but continued to let the energy baptize.

This made him feel incomprehensible.

as predicted--

In the next second, Ye Wenjun's dantian lit up.

"Reshape the dantian?" Fang Yu asked in surprise.

far away.

Fu Xihuang was also full of surprise: "This is a rare remodeling of a god statue... It seems that Miss Ye's cultivation will definitely increase greatly!"

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.

"Hey, if I knew that Sister Wenjun had such an opportunity, why did I practice so hard in the first place?" Shangguan Linghui said.

"This statement is wrong... If you don't practice, you don't even have the basic skills. Even if you are the blood of the real phoenix, you can't even enter the door, and the statue is powerless." Fu Xihuang said.

The crowd nodded.

at the same time.

The bright light surrounds Xie Daoyun and Ye Wenjun, constantly producing the power of reshaping.

Fang Yu was startled when he saw it: "Unexpectedly, while reshaping the ice girl, Ye Wenjun was also reshaped at the same time! What a chance!"



Suddenly, the light shines!
With Ye Wenjun as the center.

A piercing chill filled the surroundings!


Everyone instinctively defends.

Only Fang Yu didn't care at all.He was born with a body of extreme yang, and he cultivated righteousness, so he can be said to be the natural nemesis of the cold attribute.

This is also the reason why Xie Daoyun was invincible to the heavenly position back then, but was always defeated by the Dragon Emperor.

Chill out.


The entire top of the Ice Temple was illuminated by this dazzling light.

This is to announce to the world that a new generation of ice gods... has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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