Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 80 Seeing Ji Qiubai Again

Chapter 80 Seeing Ji Qiubai Again

The car drove outside a manor.

The group parked the car and took Fang Yu to the gate.

When Fang Yu just stepped into the gate, a 30-year-old man in a tunic suit walked out quickly, without saying anything, he hugged Fang Yu directly.

"Brother! We meet again!" The man in the tunic suit had a low voice, a little excited, and then he looked at Fang Yu carefully, "It's been eight years, and I thought I would never see you again. Last time I left without saying goodbye, I have always missed you."

When the young people behind him saw the man in the Chinese tunic suit, they bowed respectfully at the same time and said, "Boss Ji."

The capable, gentlemanly, mature and stable man hugged by Fang Yu is Ji Qiubai, a big shot in Jiangzhou.He was also Fang Yu's good brother back then.

eight years.

Ji Qiubai's strong enthusiasm shocked several young people in the courtyard.Ji Qiubai, who held the power to kill others, was so close to an ordinary-looking young man.

Ji Qiubai is a mature person, among Fang Yu and other brothers, he has always been quick-witted.Through their hard work, the brothers created their own world in Jiangzhou.

"Brother, it's good that you're back. Our brothers are finally together." Ji Qiubai said excitedly.

Fang Yu, who had been silent all this time, asked back, "Is it really all right?"

Ji Qiubai was slightly taken aback, and sighed, "Brother, I will avenge Ye Fei's revenge."

Fang Yu raised his eyes, looked at Ji Qiubai's eyes, and thought of another brother who died by the river in a dark night. His clothes were stripped off, his whole body was exposed, and his body was soaked white. There was a throbbing pain in Yu's heart.

Ji Qiubai sighed slightly, patted Fang Yu's shoulder lightly, and did not speak.

"What are you all doing in a daze? Don't let everyone come to see my brother." Ji Qiubai suddenly turned around, facing a group of younger brothers outside the villa and shouted angrily.

The group of younger brothers were startled, they all stood in a row, bowed and shouted: "Brother Yu!"

The grand welcome made the ordinary Fang Yu feel awkward, so he just nodded symbolically.

Looking at the luxury cars, villas, and all the respectful younger brothers, Fang Yu already knew that they were people from two worlds.

"I haven't seen you for many years, you are richer than before." Fang Yu said sincerely.

"Brother laughed at me." Ji Qiubai smiled lightly, "Let's go, I specially prepared a table of good wine and food."

Pulling Fang Yu into the villa.

Luxurious buildings, extravagant works of art, and valuable antiques.As soon as he entered the villa, Fang Yu had the illusion that he had entered the world of the rich.

As soon as Ji Qiubai entered the hall, he personally pulled a chair for Fang Yu.

"We haven't seen each other for eight years, we must drink enough this time." He opened a bottle of wine and filled the glass.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Fang Yu sat down.

Picking up the wine glass, Fang Yu didn't clink glasses with Ji Qiubai, but raised his hand, and the wine spilled out.

"What are you doing?" Ji Qiubai asked in surprise.

Fang Yu put down his empty wine glass, lit a cigarette unhurriedly, exhaled a smoke ring, and asked, "It's just the two of us here, didn't you say that we are all brothers?"

Ji Qiubai was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Yan Hu has gone out to do some errands, and he won't be here until later."

"I didn't mention him." Fang Yu said.Of course he knew that the relationship between Yan Hu and Ji Qiubai had always been very good.

Yan Hu's mind is simple, he only knows how to concentrate on doing things.When they fought together, he never asked for anything in return.Regarding Yan Hu, Fang Yu knew that Ji Qiubai would definitely not do anything to him.

"You mean Xiao Zeng?" Ji Qiubai said.

Fang Yu nodded and raised his voice, "Does Xiao Zeng count as our brother?"

"Of course!" Ji Qiubai also responded loudly, his voice resounding.

"If it counts, why would he do odd jobs at the racecourse?" Fang Yu was angry.

The scene paused, and the atmosphere became weird.

Fang Yu's face turned cold, and he said: "The five of us, what promise did we make? We share weal and woe, share weal and woe, now you live in a luxurious villa, drive an expensive luxury car, and have countless younger brothers who listen to you. For you. And what about Xiao Zeng?"

Ji Qiubai's face changed slightly. Looking at the agitated Fang Yu, he suddenly said, "Ye Fei's death, you are the only one who suffers, not me? Every Qingming, except Yan Hu and I will go to visit the grave, how about you? You You keep saying that you feel sorry for your brother because of your brother, but you haven't even been to the cemetery once, so you are a brother in vain!"

"Xiao Zeng is good at equestrianism. These years, he has been in the racecourse like a fish in water, and he has been in trouble. Only you - leave without saying goodbye, what right do you have to scold me?" Ji Qiubai was obviously also angry.

"What a wind and water!" Fang Yu said coldly, "What you call a wind and water is letting others beat and scold you?"

Hearing this, Ji Qiubai's face turned cold suddenly, his eyes flickered coldly, and he said, "What you said is true?"

Fang Yu didn't answer, but still stared at the table of food coldly, without moving.

At this time-

Ji Qiubai slammed down the table, and shouted coldly to the door: "Come here!"

A young man in a black suit walked in respectfully, bowed and said, "Boss."

"Call Yan Hao who is in charge of the racecourse!"

"Yes!" The young man in the black suit turned and left.

Seeing that Fang Yu's mood eased, Ji Qiubai poured a glass of wine with a gloomy face, drank it dryly, and said, "If what you said is true, I, Ji Qiubai, will personally apologize to you! It's not easy for us brothers, now You are back. We brothers can finally fight together!"

But Fang Yu said: "Xiao Zeng works under your hands, as long as he doesn't suffer, it doesn't matter what I do, and I am very satisfied with my job now."

Ji Qiubai was surprised and said, "Is there any job in Jiangzhou more attractive than you and I fighting together?"

"I've always had no big ideals, and I just want to work peacefully and spend the rest of my life in peace. As for fighting in the world, I'm already past that age." Fang Yu said lightly.

"Spend the rest of your life in peace? This is not like you. We made a promise at the beginning that the five brothers share weal and woe. Now that you are back, I can give you half of everything I own!" Ji Qiubai said seriously.

"Brother Ji was joking. When I fought with you back then, you were not as beautiful as you are now. You deserve the wealth and status. I'm not so cheeky yet, so I just sit back and enjoy it." Fang Yu smiled wryly.

"Between brothers, wealth counts for nothing!" Ji Qiubai said awe-inspiringly.

Fang Yu shook his head again: "I won't say too much, if you really treat me as a brother, let me do what I want to do."

"Fang Yu, with your ability, it is not difficult to make a name for yourself in Jiangzhou. Are you really willing to live with mediocrity? As long as you come back, I don't even have to be the boss, you can do it!" Ji Qiubai said .

"Brother Ji, don't say that again. Our brother for so long, you still don't understand my character?"

Hearing this, Ji Qiubai sighed.

"Forget it. You haven't changed at all on this point."

Fang Yu nodded.

At this time, the young man in the black suit outside the door came back, walked to the dining table, bowed and said, "Boss Ji, Zeng Miraculously brought it to you. Brother Hao said he will be there in a short drive."

Ji Qiubai raised his hand suddenly, slapped the young man in black suit hard, and said coldly, "You bastard, Zeng Miracle was also called by you?"

"Ah... old... boss..."

"Brother Zeng!"

"Zeng...Brother Zeng..." The young man covered his face, staring in his eyes, and said fearfully.

Outside the door, Zeng Miracle walked in slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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