Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 741 Who Exactly Is

Chapter 741 Who Exactly Is (Fourth Update)
Judging from the creaking sound just now, this should not be the breath of creatures in the secret realm.

It's human breath.

That's why Fang Yu was so vigilant.

This secret realm has just appeared in Jiangzhou, so it's strange... under the guard of the dark net brothers, how can there be other humans in the secret realm?
Fang Yu couldn't understand it.


There was another voice.

Fang Yu shouted suddenly: "Who is it?! If you don't come out again, don't blame me for being rude!"



Behind that hill.

A girl in a strange dress but very pretty came out.

The girl has big eyes and long hair, but the clothes are too old, but clean.Surrounded by green branches and leaves, it looks like a princess in the jungle.It can be seen that this girl has lived here for a long time.

"Who are you?" The girl asked cautiously.

"Who are you?" Fang Yu asked.

"I, my home is here... I, I have never seen you... Where are you a bad guy, be careful I will tell my uncle to beat you!" The girl waved her small fist, quite hostilely.

Fang Yu frowned slightly, and said to himself: "Could it be that this person is really an aborigine in the secret realm? Impossible... Her accent is a bit northerly, and she speaks the same language. How could there be such a coincidence."

The girl said again: "I advise you to get out of here are not welcome here!"

at this time--

A young man with a trident ran over and shouted, "Xinxin, hurry up, Xinxin, grandpa is dying!"

The girl threw away the things in her hand, followed the young man in a panic, and ran towards the rear.

They run extremely fast, they don't breathe, their faces don't turn red... It can be seen that they don't look like ordinary human beings.

Fang Yu thought for a while, stepped on his foot, and rushed over quickly.

Catch it with both hands.


The boy and the girl were sucked into Fang Yu's hands at the same time.

"Little girl, I see that you are some distance away from home, I will take you home, please promise me one thing."

"not good!"

"Then I'll throw you off the cliff!"

"Okay!" The girl struggled for a while, but when she found that she couldn't move, she stopped moving.

Fang Yu stepped on the strong wind, and his speed was much faster than before.

The girl began to show the way.

The boy yelled——

"Who are you? Who are you?"

"Let us go! Otherwise, I will make your life worse than death!"

"Let go of me!"


Fang Yu was unmoved, grabbed him, and quickly ran towards the direction the girl pointed.


at the same time.

In a quiet place.

There is even a small village!

The smoke curled up.

The breeze is coming.

Xanadu, but that's all.

In front of the village gate, there were two tall young men holding long sticks, waiting anxiously.

"Why hasn't Xinxin come back! I'm so anxious!"

"Grandpa said that she must see Xinxin for the last time... But Xinxin loves her grandpa so much, if the old man really leaves, she will be so sad!"

"Oh... how could this happen!"

Just when the two of them sighed melancholy——

"Look over there, there's someone!"

The two followed the prestige.

Seeing Fang Yu grabbing a person with one hand, he came quickly.


"Xinxin was caught by the thieves!"

"Where did the outsider come from! How is this possible!? I haven't seen an outsider in 1000 years!"

talking room.

Fang Yu took the boy and the girl to the gate of the village, and loosened his hands.

Due to inertia, the girl and the boy fell to the ground...

"Ouch..." the boy screamed.

The girl was fine, she got up and ran towards the village, shouting, "Grandpa! Grandpa..."

Fang Yu didn't stop the girl, no one wanted to see their relatives leave.

The boy was angry: "Brother Hu, Brother Gang! Help me beat him up! He is an outsider, bullying Xinxin and me."

The man holding a long stick, who was older and more mature in thinking, looked at Fang Yu and said:

"Who are you? Where are you from? What do you do?"

Fang Yu took a rough look at the surrounding environment, and then looked up and down.

Can not help but amazed.

"Xanadu, that's all. It's really strange... It's unbelievable that there are human beings living in this secret place."

The man opposite shouted:

"I'm asking you something! Tell me quickly! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

All of a sudden, the man waved his stick in his hand like a tiger.

A stream of pure power wrapped around the staff.

A stone at the gate of the village was smashed by a man with a stick!

Fang Yu couldn't help being stunned, and said: "This stick, at least has the strength of Zhou Tianwei...the aura in the secret realm is sufficient, and this move is so proficient, it shows that they have their own cultivation methods...this place, let us People look at it with admiration."

Fang Yu ignored him.

The man was really angry, and a stick hit him in the air!

Fang Yu raised his right hand, clacked...

Holding the stick between her index finger and middle finger, she said indifferently, "I helped the girl just now, and the girl promised me one thing. Words come first... Now it's her turn to redeem the promise."

The man looked at Fang Yu suspiciously.

"Are you a practitioner? Who are you?" The man glared angrily.

at this time.

A steady voice came from behind.

"Who is making trouble in my Qingyou Village?"

The expressions of the two men, and the boy, instantly changed, becoming respectful.

"Uncle Bai."

"Uncle Bai."

Behind him, a man with a slight beard and a calm atmosphere walked over with his hands behind his back.

His gaze swept over Fang Yu's body, and he said, "I have understood about Xinxin... Thank you very much for sending Xinxin back. No matter who you are or where you came from, you can go back wherever you are."

Fang Yu squinted his eyes at the calm man, and said:

"Is this sending me off?"

"If you insist on understanding it this're right." The calm man said lightly.

"Then what if I don't leave?" Fang Yu said.

The calm man's eyes froze...

A gust of wind came over the face.

Fang Yu also exploded with vitality.

The winds collided.

Fang Yu took two steps back!

The calm man was also full of surprise.

"Holy Rank Hengsha!"

Fang Yu couldn't help being secretly surprised, and said the same: "Master!"

The calm man looked at Fang Yu with complicated eyes, but soon, his expression was indifferent, and said: "I didn't expect to see human practitioners above the holy rank... However, I would like to advise you, where did you come from? Where to go back. Whether you are in the Hengsha realm or the real realm of the holy rank... Hurry up and leave before I get angry!"

"Could it be... are you people in the secret realm so dishonest?"

"Credit?" The calm man's eyes turned cold, "Big Thousand promise credit to strangers? Well, you have lost the chance to leave!"

Hands dropped.

A powerful aura surged.

"Uncle Bai!"

"Uncle Bai is angry!"

Fang Yu couldn't help frowning, and said in surprise: "It's so powerful and murderous!"

(End of this chapter)

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