Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 886 Tianyin Swears

Chapter 886 Tianyin Swears (Part [-])
The three of them heard Fang Yu's words.

Chen Daotian was the first to jump out and said, "I'll go! I'm so happy, don't think about it... Don't rob me. Even if the secret realm is a sea of ​​swords and swords, I will go for it. A man is a man, don't mix Eat and wait to die!"

Everyone looked at Chen Daotian who jumped out and yelled loudly.

At the same time, the fat girl Song Wan, like a follower, rushed forward, muttering, and hugged Chen Daotian's arm——

"I want to go too! Husbands sing and wives follow suit. Marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog! Wherever you go, I will go..." Song Wan said very resolutely.


Which one is this singing?
Fang Yu was surprised and said, "Daotian, are you married? Doesn't make sense, don't you invite me to a wedding wine when you get married?"

There was a muffled laugh in the hall.

Chen Daotian explained with a mournful face: "Brother Yu, I was wronged! I was framed by someone! I have nothing to do with her..."

"Nothing? You, you, you have peeked at her, and even worshiped me! According to my family's custom, you are marrying me, and I am your woman!!" Song Wan jumped on it He hugged Chen Daotian.

The crowd burst into laughter.

Chen Daotian said aggrievedly: "Brother's all about acting, it's all about routines!"


"No way, the city has deep routines, I want to go back to the countryside, the roads in the countryside are more slippery, and people's hearts are more cunning... I thought about it, I'd better go to the secret realm to practice. Don't miss this opportunity, never again!" Chen Daotian firmly said.

"Okay! Let's go this afternoon." Fang Yu said.

I thought I had to persuade this guy.

I didn't expect to have to persuade myself.

Lin Weifeng and Xu Huanwen saw that Chen Daotian had also gone, and they had no reason to object.They all nodded.


Immediately afterwards, Fang Yu looked at the two Jiang Wei sisters standing in the crowd of the Tianyin clan, and said:


"Brother-in-law!" Jiang Xiaoxiao opened his mouth and called, very proficiently.

With this call, everyone froze for a moment.Calling him brother-in-law in front of Ye Wenjun, it's... a bit embarrassing, right?

Fang Yu quickly glanced at Ye Wenjun from the corner of his eye, saw that her face was calm, and she didn't seem to have any signs of anger, so he pretended nothing happened, coughed, and said, "Xiao Xiao, follow me these few days. Patriarch Jiang, how is your cultivation progress?"

"Hee hee... I knew my brother-in-law didn't forget me... I'm fine, I can learn those things as soon as I learn it, it's easy." Jiang Xiaoxiao said as if showing off.

Everyone around looked at the little girl with complicated eyes.

This little girl has a brother-in-law in one bite, and there is really no one else.

However, Ye Wenjun didn't mind at all.

What kind of person is Patriarch Jiang? In terms of cultivation, she may be far inferior to someone like Fang Yu, but in terms of experience and knowledge, Jiang is still old and spicy.Jiang Hongxiu believed that Fang Yu liked this sister-in-law very much, and that the saint Ye Wenjun didn't mind Jiang Xiaoxiao being called that... she was used to it too much, and Jiang Wei, the older sister, didn't object.

From the perspective of this relationship, it seems a bit inappropriate.


There is no road in the world, if there are many people walking, there will be a road.

There is no brother-in-law in the world, if you call too much, you will become a brother-in-law, even if Fang Yu has no real relationship with Jiang Wei.


Patriarch Jiang cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness... Although Xiaoxiao is a latecomer, she is born to learn Tianyin's combat skills. She is much smarter than her sister. Xiaoxiao has already mastered the basics of cultivation. The old man even taught her to recite "Le Zhan Song" and "Bi Hai Chao Sheng", from now on, Jiang Xiaoxiao will be able to shine in this continent."

"Battle music?" Fang Yu couldn't help but startled.

I didn't expect Jiang Xiaoxiao to learn so fast.

But if you think about it carefully, this is also normal.Jiang Xiaoxiao has always been a student. It's like when he was in school, he could solve any problems, including algebraic functions in high school mathematics... But after entering the society and working, these functions can't be solved. Even English words can't be solved. Can't remember how many.The student age is the time when the ability to learn is strongest.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaoxiao's learning ability is extremely strong, so this thing can't help her.

"Yes, the rest is up to her own good luck... She will have to accumulate more and learn more combat skills in the future." Jiang Hongxiu said indifferently.

With these words, everyone in Tianyin envied and hated her.

The treatment of disciples who enter the house and inheritors of the mantle is really extraordinary.

No other female disciple has this treatment!

Fang Yu nodded and exclaimed in admiration, "Clan Chief Jiang is here... This battle song is said to be able to increase the combat power of 1 people at the same time. It is a first-class auxiliary combat skill on the battlefield! I didn't expect Patriarch Jiang to be so willing."

Jiang Hongxiu waved his hands and said: "This is what the old man should do... Now that the old man is getting older, he feels more and more that the end is approaching... I am afraid that the old man is the only thing that has been seen on this continent so far. Are you the oldest old monster?" The last half of the sentence was quite self-deprecating.

Fang Yu shook his head and said:
"You can't say that. How many people want to live a long life? Besides, is immortality necessarily interesting? Ten thousand years is too long to seize the day. For people, as long as it is meaningful, it is better than anything else! Besides, you don't have to be so Pessimistic, what if one day you have an adventure, break through the limitless realm, become a Tianyin saint for a generation, and prolong your lifespan again?"


Jiang Hongxiu was greatly moved and said:

"Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. I thought that I was a member of the Dragon Clan, high and unattainable. I have always been condescending and disdain to be with the common people in the world... I didn't expect that His Highness completely subverted the old body's impression of the Dragon Clan. From now on From now on... the entire Tianyin family is willing to be loyal and assist His Highness to achieve a great cause for a generation! Unswerving until death!"


Jiang Hongxiu slowly put down the Zen stick in his hand and knelt down on one knee.

Fang Yu wanted to stop it.

But he saw a circular pattern appearing in front of Jiang Hongxiu.

That array pattern is like the stars in the night, shining brightly.

The light is dazzling and extremely eye-catching.

"I swear in the name of Tianyin's current patriarch...From now on, the entire Tianyin clan is willing to be loyal to His Royal Highness Fang Yu, loyal to His Highness, and swear to assist His Highness in achieving great things and saving the world's common people and people. If you violate this I swear, I will fall into hell forever for generations, and I will not be reborn!"

In the entire hall, there was silence.

Everyone looked at Jiang Hongxiu with serious faces.

This is the famous Tianyin patriarch!A real long-lived person who has passed the age of ten thousand actually made this promise in front of everyone, in front of Fang Yu!

Fang Yu walked down the stairs without saying a word.

Arriving in front of Changjiang Hongxiu of the Tianyin Clan, he quickly helped Jiang Hongxiu up, and was greatly moved: "Fang Yu, how can he be so kind, to be so loved by Chief Jiang..."

(End of this chapter)

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