Super Doctor of the City

Chapter 937 A Gang of White-eyed Wolves

Chapter 937
The audience was a little depressingly quiet.

The three elders sat upright and looked directly at Fang Yu. Although they didn't speak, their aura was enough to make people feel full of oppression.

long silence.

The elder Feng Wutian in the middle said:
"This is originally a taboo of my dragon clan... You are a fifth-class dragon clan, so bold, you deserve a capital punishment. However, you have brought back the energy of the secret realm, so I don't care about you. The rise of the power of the dragon soul must have the real dragon's blood, This statement is true... This old man has contributed to the Holy Land of Dragon Rest all his life. For ten thousand years, the dragon clan has been without a leader. As the saying goes, a country cannot live without a king, and it is time to find a new Dragon Emperor! The energy of this secret realm will Help Longmian Holy Land to find the true dragon emperor who has the blood of the dragon!"


Fang Yu thought to himself, that is to say, the person who can really inherit the throne of Dragon King must have real dragon blood in his body.And these people, although they belong to the dragon clan, don't have real dragon blood, so why do they need this secret energy?Is there any conspiracy?
This is equivalent to that people who can fully exert their energy belong to the orthodox royal family... and these three elders and other dragons can only be regarded as relatives of the emperor, not the direct orthodox bloodline.

The three elders have been in charge of the Dragon Clan for so long, and the orthodox royal blood of the Dragon Clan has never been found.

Obviously, they have selfish motives.

Second Elder Feng Wenfeng said slowly:
"Boy, are you willing to sacrifice your ego, complete your ego, and dedicate this ten thousand years of secret realm energy in order to restore the Dragon Clan?"

Fang Yu scratched his head and said, "Sacrifice?"

The third elder, Feng Shanshui, looked a little serious, and said coldly: "The little fifth-class dragons still have choices? Then, wouldn't my general, Ao Jiang, die with regret?"

"Third Elder, I deeply regret the death of Ao Jiang. He made such a contribution to the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan will remember his achievements... The energy of the secret realm is very involved. As the Great Elder, the old man must uphold justice. The energy of the secret realm of the year, I will work hard and keep it safe!" Great Elder Feng Wutian got up with his hands behind his back.

"Grand Elder, this statement is wrong... At the beginning, the three of us agreed that whoever gets the energy of the secret realm will manage the energy. Now that the energy returns, Ao Jiang has contributed the most, and Ao Jiang is my general. Could it be... Shouldn't I be in charge of energy?" Third Elder Feng Shanshui retorted.

"Third Elder... Ao Jiang died in the battle. Could it be that Ao Qing and Ao Guang have no credit? The dead are great, but don't be arrogant and obliterate the credit of Ao Qing and Ao Guang!" Second Elder Feng Wenfeng said.


Feng Shanshui also stood up.

The conversation between the three of them immediately smelled like gunpowder.

No wonder today is just a small meeting!

Instead of the people from the Hall of Law Enforcement to preside over it.

Everyone present knows that this may be related to the future of the Dragon Clan.No one spoke, nor did they dare to speak.

The third elder Feng Shanshui said again: "Second elder, how can you ensure that the first elder can keep this secret energy well?" At the same time, he looked at the first elder, "Great elder, how can you ensure that the second elder can keep this energy well?"

The three looked at each other.

The check and balance among the three has always been a problem.

They don't trust each other, and no one dares to stand with anyone easily.

Great Elder Feng Wutian said: "In this case, the old rules, let him choose..."

Everyone looked at Fang Yu.

Ao Qing nodded slightly.

Sure enough, it has come to this step.

"Okay, boy, although you are a fifth-class dragon clan and the lowest bloodline of the dragon clan, according to the rules, you also have the right to choose the dragon clan! The old man, and the other two elders, respectively hold the power of life and death of the dragon clan. You can Make a choice. The old man asks you, who are you willing to follow?" Feng Wutian's eyes sank and fell on Fang Yu.

Invisibly, a pressure hit.

Fang Yu was a little confused.

In this Dragon Rest Holy Land, there are probably not many people who are truly willing to follow the dragon clan's orthodoxy.

The resources of the internal forces have already been divided up by these three elders.

Ao Qing lowered her head slightly and winked at Fang Yu.

Fang Yu clasped his hands and said: "The three elders are really righteous, and their loyalty to the Dragon Clan can be learned from the sun and the moon. Even though the boy is a fifth-class Dragon Clan, he was infected by the sincerity of the three elders! Originally, I was I have selfish intentions! But after hearing what the three elders said today, I realized how stupid I am! Before making this choice, I have something I want to confess to the three elders, and I don’t know whether I should say it or not!"

Everyone looked at each other.

What else can a small fifth-class dragon clan do?

It just doesn't make sense.

But, who let the energy of the secret realm be on him!

Great Elder Feng Wutian said calmly: "Say."

"The Great Elder is wise!"

Fang Yu's voice became much louder, and he said again, "I want to confess! Ao Qing and Ao Guang are threatening me!"

"Shan Yu, you are talking nonsense!" Ao Qing's face changed drastically!
"The elders decide for me!" Fang Yu hurriedly cupped his hands.


Ao Qing belongs to the First Elder, and Ao Guang belongs to the Second Elder!The two of them threatened Fang Yu, which naturally endangered the interests of the third elder.

The third elder has finally heard the truth——

He raised his hand and slapped the table open, and said, "Let him speak! Let me see who dares to stop me?"

The whole place was silent.

Now that this is the case, can they still stop it?
Fang Yu continued: "Ao Qing and Ao Guang threatened me and framed me...Let me choose the First Elder and the Second Elder! Also, Ao Jiang was not killed by me! Master Ao Jiang is a false saint. The energy of the secret realm did not hesitate to sacrifice the sacred artifact, but was stopped by Ao Qing and Ao Guang, who killed me and threatened me not to speak, otherwise, I would be punished for the crime of killing my own people!"

As soon as this word comes out.

The third elder stared wide-eyed.

First Elder Feng Wutian and Second Elder Feng Wenfeng's expressions changed slightly.


"Elder calm down, this kid is talking nonsense and spewing blood!"

Fang Yu laughed and said: "The facts are right in front of us! Ao Jiang's body is in Tiandu Mountain! The three elders can send someone to investigate, what kind of vitality has destroyed his internal organs! In addition, even if I go all out with my strength I have only reached the epic realm, even if ten of me add up, it is impossible for me to be the opponent of the false saint! The three elders are enlightened!"

This time, without waiting for the third elder to get angry.

Great Elder Feng Wutian knocked Ao Qing into the air with one palm!

"Bold! It's in vain that I trust you, dare to do such a rebellious thing and betray the Dragon Clan!"

He didn't attack Ao Guang, that was the second elder's business.

But obviously, when things got to this point, the Second Elder could only say in a deep voice: "The Great Elder is the head of the Elders, so it's up to you to deal with it!"

"it is good!"

Feng Wutian sternly said, "Third Elder, I will give you justice for the death of Ao Jiang, if what this son said is true! I killed them with my own hands!"

The third elder just got up, and said with a strange yin and yang:
"I said! It turned out to be collusion to commit crimes! Why follow the old rules! The two of you joined forces to fool the old man?"

"Third Elder, what are you talking about! We didn't even know about this!" Feng Wenfeng said.

Seeing that the contradictions between the three cannot be reconciled.

Fang Yu sneered in his heart.What a bunch of white-eyed wolves!

After a while.

Feng Wutian snorted coldly and said: "Since the two elders think it's biased, let's make a living sacrifice!"

"Okay! A living sacrifice is a living sacrifice!"

(End of this chapter)

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