Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 856 Unexpected

Chapter 856 Unexpected (three more)
Fang Yu looked at Ye Xie indifferently.

Said: "Ye are really thick-skinned. Seriously...I don't hold grudges as much as you think. And...I think you are very naive from the beginning to the end."

Now the Eight Great Clans are fully awakened.

Why is Fang Yu so bold to come to their banquet.

Why did Fang Yu not care about their provocation at all, what kind of infinite master, in front of the epic, everything is a joke.


Fang Yu didn't expect this to happen.

After practicing the Shenlong Jue, one can transform into a dragon only after reaching the fifth level.

The first time Xie Daoyun saw him, Xie Daoyun thought he was the Dragon Emperor.

this time……

It is His Royal Highness of the Dragon Clan.

Fang Yu has already realized...the secret behind the mandala petals must not be simple.

Thinking of this.

Fang Yu said lightly: "Hehe...the top ten bloodlines. It's so funny..."

The audience was silent.

"What era is it... I still play feudal society. Although I am a descendant of the dragon clan, but... I will not use this status to suppress you. Ye Xie, what do you think?"

"Yes..." Ye Xie said, sweating profusely.

"That's right... I am a person who has received modern education, has a high level of ideological awareness, and is familiar with the core values ​​of socialism... From this point of view, we want democracy and equality, okay?" Fang Yu laughed. .

"Your Highness is talking about democracy, equality... definitely, definitely." Ye Xie was extremely embarrassed.

"In these days, you can lead by example in everything you do. There are really too few people like me. I don't bother to argue with you... I don't classify like you, what is the orthodox bloodline, what is high and low. None exist."

Fang Yu scanned the audience and coughed, "Do you agree with my point of view?"

this question.

Everyone raised their heads in embarrassment and looked at Fang Yu.



"Of course I agree! People shouldn't be divided into different classes!"

"I want to agree! Your Highness's point of view is really keeping pace with the times, which is refreshing. After all, the times are different, and you can't use the old ways to restrain people in the new era."

"Yeah, people should know how to be flexible, and I absolutely agree with His Highness's point of view!"

I saw them express their views one after another.

Chen Daotian was speechless for a while.

Once this person has fists and strength, he will have status and power... Even if he farts, it is still delicious.

Fang Yu nodded and said with a smile: "That's good... I'm here today to hope that everyone can live in harmony. It would be great if you agree with my point of view... I will set an example. You humiliated me before and said that I I don't care about you lowly, trashy, scumbags."

The audience looked at each other in blank dismay.

Just smiled, not daring to respond.

Fang Yu said again: "I have said everything like this, why are you still kneeling?"



Someone took the lead and stood up.

Once someone takes the lead, others have the courage to stand up.

Soon, everyone stood up straight.

Fang Yu nodded in satisfaction, his eyes fell on the members of the True Dragon Clan, and without speaking, he looked at Gongsun Yang of the Jiuli Clan...withdrawing his gaze, he said, "Xiao Xiao, let's go."

"Brother-in-law! I'm here!"

Like a rabbit, Jiang Xiaoxiao hopped up to Fang Yu's side and hugged his arm affectionately.

People from the eight major clans couldn't help being puzzled.

These two are descendants of the Tianyin clan, and they didn't expect the Tianyin clan to have such a good relationship with Fang Yu!

Really unexpected.

With the help of the Tianyin clan, Fang Yu is like a tiger with wings added.

at this time--

A voice came from the direction of the gate.

"Which tribe is it, fighting here?"

This voice is calm and majestic, and it sounds like an elderly person, and it is full of confidence and strong cultivation base.

Everyone looked over.

The door creaked and opened slowly.

Walking in the forefront was a gray-haired old woman walking slowly with a golden staff in her hand.

Beside him, all women in blue robes followed.

This old grandma has a wrinkled face, but her eyes are very bright, and her clothes look majestic and graceful.At first glance, he is a person of high status.

The women behind me include capable women in their 40s and [-]s, as well as beautiful girls in their prime.

"Patriarch Tianyin..." Someone exclaimed.


The old lady led the girls to the banquet hall.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, his expression changed slightly.

In the banquet, every corner was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Obviously, there was a big battle here.

"I've met Patriarch Tianyin!"

"I've met Patriarch Tianyin!"

This is the Tianyin clan, one of the top ten bloodlines.

They all know each other.

In ancient times, they knew each other well.

Although the Tianyin clan is not as strong as other clans, they are good at supporting.Tianyin Patriarch's seniority and status are enough to win the respect of others.

Except for the patriarch, everyone must bow and salute.

"Old ancestor... This little girl, and that one, have the aura of our Tianyin clan on them. If my judgment is correct...the two of them should be descendants of our Tianyin clan." A 30-year-old Woman, said to the grandmother in a low voice.

The old lady nodded slightly, and her eyes fell on Jiang Wei and Jiang Xiaoxiao, showing kind eyes.


Jiang Xiaoxiao hugged Fang Yu's arm, which made her frown.

A person behind the old lady pointed at Jiang Xiaoxiao and said in a low voice, "What's your name?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao felt that this person had a stern expression, a little unfriendly, and mentally weak.

Fang Yu patted Xiao Xiao on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Her name is Jiang Xiaoxiao. This is her sister, Jiang Wei..."

"Did I ask you?" The woman's face turned cold.

This rebuke embarrassed the other eight clans present.

Dare to directly reprimand His Royal Highness of the Dragon Clan, one else.

It was also to blame for their late arrival, as it happened that they did not know Fang Yu's true identity.

The old woman raised her old hand and said, "Don't be so scary... We haven't returned to the city for long, and there are not many Tianyin people who have survived. If you do this, all our descendants will be scared away..."

"Yes, my ancestor."

The old lady smiled kindly, waved to Jiang Xiaoxiao, and said, "Xiaoxiao... come here."

Jiang Xiaoxiao flinched back.


Fang Yu smiled and said, "Xiao Xiao, she doesn't mean anything malicious, these are all members of your own tribe. And whether you can become better in the future, you have to learn from them."

After the brother-in-law said so, Jiang Xiaoxiao let out an oh and walked over.

The old grandma looked at Jiang Xiaoxiao carefully, and the more she looked at her, the more she liked her. She nodded and said, "He has a good foundation and excellent talent...I didn't expect that after 8000 years, our clan would have such an outstanding descendant... There is hope for the Tianyin clan! "

The old lady looked around and didn't bother to say hello to them, so she said, "Xiao Xiao... and this girl, you are originally from our Tianyin clan. In this troubled world, there will be a big war at any time, you two come with me ...We, the Tianyin clan, will protect you and teach you Tianyin's combat skills!"

"No...I want to follow my brother-in-law!"

Jiang Xiaoxiao murmured, and went straight back, hugging Fang Yu's arm.

The woman next to the old woman shouted: "Bold! You dare to disobey the orders of the ancestors, and you, get out of the way... Tianyin clan, are you the one who just touch it?" The woman pointed at Fang Yu, The voice said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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