Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 917 All Arrived

Chapter 917 All Arrived (Part [-])
Ao Guang is the first-class blood of the Dragon Clan, a branch of Feng Wenfeng.

Ao Jiang next to Fang Yu belongs to Feng Shan Shui.

Shan Tianguang, the one who sent Ao Zhan to assassinate Fang Yu has not yet appeared.

There is no reason for the three major factions of the dragon clan to come here... After all, there have been internal struggles for thousands of years, and everyone will be very sensitive to any movement between the three major factions.This time it involves the movements in the city, and even more so, the future of the Dragon Clan.

When Ao Guang was in the Holy Land of Dragon's Rest, he heard the wind.Elder Feng Wenfeng even ordered him to rush to Jiangzhou City immediately.

How can one easily miss this secret storm once every 8000 years?
Fang Yu was also thinking about this question at the same time——

Since it is a storm in a secret realm, it is a thing that brings great disasters, why don't everyone avoid it, but rush to come instead?Especially Feng Shanshui and Ao Jiang's team had to seal off the scene by themselves.

This is obvious, what are the benefits of the secret storm!

Ao Guang is well aware of the ins and outs of this. After all, when the secret realm broke out 8000 years ago, he was also the one who experienced it firsthand.


A modern person, a descendant of the Dragon Race suddenly appeared in front of him.

How does this make Ao Guang feel?

What's even more irritating is that this descendant of the dragon clan actually followed Ao Jiang!It's like being your own deadly enemy!

"I don't have to kill him! But...the fifth-class dragons, when they see the fourth-class dragons, especially when they meet for the first time, they should kneel down! You didn't know etiquette before, so I can forgive you...but now I have told you! How dare you Still standing where you are... so defiant, with eyes higher than the top, as the fourth-class blood of the Dragon Clan, I have the right to punish you!"

Ao Guang said every word, his eyes were poisonous, wishing he could kill Fang Yu with his sword immediately.

However, Ao Jiang stood in the way... Ao Guang was afraid.

Fang Yu glanced at him, and said: "You can kill me...but it depends on whether you have the ability. Although I am a fifth-class dragon, I have received modern education. Modern people don't have high or low For me to accept the concept of the Dragon Clan, at least there must be some time, right? The person next to me, Lord Ao Jiang, is not inferior to you in status and status, right? Even this Lord can tolerate me standing and not kneeling, you Can't you? It can be seen that your heart is far inferior to Master Ao Jiang!"

Fang Yu's move really killed two birds with one stone.

Not only satirized Ao Guang, but also flattered Ao Jiang.

Ao Jiang took advantage of the situation and said: "Shan Yu's words are very reasonable, and they won my heart... Ao Guang, you are still old-fashioned. After all, you are all from the same clan, why bother to use swords and guns? Isn't it just a joke for foreigners? Let's talk Yes, this is a modern city. After half a day of understanding, I realized that this modern city is definitely not something that ordinary people can understand! It is a good thing that my dragon clan has such descendants who are proficient in modern civilization. From now on, my dragon clan will return to modern times Civilization, reshaping the status of the dragon clan, can't do without him!"

Ao Guang cast a cold glance at Fang Yu.

"One yard is one yard! Ao Jiang, don't you know the rules of the dragon clan? If Ao Qing sees it, wouldn't it be a joke to you and me?"

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

at this time.

A group of people came slowly behind.

Walking in the forefront is a young man in blue clothes, holding a feather fan, smiling, striding like the wind, with an extraordinary bearing.

"Ao Guang! You are slandering me..."

The crowd followed the sound.

All the fifth-class dragons at the scene all knelt down.

"I've seen Master Ao!"

Fang Yu still did not kneel down.

Ao Guang, Ao Jiang... plus Ao Qing who just arrived...

A total of four people stood on the spot.

Fang Yu also knew that these three were the three major sects within the Dragon Clan!Checking and balancing each other came really timely.

As for the three elders behind them.

Fang Yu didn't bother to figure it out, and didn't need to figure it out... All in all, these three people were all obstacles that prevented him from finding his mother.

Fang Yu stood like this.

It is obvious that he does not kneel down.

Besides, Fang Yu knew that the person who came was Ao Qing, the fourth-class dragon clan.The other dragons present also knelt down.Knowing this rule, you still don't kneel!

Ao Guang became even more angry——

"Bold madman! You don't need to kneel when you see me! You don't kneel when you see Ao Qing... This is a crime you know! I'll kill you!"

call out!
The long sword is in the air!

At this moment, the feather fan turned and blocked Ao Guang's long sword with a bang.

Ao Qing stepped forward, and the feather fan turned into his hand.

Fang Yu knew at a glance that these three were all pseudo-saint-level masters!
The Holy Land of Longmian is indeed full of experts!
These three people are just the spokespersons of the three elders, wouldn't they themselves be even more terrifying?
Ao Qing came to him and said: "Ao Guang, you are so lenient... I think this brother is very good. Whether he kneels or not is secondary... You are going to kill people every now and then. The purpose of my dragon clan."


Ao Guang's complexion changed slightly, and he said, "Ao Qing, you don't want people to be the same as others! At the Holy Land of Dragon's Rest, there were fifth-class dragons who didn't salute you, so you beheaded them. Now you are going to kill them with me. Talk about the purpose? Are you going to be ashamed!?"

"Can it be the same? This little brother is a modern person! My dragon clan has not had descendants in the outside world for a long time... This indicates that the incense of my dragon clan can continue! This is a big deal, do you understand?"


Although Ao Guang was very angry, it was true.

Why does Dragon's Rest Holy Land not allow murder without capital punishment?It is because there is one less dragon clan, and the reproductive ability is too low.

Everyone in the Dragon Clan knows that the reproductive ability of modern people is much higher than that of the Dragon Clan.

"What's the use of continuation? Fifth-class dragon family? The blood concentration is terribly low. What's the use of losing the talent of cultivation?" Ao Guang said.

At this time.

Ao Jiang smiled and said, "Ao Guang, since the three of us are here, why are we arguing here? It's a joke. What are we here for?"

Ao Qing said: "Of course I came to see the storm in the secret realm."

Ao Jiang said: "This storm in the secret realm was investigated by little brother Shan Yu and dealt with the arrangement... This is his value."

Ao Guang put away his long sword, thinking that Ao Qing would stand by him.I didn't expect to stand on Ao Jiang's side.

The three check and balance, and I have missed a move. Once the storm in the secret realm breaks out, they are likely to join forces to deal with me...

Thinking of this.

Ao Guang said: "Forget it... what the two elder brothers said is very true..."

Just as he finished speaking.

A violent explosion sounded.


Everyone turned around suddenly and looked in the direction of the city center.

Colorful rays of light steamed up like a mushroom cloud.

Like bubbles, the four great secret realms suddenly swelled up, filling the entire front.

see this scene.

Ao Jiang excitedly said: "The storm is coming!"

Fang Yu couldn't help being startled, he didn't expect the storm in the secret realm to come so quickly.

"Follow me into the storm!" Ao Jiang looked serious, and led his men into the storm.

How could Ao Qing and Ao Guang lag behind, and they also led their subordinates to follow.

Fang Yugang also wanted to follow.

Ao Jiang suddenly said: "Get out!"


"The fifth-class dragons dare to follow me?" Ao Jiang scolded.

Nima.If you change your face, you will change your face!
Fang Yu figured it out...these three people belonged to one family, and he was just an outsider!
When Ao Guang passed by Fang Yu's side, he snorted coldly, and said with a stare: "A lowly fifth-class bloodline dares to challenge me...I won't kill you today. After the storm is over, I will make death ugly!"

(End of this chapter)

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