Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 787 Mysterious Master

Chapter 787 Mysterious Master (Part [-])
This trick.

Like a missile falling from the sky.

With a bang, the earth trembled!

Within a radius of hundreds of meters, no matter what was there, it was all razed to the ground!
Trees turned to dust!

Soil dented downward!

At the place where Osumi's sword move fell, a ravine was formed tens of meters long and several meters wide!
The pit was two meters deep!


Fang Yu raised his hand slightly, and the Dragon Chanting Sword disappeared.

"The Realm of Heaven's's too's better to be careful." Fang Yu reminded.

Ye Wenjun nodded.

The two walked towards the ravine.

Just get close!


Two people rushed out of the ravine!

Bowing from left to right, with one palm on each side, he struck towards Fang Yu.

"Blood Soul Palm!"

"Blood Soul Palm!"

A blood-red light spilled out horizontally.

On these two palms, blood shadows suddenly appeared...

"Be careful!!" Ye Wenjun's face changed drastically.

Fang Yu's eyes changed slightly, and he said coldly, "I've expected this trick a long time ago!"

Two palms greeted them, and with a bang, both sides retreated!

The dust dissipated.

Fang Yu took a closer look.The two dragged Ye Cheng, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fled in a hurry.An exaggeration of speed!

Seeing this situation, Fang Yu cursed: "You still want to run?!"

Seeing that he wanted to catch up.

Ye Wenjun hurriedly said: "Don't chase after the poor!"


Fang Yu stopped and looked at their backs with some pity, "Why didn't you chase them?"

Ye Wenjun said calmly:

"I remember that when they came to Fang's house last time, there were a total of four people in Yecheng's team. If they came out to perform a mission, they would not be separated easily. If they pursue rashly, they may fall into their trap!"


Fang Yu smiled slightly, and said, "My daughter-in-law reminded me so, it really makes sense..."

"It's useless to say these things, hurry back to Fang's house." Ye Wenjun said.

"Well... By the way, daughter-in-law, you were too ruthless just now... It's just acting, why bother to be serious." Fang Yu rubbed his chest.

Ye Wenjun ignored him, but turned around and left.

Fang Yu rolled his eyes and said, "Daughter-in-law...didn't you hear me? It hurts like hell, rub it for me."

walked some distance.

Only then did Ye Wenjun say: "Be careful of the plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

Fang Yu couldn't help being startled, and said, "Let's go!"


at the same time.

Ye Cheng was rescued by two of his subordinates.

He ran all the way, running for half an hour, and stopped after confirming that no one was chasing him.After the stop, two of Ye Cheng's subordinates were out of breath and slumped on the ground with pale faces.

The two sat on the ground, spitting out blood.

Ye Cheng also had a tired face.


As soon as he sat down, Ye Cheng yelled, "Damn it! If you don't take revenge, you're not a gentleman!"

The clansman who was panting at the side wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Guardian Ye, you have overdrawn your cultivation base too much, so you shouldn't go to war. Fang Yu's move just now was too sudden. The two of my brothers were hurt by it." Heavy damage. It may be difficult to repair within half a year!"

Ye Cheng was taken aback, he waved his fist and said, "I didn't expect his cultivation to be so high! It's unbelievable... If this is the case, it's not surprising that Ye Renyu was killed by him!"

"Guardian Ye, the top priority is to return to Kunlun Sect as soon as possible. It's too dangerous outside..."

"What are you afraid of! Even if we are injured, ordinary practitioners dare to touch us?" Ye Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "Where are the other two?"

"Guardian...they have gone to the Fang family. According to the previous plan...we sent Ning Lu to separate them, and you will deal with Fang Yu. The other two brothers will deal with the Fang family."

"it is good!"

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said in a hateful voice, "No matter how smart he is and how high his cultivation is, I don't believe he has three heads and six arms! I want to make the entire Fang family... blood flow like a river!"

The voice just fell.

Autumn leaves are beautiful.


A strange cool wind hit.

The three of them couldn't help being startled, fearing that Fang Yu would come after him, they looked warily at the direction the wind was coming from.

Swish swish!
"What's going on?" Ye Cheng's expression changed drastically.



Swish swish.

The leaves are falling.

Directly in front of the three of them, at a distance of 50 meters, a person came slowly.

Dressed in light blue, she looked like a woman.

Wearing a black veil, walking lightly.

Looking at the obviously slow pace, the 50 meters were completed in a blink of an eye.


The mysterious visitor came to the front of the three at a strange speed, looking down on the three of them.

"True Phoenix Clan?"

Ye Cheng was horrified.

It is not surprising to be able to see the strength of others at a glance, as long as the cultivation base is extremely deep, much higher than others.

But to be able to tell the race of others at a glance, isn't that...a bit infiltrating?

"Who are you?" Ye Cheng endured the pain, pretending not to be injured.

"It doesn't matter who I am... what matters is that you are going to die!" The mysterious man's voice was very soft.

From Ye Cheng's ears, it contained a strange murderous aura.

I couldn't help being startled in my heart, and stood up suddenly.

"Who is your Excellency? Knowing that we are the real phoenix clan, how dare you talk nonsense?" Ye Cheng was injured, and he didn't even have the confidence to speak.

The mysterious man shook his head slightly and said:

"Death is imminent, and I don't know how to repent."


The mysterious man slowly raised his hand.

The palm was as white as jade and as slender as a green onion.

Before he had time to marvel at the beauty of the palm, a wave of ripples spread out.


Ye Cheng's face changed drastically...

"Boundless master! is it possible!?"

Only infinite masters can absorb the surrounding air through the inner element, the faster the speed, the easier it is to form a tearing vortex.

The three of them were shocked!

Saint Ninth Rank, Nirvana, Hengsha, Truth, King of Light, Secret, Star, Infinite, Epic, Supreme Saint!
The infinite rank is undoubtedly the closest holy rank to the supreme saint!

The power spread by the secret realm is not enough to produce infinite masters!What's going on?

Just when the three couldn't understand.

That huge vortex began to attract.

"Senior, spare your life!"

"Senior, spare your life!"

Ye Cheng quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Senior...if my True Phoenix Clan offends Your Excellency in any way, I am willing to accept the punishment, but I really don't know what I did wrong, so I ask Senior to point it out!"

The mysterious man's eyes turned cold, and he said: "You have offended someone who shouldn't be offended! Well, that's all for now, go!"

Take it away!
Fist clenched.


Click, click!
The three people had no strength to resist, and their necks were twisted!
The ruthlessness of the means and the decisiveness of the attack left people dumbfounded.

The mysterious man waved his hands slightly, not even looking at the bodies of the three, but looked in the direction of the Fang family in Jiangzhou——

"I hope you grow up as soon as possible... I can't help you much."

After saying this, he turned around and walked towards the depths of the dense forest, swish, swish, swish... disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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