Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 798 Confrontation between Two Sides

Chapter 798
At the moment when the hundred steps disappeared——

The eight protectors of the True Phoenix Clan stretched out their palms at the same time, and placed the huge Heavenly Demon Shield on top of their heads.

Sure enough, the members of the dark web made their move at this time.

Bang bang bang!
The bullets and snipers all over the sky shot at them crazily.

The list was like hitting bulletproof glass, it had no effect at all.

"These people are crazy! They don't care about Nei Yuan at all!"

"Notify Miss Ye!"

"Already notified, Miss Ye didn't reply!"

"Attack, block them! All firepower, focus! Until the list is exhausted!"


The members of the dark net also knew that if they were allowed to successfully enter the Heavenly Capital Hall, then Ye Wenjun and some other Fang family children would be doomed.

They clearly heard the mission of the True Phoenix Clan through the monitor—except for Ye Wenjun, everyone else, shoot to kill!

Who can stop the insane massacre in the realm of secrets?

Bang bang bang!
The disciples of the Fang family in the Heavenly Capital Palace were worried, not knowing whether they should keep it or not.

If you continue to guard, you will undoubtedly die!

After Xu Sisi and Shangguan Linghui saw the [-]-level forbidden steps disintegrate, they were shocked and ran out.

The eight protectors of the True Phoenix Clan, bearing the Heavenly Demon Shield, came forward in a mighty and menacing manner.

follow closely.

The list of children all over the sky stopped abruptly and disappeared without a trace.

The firepower was gone.

Ye Ziqi raised his head and glanced at the Heavenly Capital Hall, his eyes were full of disdain.

"The Great Hall of the Heavenly Capital really deserves its reputation... 8000 years ago, countless people wanted to come to the Great Hall of the Heavenly Capital to seek opportunities, but it was a pity... most people couldn't even overcome the prohibition... 8000 years ago, there were so many holy rank powerhouses, but There are not many people who can break through the realm of heavenly secrets... My True Phoenix Clan, after 8000 years, is now coming back strong, how can I not patronize this ancient ruins!?"

This is said proudly.


When Ye Zhou, Ye Fan, Ye Yunlai and others saw the whole picture of the hall, they couldn't help laughing.

Laughter spread throughout the hall.

"This is the Tiandu Mountain Hall! I thought it would take a long time to come...I didn't expect that the Tiandu Mountain Hall is so withered! There is not even a guard. In the past, under the [-]-level ban, there were tens of thousands of practitioners Stationed. It is empty now! God help me!"

The eight protectors didn't see anyone obstructing them, and they were in a good mood.

follow closely.

Ye Zhou took a step forward and shouted:

"Your Excellency, please come out! I have been ordered to pick you up!"

There was an echo.No one responded.

"Your Excellency, please come out! I have been ordered to pick you up!"

"Your Excellency, please come out! I have been ordered to pick you up!"

Three consecutive beeps.

Containing a surging inner element, the sound is almost sent to every corner.

Both Xu Sisi and Shangguan Linghui raised their throats, and hurriedly turned their heads to look at Ye Wenjun... His eyes were still closed, and his whole body was dotted with light, like falling stars.

Afraid of disturbing Ye Wenjun, the two stood outside the hall.


"Subordinates are here!"

Swish swish.

Dozens of Fang family disciples jumped out from around, all of them staring intently at the eight protectors of the Zhenfeng clan.

Ye Ziqi and the others glanced over.

He couldn't help but sneered and said, "I thought there was something so powerful about Tiandu Mountain. It's just a bunch of rubbish. Among this group of people, the tallest one is only Zhitian... Why do we need the eight protectors to take action?"

A big wave.

A disciple of Shengjie Hengsha rushed out behind him.

The holy rank Hengsha, entering among practitioners below the heavenly rank, is like a wolf entering a herd of sheep.

But at the moment that person just got out.

A high-penetrating bullet pierced the sky!
This single, as if waiting for an opportunity for a long time, smashed the Gang Qi of the Hengsha-level powerhouse with a bang.

The Hengsha strong man stepped back, looking around vigilantly.


The shields of the eight guardians cover it.

The members of the dark net saw this scene, shook their heads and sighed——

"It's a pity, this guy is really vigilant. When he did it, he used a lot of inner energy to condense his energy. He was really willing to spend his money."

"I killed one with a sniper before, so I stunned the snake!"

"What the hell, this specially developed high-tech sheet can't even penetrate their shields! Above the holy rank, it's too scary!"

"If you want to snipe them again, I'm afraid it will be difficult. Didn't you see? Now they are using defense at all costs."

"Whether it's useful or not, we're here to wait for the opportunity to observe, which can be regarded as a layer of pressure on them. As long as the snipers are around, they will have to sacrifice their internal energy. They can consume as much energy as they want!"

"It makes sense! Hurry up and let people continue to deliver weapons!"


The eight Guardians of the True Phoenix Clan stood under the main hall with their hands behind their backs.

In the square in front of him, he dared not take a step forward.

Ye Yunlai said: "I didn't expect that these people are so cunning, are modern weapons really inexhaustible?"

"It's really abominable! It seems that our eight protectors must do it themselves!"


"Old rules, advance and retreat together!"

"Advance and retreat together!"

The eight protectors lined up.

Facing the scorching sun, they stepped into the square in front of the main hall.

Just then-

Several figures behind him came like the wind.

huh, huh...

"Which bastard dares to invade Tiandu Mountain!?"

One person, with black air like ink all over his body, rushed into the group of Hengsha-level disciples of the True Phoenix Clan.Shoot out with one palm.

At the same time, there are two other masters cooperating, forming a triangle, like an awl, to defeat those people!

The eight protectors were slightly taken aback.


The three masters stood still and rushed towards the entrance of the main hall, turning their heads to face the Zhenfeng clan and others.

These three people are none other than Chen Daotian, Xu Huanwen, Lin Weifeng...the new masters of the other three temples.

Ye Ziqi's eyes fell on them and swept over them.

"Who did I say, it turned out to be the three spearhead boys at the peak of Hengsha! With special power, he is stronger than the ordinary Hengsha realm..."

His eyes swept over Shangguan Linghui and Xu Sisi again, and he sneered even more.

"In the huge Tiandu Mountain, there is not even a decent expert. The villain who only hides in the corner and throws hidden weapons to make some dirty tricks... How glorious Tiandu Mountain was back then, it is really depressed and withered now!"

"Where's your boss, Fang Yu? Let him come out! Maybe he's the only one who can keep me thinking about Tiandu Mountain!"


Chen Daotian laughed.

"Look at you... Are you qualified to see my brother Yu? You are not even worthy of shining shoes. You guys really think you are invincible because of your high cultivation level? Shameless! You have lived in the secret realm for 8000 years , I don’t even understand such a simple truth... Do you know what this is?”

He took out a black thing from his arms, not very big, but very dexterous.

see this.

Ye Ziqi sneered endlessly: "Modern weapons? Just use your tricks... It's best to raze Tiandu Mountain to the ground!"

Chen Daotian threw the things in his hands to the sky and said, "I'll appreciate it for you guys... an eye-opener!"

A stream of light rushed to the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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