Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 844 Discordant Voices

Chapter 844 A Discordant Voice (Third Watch)
Fang Yu and the others followed the prestige.

Near the right side of their corner, there were four or five people in long robes, looking at Fang Yu strangely.Those who sat with them were the people who greeted Fang Yu just now.That is, people from the Frost Chasing Clan.As for the man who spoke, he was a bit sissy, with long hair and a bit seductive.

"It's them... Before they came, Huangfu Zhan said that he invited one more person today, but he was expected to dare not come... Unexpectedly, he actually came."

"Who is this person? It's not easy for Huangfu Zhan to value him so much."

"You're worrying too much... It's just a humble bloodline... No matter what his abilities are, no matter how special he is, he is not of the orthodox bloodline, and he is destined to be a humble person."

Another person snorted coldly and said:
"The humble blood is actually on an equal footing with us, Huangfu Zhan is an old bastard, he can't handle things!"

"Don't worry about it, the grand event will start in a while, let's see how he explains it!"

In ancient times.

The emperor sits on the dragon chair, and other people are arranged on the left and right, which is very particular.The status is arranged in order from high to low.

Suddenly there is a beggar, or a commoner sitting in the crowd of officials, what do you let the civil and military officials think?These people think so.

They thought from the bottom of their hearts that Fang Yu and the others were lowly human beings, unworthy of being equal to them.


"Brother Yu, I really want to go up and fuck them now!"

"Yes, I think so too, it's too hateful...they actually say brother-in-law is a lowly human being!" Jiang Xiaoxiao said.

" seems like you're not just talking about me?" Fang Yu said with blank eyes.

"No way, my sister and I belong to the Tianyin clan! Isn't Tianyin one of the top ten bloodlines?" Jiang Xiaoxiao said.

"Yes! There's nothing wrong with it!"

"That's talking about you two." Jiang Xiaoxiao pointed at Fang Yu and Chen Daotian.


Fang Yu and Chen Daotian were stunned.

There are more and more people.

All kinds of people in strange costumes also showed up one after another.

Looking at those strange people, Jiang Xiaoxiao couldn't help being curious, and asked, "Brother-in-law, do you know them?"

"I don't know, but I know which race they are from!"

"Really?" Jiang Xiaoxiao said with a full face of admiration.

"The ones on the left in the first row are dressed in fiery red. They are good at the fire attribute, and they are born to be the controllers of the internal element of the fire attribute. They belong to the flame clan. Pay attention to the red tokens in their hands, they are called flame jade tokens. They are their weapons. "Fang Yu said.

Jiang Xiaoxiao clapped her hands and said, "Brother-in-law, you are amazing!"

"On the right is the Tianmai family. Even though they are petite, they look weak. They can control puppets, powerful puppets, and they are more terrifying than Transformers."

"The Yingzhao family over there is a tribe of the Huaxia Xirong tribe. I don't believe it if I say it. It is said that they can fly..."

Jiang Xiaoxiao froze for a moment.


"The ones on the right side are the Ghost Dao Clan. Do you feel that they are spooky? They have Ghost Ringpan in their hands, which can control corpses!"

"The one on the rear left is the nearest one, called the Jiuli Clan... some people of the Jiuli Clan don't distinguish between men and Yang fellow practitioners, so they look a little bit neither male nor female, and they are also the least gregarious clan among the top ten bloodlines. The ones sitting with them are the Zhushuang clan who greeted me earlier, they are good at Fang Tianhua halberd-like weapons, and their attributes focus on the cold attribute."

After the introduction.

Chen Daotian and Jiang Xiaoxiao all looked at Fang Yu in shock.

Jiang Wei looked at Fang Yu suspiciously and said, "How do you know?"

Fang Yu chuckled, pointed to the signs, and said, "The names of their races are written on the signs... As for other information, of course it is because I am knowledgeable. I usually not only practice, but also read a lot of books. I spend some time reading every day. Do you feel a little hopeless when you hear this?"

"Huh?" Jiang Wei didn't understand what he said.

Chen Daotian sighed: "Oh, people who are more talented than me work harder than me, so what's the use of my hard work?"


It seems to make sense.

Just when they were chatting and playing.

There was discussion on the scene.

The people in front of them are the six races of the ten bloodlines.

All of them are masters of practice.

Before the outbreak of the secret realm, any one of these people could shake the past and the present.

This is the real boss.

At this time.

At the entrance of the banquet.

Huangfu Zhan in golden robes and Ye Xie in gray clothes slowly entered the arena.

"The patriarchs of the True Dragon Clan and the True Phoenix Clan are here." Chen Daotian said.

Jiang Xiaoxiao was the same as before, with a curious face on his face: "Wow, they are the dragon and phoenix clan that my brother-in-law is particularly good at?"

"That's right, it's them!" Chen Daotian said.

"Hee hee... It's so majestic. People on both sides bowed to them when they saw it. It's so majestic!" Jiang Xiaoxiao said.

"You may not know that my sister-in-law is the saint of the Zhenfeng clan." Chen Daotian said.

Jiang Wei frowned and said, "Miss Ye Wenjun?"


"Then why doesn't she come? My sister and I belong to the Tianyin clan, and Wen Jun's sister is a true phoenix saint. If they come, they will still look down on others?"

Chen Daotian sighed: "This is a last resort. Let's not talk about it, let's deal with the matter in front of us first."


in the field.

Huangfu Zhan of the True Dragon Clan walked to the main seat, and on his left, Ye Xie walked over.

High and low ranks, no one dares to surpass.

The main seat is on the top, the left is the first, and the right is second.

Huangfu Zhan pressed his hands together, and said quite imposingly:

"8000 years! A full 8000 years!"

The rims of his eyes glowed.

As soon as the sound came out, the entire banquet area became extremely quiet.

No one dared to speak around.Didn't even dare to move.

There are hundreds of guards alone.

People from the eight major clans also filled the eight tables directly in front of the banquet area, and behind them were the less core disciples of each clan.

At this moment, no one paid attention to Fang Yu and the others in the corner.

All eyes were on Huangfu Zhan.

"For 8000 years, we have spent this difficult period together in the secret realm... I am very grateful to all the patriarchs for trusting me, Huangfu Zhan, and willing to leave a mark! Today... To celebrate the return of everyone, I specially prepared good wine and food , you and I won’t go home until we’re drunk!”

There was an uproar.

Everyone bowed their hands towards Huangfu Zhan.

Fang Yu also looked surprised, he didn't expect Huangfu Zhan to have such a strong calling ability!
follow closely……

Huangfu Zhan continued:

"The True Dragon Clan has always taken it as its mission to help the world... Since ancient times, this original intention has not changed. 8000 years ago, the True Dragon Clan spared no effort to maintain the order of Kyushu. After 8000 years, the True Dragon Clan should shoulder the burden again! Please also All your support!"

At this time.

Someone from the Huoyan Clan stood up and said, "I, the Huoyan Clan, fully support the True Dragon Clan!"


"My Tianmai family, fully support!"

"I am a member of the Yingzhao family, and I fully support it!"

"My Ghost Dao Clan, I fully support it!"

"I belong to the Frost Clan, and I fully support it!"

Everyone looked at the Jiuli clan rhythmically.

I thought the Jiuli clan would agree.

Unexpectedly, the sissy from Jiuli stood up and said with a smile: "Huangfu Zhan... today is different! Do you think that this is the ancient times, and what you say is what you say?"

"Huh?" Huangfu Zhan's eyes turned cold.

A sissy smile said: "If you want to restore the status of the real dragon clan 8000 years ago... then you should follow the old rules! My Jiuli clan can support the real dragon! But I want to ask a question..."

"Tell me." Huangfu Zhan looked serious.


Focusing their eyes, they all looked at the man from the Jiuli clan suspiciously.

"My top ten bloodlines are at least one of the orthodox bloodlines on this continent, with a noble status... Who gave them the power to be on an equal footing with our Jiuli?"

Jiuli pointed to the corner.

Follow the direction he is pointing.

Everyone looked at the table where Fang Yu was!

(End of this chapter)

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