Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 767 The Pride of Bloodlines

Chapter 767 The Pride of Bloodline (Part [-])
Chen Daotian staggered to his feet and said, "Ah...they had already left before you showed up."


Fang Yu turned his head and glanced at Ye Wenjun. He didn't think Ye Wenjun had enough strength to repel those two real-world powerhouses in such a short period of time.

So how did she make those two strong men retreat?

Haven't asked yet.

Chen Daotian said: "The identities of those two people have been clarified...they...they are members of the Zhenfeng clan, and they came back from the secret realm. The reason why they left is because...sister-in-law, sister-in-law..."

at this time.

Ye Wenjun interjected, "I am the orthodox blood of the Zhenfeng clan, that is, their saint."


Fang Yu froze for a moment.

Among the Zhenfeng clan, the saint has the same status and power as Allah.

If the True Phoenix Clan wants to maintain the arrogance of their own blood, they must have an orthodox blood like a saint.

Generally speaking, for any ethnic group, over a long period of time, due to continuous intermarriage with other ethnic groups, the bloodline will gradually be diluted.The advantages of cultivation will gradually be weakened.Three, six, nine, etc. will also be divided more and more clearly.

The belief totem of the True Phoenix Clan, that is, the Fire Phoenix, will choose the purest bloodline to inherit and become a saint.

Want to continue the first-class blood.

There is only one other person of the purest bloodline to match.That is the Holy Son of the True Dragon Clan.

In other words.

All saintesses have been doomed from birth, engagement and future.

and so……

Fang Yu didn't like the True Dragon Clan.

As time goes by.

Fang Yu's aura disappeared.

He didn't know how Shi Qingyun judged that he belonged to the ancient dragon clan, but he could feel that it must have something to do with the dragon on his body.

It is destined in the dark.

At this time-

Chen Daotian came over and coughed a few times.

"Brother Yu, what happened to you just now, why did you suddenly become so strong?"

Hear this question.

Fang Yu was also thinking about what happened just now.

At that time, he was struck by Ye Xianggao's thunder and was pushed back into the ruins.

Logically speaking... ordinary cultivators would have been killed long ago.

Fortunately, his inner Yuan Yu Zhong is different, and the characteristics of Shenlong Jue allow him to resist Ye Xianggao's attack.

Among the ruins, he also understood one thing.

The reason why he couldn't summon the Dragon Chanting Sword was because... the dragon scale was awakening.

During the awakening process, the dragon scales are equivalent to disappearing!
No matter how you try to sense it, you can't sense the existence of the dragon scale.

At the critical juncture, Long Lin and Fang Yu merged into one.

Just like Ye Wenjun's fire phoenix merged with her, Longlin was completely awakened.

In other words-

The power of the dragon scale was fully activated.

The inner element cultivated by Shenlong Jue has changed again.

The awe-inspiring righteousness has already become—the spirit of the mysterious spirit!
When the dragon scale was activated, it reminded him of eight words, mysterious and mysterious, the door of all wonders.

Is it...

Is this the ultimate change of Shenlong Jue Yuanqi?
Fang Yu couldn't be sure, but this kind of profound spirit energy was several times purer than the previous awe-inspiring righteous energy.

If the awe-inspiring righteousness is compared to cold weather, then the mysterious spirit is like an ice cone in the cold air!
Hard ice cubes!


"To be honest, I feel that I might be stronger..." Fang Yu said lightly. He didn't know how to answer Chen Daotian's question. After all, it was too complicated, and there were still many mysteries waiting for him to answer. It is too late to make a conclusion now. morning.

"Could it be that the blood has awakened?" Chen Daotian asked.

"It shouldn't be... I have read records in this regard from ancient books, saying that when the blood vessels are awakened, they will automatically open up the important meridians of the whole body. The speed of cultivation will increase exponentially. But I don't feel that way. I am just simple I feel that my whole body has been upgraded to a higher level, other than that, I have no other feeling." Fang Yu said lightly.

"Uh, it's not enough to improve the whole body by one level? This is amazing, okay!" Chen Daotian said with blank eyes.

At this time.

Ye Wenjun said:
"I do have the feeling that the meridians of my whole body have been opened up... It seems that they are right in their judgment. I am really the blood of the true phoenix. The suzerain Emperor Fuxi also said that the only way I can successfully accept the statue The baptism is precisely because I have the blood of the real phoenix. The blood of the real phoenix is ​​one of the rarest bloodlines on the road, with fast cultivation speed and natural advantages, and can fully exert the power brought by the statue."

Fang Yu nodded and said, "According to what you said... it seems that the True Phoenix Clan has already appeared."

Chen Daotian also nodded and said: "Oh, if I knew this was the case, why bother to make such a big effort, and almost suffered a big loss...Brother Yu, it seems that we can hold our thighs in the future."

In Chen Daotian's opinion.

If the ancient tribes all returned from the secret realm.

Then this world will become another situation where a hundred schools of thought contend.

It is hard to say how long urban civilization can last.Even if you have a weapon like an atomic bomb, you cannot release it every day.It is even more impossible to carry it on the body for self-defense at any time.

"I hope so." Fang Yu said.

Speaking of which.

The three looked at their surroundings again.

It was already in ruins.

Fang Yu said: "It's not suitable to stay here for a long time... It's not a waste of money to come here this time. Let's go back to Fang's house first, and I'm healing your wounds."


They know that if they don't leave, no one knows if a more powerful opponent will appear again.

The power of Longlin and Fengyu is too conspicuous.


at the same time.

After Ye Renyu and Ye Xianggao returned to Kunlun Mountain.

Immediately reported the matter of Zhenfeng Shengnv to Allah Ye Xie.

Ye Xie was overjoyed when he heard the news about the saint, and almost smashed the dragon chair into pieces——

"Ye Renyu, are you sure that you have seen our saint?!" Ye Xie was pleasantly surprised and confirmed this with Ye Renyu.

Ye Renyu said:
"It's absolutely true. The fire phoenix I saw was exactly the same as the scene when our totem took off 8000 years ago. What makes me even more sure is that the power of fire in her body is the same as the power of our clan. "

Of course he didn't dare to say that he hastily attacked Ye Wenjun.


Ye Xie will definitely punish him.

Ye Xie nodded heavily, showing an expression of joy that he had never seen before.

"This is the orthodox blood of my True Phoenix Clan...Finally, finally let us find it! Great!"

The true phoenix family has been looking for Fengyu for so long, isn't it just to find the true phoenix saint?
Now that the saint has reappeared, there is no need to look for Fengyu!

How unhappy he is!
Above the entire main hall, people from the Zhenfeng clan showed joy on their faces.

"Congratulations, Lord Allah!"

"God bless the True Phoenix Clan!"

The elders and Dharma protectors were very happy.

Ye Xie nodded and said, "Ye Renyu, Your Excellency, where are you now?"

"Return to Lord Allah... I have already investigated clearly, Your Excellency the Holy Maiden, currently lives in a courtyard in Jiangzhou."

"very good!"

Ye Xie looked intently and said, "The Four Great Guardians!"


"It's up to you to prepare generous gifts and go to meet Your Excellency the Holy Maiden. If she doesn't want to come to Kunlun Mountain, don't force her. Show her kindness first and show her identity. She is of the same family, and she will return to the Zhenfeng clan sooner or later!"

"Subordinates obey!"

(End of this chapter)

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