Chapter 88

Chapter 89
Inside the hall, it has been surrounded by a group of younger brothers.

The return of the eldest son, Sun Ling, made Sun Guoting laugh out loud.

Sun Ling suddenly turned around and walked into the hall.

Facing Ji Qiubai who was full of indifference, Sun Ling said in a cold tone: "Our debt should be settled. Back then you recruited hundreds of people to surround me, but none of them killed me. This is the first debt!"

"A year ago, you caused my second brother to die on the street. This is the second debt."

"In the past three months, you have robbed Jiangbei New District's territory again and again. This is the third bill!"


Sun Ling gritted his teeth for every account.Even Fang Yu in the corner never imagined that Ji Qiubai had done so many insane things in these years.

But Ji Qiubai smiled lightly, and wrote lightly: "If you come out to mess around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later, won't you?"

Jiang Xiaoxiao couldn't help but admire: "Well said!"

"Of course, Brother Ji is the only intelligent and beautiful existence among our five brothers." Yan Hu said proudly.

"Tiger..." Fang Yu curled his lips.

"Oh no, I'm talking about Brother Yu."


in the hall.

Sun Ling spoke wildly, and said with a smile: "It's a pity, God has eyes, I'm not dead! Are you particularly dissatisfied? You chose the life-and-death fight! You took it from my adoptive father, and now I want it all back , including your life!"

"Is it up to you?" Ji Qiubai said.

Sun Ling said: "Even my third brother Liu Zhong can kill you without leaving a piece of armor. Today I want to see, who else dares to die!?"


The sound echoed throughout the restaurant.

Everyone knows how terrifying this life-and-death struggle is.The gangsters pay attention to being ruthless.

Competing for territory and fighting to kill people is a common thing on the road.

There are too many unwritten rules on Jiangzhou Road, and the rules of life and death have been passed down for more than a hundred years.

In the life-and-death battle, there is another terrible rule, that is, any side is eligible to fight on wheels.

Secondly, if one party continues to challenge, the fight will continue endlessly until no one challenges.

This is the most ruthless way to resolve grievances and grievances in the world. Regardless of the outcome, the life-and-death struggle can also vent the inner hatred.

Therefore, when Ji Qiubai chose to fight to the death, Sun Ling in the dark was extremely happy.

There is no friendship to talk about on the battlefield. Since I have chosen this path, I have to walk on my knees.

Sun Ling's return is like a booster.With his unrivaled skill in Jiangzhou, the fight of life and death is simply a rule tailor-made for him.

So, he spoke, his voice high-pitched.

"Who else, stand up!?"

Sun Ling's proclamation was not only to challenge Ji Qiubai face to face, but also to warn all the bosses present that Grandpa Sun is not so easy to mess with.

Just Ji Qiubai?

Sun Ling was born to fight fiercely, so he couldn't wait for Ji Qiubai's declaration of war.These few words are to force Ji Qiubai to his death.If you don't fight, not only will you lose the battle of life and death, but you will lose all face in the future, how can you mess around in Jiangzhou?

Just at this moment——

Yan Hu suddenly patted down the table, got up and shouted: "Your grandfather, let me teach you!"

He still couldn't help but play!
Jiang Xiaoxiao next to him was so excited that he almost cried out.

Fang Yu frowned slightly.

When Ji Qiubai's gaze passed over here, he realized that something was awkward.I even felt the fat Yanhu who couldn't bear it.He knew that with Huzi's character, he couldn't hold back no matter what.Yan Hu also attaches great importance to Ji Qiubai. If he tries to stop him forcefully, he will not only be misunderstood as a coward, but also affect the brotherhood.

As the number one fighter next to Ji Qiubai, he had to stand up in this life-and-death situation.

"You are Yan Hu?" Sun Ling's eyes were cold.

"It's you, Grandpa Tiger." Ron clenched his fists, "Stop talking nonsense, let's see the truth of our skills!"

"It's pretty crazy!" A cold light flashed in Sun Ling's eyes.

"Punch me!" Yan Hu didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and his fighting spirit rose up, like a raging wave and a volcano erupting.

"This is a life-and-death struggle, I advise you to prepare your last words early!" With a cold snort, Sun Ling went up to meet him.

Bang bang bang!
The two fought together.

This is life and death!
Fang Yu's nerves were suddenly stimulated by these three words, which meant that Yan Hu would never die with Sun Ling!

Glancing at Ji Qiubai in the arena from the corner of his eye, he walked to a nearby table, sat down quietly, picked up the red wine, and tasted it slowly, as if the fight in the arena had nothing to do with him!

There was a surge of anger in my heart for a while!

Fang Yu watched the fight in the arena with awe-inspiring gaze.

"It's punching me!" Yan Hu punched several times, and the two fists collided.

The body shape changed, and the Taishan-like figure pressed down on Sun Ling, which actually gave people a sense of oppression.The fist wind was even more loud.

"It's barbaric!" Sun Ling sneered. With his dexterity and strength not inferior to that of Fatty Ron, it seemed that he had almost touched Fatty Ron's strength.I can't help but have a bottom line in my heart.

Sun Ling twisted his body, and kept cleverly avoiding Yan Hu's attack.Then he quickly hit Yan Hu's waist with his nimble movement.

bang bang bang-

Yan Hu waved his iron fist and was dodged again!
"Despicable!" Yan Hu gritted his teeth and stared at Sun Ling!

Fortunately, Yan Hu's ability to resist blows is extremely strong, and he only felt some pain after being punched several times in a row, which did not make him lose his fighting power.These punches, on the contrary, stimulated his fighting spirit. Like a mad buffalo, he rushed towards Sun Ling recklessly.

Jiang Xiaoxiao, who was outside the arena, couldn't help but widen his eyes when he saw this, and said excitedly and expectantly: "Brother Hu, come on—"

"Brother Hu, you are too powerful!"

It is not unreasonable for Huzi to be famous in Jiangzhou with such skills.One is his amazing strength, and the other is that the friends who followed She over the years have also learned a lot of tricks. If you are not a real master, you really have nothing to do with him.

But this Sun Ling is a real master!

"court death!"

Seeing the fat man charging towards him like a bull, Sun Ling knew that the opportunity had come!How can a fat man with a wild way and brute strength fight against Sun Ling who has been training since he was a child and has undergone inhumane training?

Fang Yu's eyes closed, and he focused on Ji Qiubai again.

Ji Qiubai, are you still moving?
At the moment Yan Hu charged, Sun Ling used his ultimate move, punching the air, and punched Yan Hu's chest at a strange angle.

Ok?what happened!


Yan Hu immediately flew upside down, spitting out blood!

In the corner, Fang Yu's eyes turned cold, and he thought: So he is a martial artist, no wonder he is so arrogant.

This Sun Ling hid it very deeply, but Fang Yu still felt the inner strength in his fist!This is the inner strength that only a martial artist possesses!

At the same time, Sun Ling sneered, kicked his feet, and continued to run forward. He only needed to make up a move, and Ji Qiubai's number one fighter fell down.

Everyone was shocked.

Sun Guoting was also full of excitement, his eyes glowing.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

All the waiting turned into anger with Ji Qiubai's indifference!
call out!
Fang Yu moved!

At the same time, he clapped his palm on the table.

The figure jumped out like an electric shock!

With a snap, the table suddenly fell apart!
Jiang Xiaoxiao was stunned by Fang Yu's sudden action, and screamed!

(End of this chapter)

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