Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 859 What is a full saint

Chapter 859 What is the Holy Spirit (Part [-])
All the people of the Tianyin clan panicked.


If you leave here, you will be isolated by the other eight major clans.

After all, it is not a trivial matter to offend His Royal Highness of the Dragon Clan.

Behind the old grandma, a younger-looking child raised his head, blinked his eyes, and asked, "Old ancestor... what is the Dragon Clan? Is the Dragon Clan stronger than our Tianyin Clan?"

This question made the other eight tribes sneer again and again.

No one answered the little girl's question.

Because, the answer is obvious.

Their ancestor stabilized his body and regained his composure. With deep eyes, he touched the little girl's forehead and said slowly:

"The Dragon Clan... is more powerful than our Tianyin Clan? The Dragon Clan is stronger than any of our clans present here... and, much stronger... According to legend, the Dragon Clan is an ancient clan in China, and various clans have been extended from the Dragon Clan... There are also people It is said that the top ten bloodlines in ancient times were also separated from the dragon clan. Among them, the real dragon clan is... The power of the dragon clan is beyond imagination. Strength, strength are all superior to humans... Moreover, the dragon clan also has an extremely terrifying feature-that is, they are born with the attributes of the five elements, which can be transformed at will."


The members of the Tianyin clan were all silent.

I don't know how long it took.

The patriarch of the Yingzhao Clan standing next to him said calmly: "Patriarch Tianyin, since you know it, you should know the consequences of offending His Highness. According to the rules of the Dragon Clan, it is a death penalty! Today is the banquet of our ten bloodlines , except for the elves, the nine clans gathered together... Not to mention the entire Tianyin clan, even our eight clans may not be able to protect you. You must know... Only the dragon clan in this world can reach the state of full sage. Go up, and only people from the Dragon Clan can go up... Sage Man, think about it carefully."


Patriarch Tianyin's face turned pale.

"Old ancestor, is there really a full saint in this world?"

The old lady sighed and said: "Human beings have been unimpeded since they practiced... they can shatter the void and become a saint that everyone admires when they cultivate to the fullest. It is rumored that the entire Chinese Kyushu continent has nearly 1 people from ancient times to modern times. In the time of the year, there was no one full saint! In the entire ancient period of 3 years, there were only five full saints..."

Everyone took a breath.

"So... on the mainland of China's Kyushu, practitioners often don't mention Man Shengren, because this is an impossible level of practice! In the past 1 years, our ten bloodlines have occupied an absolute dominant position... The Dragon Clan rarely cares about world affairs, they claim to be superior to human beings, their blood is the highest, they believe in dragons, they use dragons as their totems, and they are favored by God!"

The members of the Tianyin clan were all silent.

The more I hear this, the more frightening I get.

"Isn't the dragon clan invincible? Oh my God—what did I do?" The woman behind her was panicked.

The old ancestor shook his head and said: "Invincible dare not say... Pay attention to the words I just used, people of the dragon clan in this world can reach full sagehood, but how can there be only human beings in this world!? Our ten bloodlines, strictly speaking Let’s just say, they are not considered real human beings! Real human beings are bound by the laws of heaven and earth, and cannot become practitioners at the level of saints at all! Throughout the entire ancient period... there was only one ordinary human being who became a saint, known as the emperor in history! "

The words of Patriarch Tianyin kept shaking their souls.

But this knowledge, for other patriarchs, is nothing more than a little common sense.

The patriarch of the Yingzhao Clan sneered and said, "What does this have to do with the Human Emperor? I don't know if the Dragon Clan is invincible or not...I only know that throughout human history, the Dragon Clan has always been the backbone of resisting alien races! And...don't you Now that we are popularizing knowledge, I advise you to hurry up... If you don’t, then don’t blame us for being rude!”

The members of the Tianyin clan were shocked.

The Tianyin clan is good at supporting, and the bonus is extremely high, so they are respected by other clans.But when it comes to combat effectiveness, it's really worse.

The patriarch of the Yingzhao tribe made them look extremely ugly.

At this time.

The ancestor of Tianyin did not panic at all, and cupped his hands and said: "Colleagues... No matter what you say, our Tianyin clan and you have fought side by side, and we will continue to work together in the future. You just look at the old man's face, It is a serious crime for the Tianyin clan to offend the Dragon clan if you help them out, and if they exterminate the clan because of this incident, I will be a sinner through the ages!!"

Said the ancestor lowered his body and lowered his head.

see this scene.

The woman who spoke rudely before knelt down and said, "Old Ancestor, it's all my's all my fault--you can't do this, or else, I'll forgive my sins, and I'll go to His Highness to intercede. Willing to do my best!"

The old ancestor waved her hand and said: "This is a major issue for the whole family, and it cannot be solved by you alone! Get out of the way..."

I saw them tugging.

The patriarch of the Tianmai clan sighed and said: "Forget it... Our eight clans have never had any enemies with the Tianyin clan... It is not realistic to help you directly, but I can give you an idea."


The old ancestor looked overjoyed, cupped his hands and said: "I also ask Patriarch Zuoqiu to make it clear."

"The method is very simple...Since the two girls next to Your Highness are from your Tianyin clan, then you can start with them. I think His Highness loves the younger girl very much. If you can manage it well With this relationship, His Highness may not only not punish you, but may even favor you! Ancestor Tianyin, you really do not know your blessings... If I were you, I would laugh out loud even in my sleep !"

As soon as this word comes out.

Ancestor Tianyin's eyes shone brightly, and he cupped his hands hastily and said, "Thank you Zuoqiu Patriarch for your guidance, Jiang Hongxiu is very grateful! He will definitely repay you in the future... Let's go!"

Say it.

The old lady quickly left the banquet area with all the daughters of the Tianyin clan.


Watch them go.

The remaining eight clans winked at each other.

"The Tianyin clan has such a good fate... But our eight clans are not so good... Let's see, how to solve the remaining problems?" The clan leaders gathered together and began to discuss countermeasures.

"I think... for this matter, the real dragon clan has an unshirkable responsibility from the beginning to the end. Brother Huangfu, I am also sorry for the death of His Royal Highness the Son. But there is no way, whoever made His Royal Highness offend the Dragon Clan What? Besides, His Royal Highness the Dragon Clan said on the surface that they live in harmony, but they may not forgive you behind the scenes. If you want to protect your real Dragon Clan, you should take the blame and plead guilty... At that time, I will go with you and talk about love, how about it? "

The others nodded and looked at Huangfu Zhan.

(End of this chapter)

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