Through the wealth life

Chapter 1 Rebirth

Chapter 1 Rebirth
The hot summer is not a pleasant season for people in the Sichuan-Shu Basin.High temperature warnings are commonplace, and severe heat, drought, and local water shortages occur from time to time.

This year, there has been no rain for more than a month in a row. The hot weather scorched the earth, and people's mood became more and more manic with the weather.It may be that it has not rained for too long, or it may be that people have too much resentment looking forward to the rain.

At [-] o'clock in the evening, the heavy rain hit, the sky was flickering with thunder and lightning, and the ground was also blowing strong winds. It seemed that the sky was going to wash away the mania of people for more than a month at this moment.

Ping'an Town is located in a small town under the jurisdiction of Guocheng City, Sichuan Province.On the fifth floor of a certain building, a young man stood quietly in front of the window looking at the dark sky with thunder and lightning from time to time, listening to the howling wind outside and the sound of raindrops hitting the window.It was so peaceful at the moment, it seemed that there was nothing in this world that could affect his mind.

Li Yu, a child who grew up in a mountain village, is 26 years old this year.I have lived in this world without doing anything for 26 years. When I was a child, I was a left-behind child, and my academic performance was sloppy. Later, I graduated from a junior college and did nothing at work.

The pressure of life, the current achievements of former classmates, looking at himself, only felt that the strong pressure made him breathless.

He walked down the stairs slowly, and stood on the street, letting the rain fall on him, as if this could alleviate the pain in his heart, while the lightning in the sky was still flickering.

On November 1977, 11, a teenager in villa No. 5, Repulse Bay, Xiangjiang was staring at the figure in the mirror in a daze.The boy's name is Li Guangyu, he is 16 years old, and he was born in a wealthy family.

At this moment, the teenager's heart still cannot be calm, even though a week has passed.The boy's body is still the same body, but the soul has been replaced by a person who traveled through the 21st century.

Li Yu still couldn't understand, he only saw a bright light running towards him at that time, how come he is in Xiangjiang now.Yes, the soul of the young man in front of him has been replaced by Li Yu who came from a later life, absorbed the memory of this body, and was in a coma for two days because of this. When he woke up, he was a little dumbfounded.

Fortunately, no one has noticed some of his abnormal behaviors for the time being, and only thinks that he is a normal behavior caused by the loss of a loved one.Grandpa Li Guangyu came to Hong Kong during the Liberation War. He participated in the warlord melee with Marshal Yang Sen. Later, the Anti-Japanese War followed the Sichuan Army Corps to fight against Japan. He survived the Anti-Japanese War. The civil war broke out again, so he brought his son to Hong Kong to start. own business.

Li Guangyu's father studied at the School of Business Administration of Oxford University in 1956. He returned to Hong Kong to work in his father's clothing factory in 1960 and married the He family at the end of the same year, marrying He Zuozhi's daughter as his wife.

Perhaps the development of the Li family was too smooth in the 60s, and the Li family was hit hard in the 70s. In 1971, the head of the Li family, Li Yingliang, died of illness. In 1973, the stock market crisis hit again. The Li family fell into a financial shortage. With the support of the He family, Li Wencheng and Li Hemengping died in a car accident just a week ago.

Now Li Guangyu is the only one left in the Li family. Under the unbearable blow, the later generation Li Yu took advantage of the opportunity to occupy this body, and the two souls merged together without distinction.

"Master, it's time for breakfast." Mother He called.He's mother's name is Wang He Yunfang, a maid brought by Li Guangyu's mother, who is now in charge of the Li family's kitchen.

At the same time, the housekeeper, Grandpa Wu Wu Wen, was brought here when he came from the mainland, and he has been with him since the Anti-Japanese War.Another driver is He Ma's husband, Uncle Wang Lei.In addition, there are four employees who are responsible for the cleaning of the villa and the trimming of flowers and plants.

When I went downstairs, breakfast was already prepared on the table in the dining room, a bowl of nutritious porridge, a cage of steamed stuffed buns, and two deep-fried dough sticks, all of which were characteristic of Sichuan and Sichuan.This is from the time when Grandpa Li Guangyu came to Hong Kong, the diet of the Li family is basically Sichuan cuisine, and Li Guangyu is also used to eating Sichuan cuisine.

"Master, the shares of Master and Madam have been transferred to your name." Wu Wen said.

"Grandpa Wu, tell me what kind of shares you have now, and what kind of industries the family still has."


"How are the expenses at home?"

"Master, Xiao Wang and I each earn one thousand, and the other four hire seven hundred per month."

"I see, Grandpa Wu, what happened when my father was here, and now I still follow the same way. In addition, let Uncle Wang prepare to drive me to Grandpa's house."

"Master, the car is ready."

"Okay, tell Mother He that you don't need to prepare lunch for me. I'll have lunch at Grandpa's."

The Li family's car was a Mercedes-Benz. After Li Guangyu got in the car, the car headed towards the peak of He Zuozhi's mansion, Taiping Peak.Speaking of the people who live here on Victoria Peak are either rich or noble, it has always been the place where the top group of people in Xiangjiang lived. Although Li Guangyu's grandfather was not born well, he got the recognition of the He family through his own efforts , He himself also entered the upper class of Xiangjiang, and settled his home in a mansion beside Baijia Road on the top of Victoria Peak.

Arriving at He Mansion half an hour later, the steward of He Mansion led Li Guangyu to He Zuozhi's study.

"Master, Master Guangyu is here."

"Let him in."

"Master Guangyu, you go in."

"Thank you, Grandpa He."

"Grandpa, I'm here."

"It's been fine for the past two days."

"Grandpa, I'm fine."

"You are the only child left in your Li family. Now that your parents are gone, the Taiping Garment Factory must have people's hearts fluttering. Although you are only 16 years old, you must now take on your due responsibilities. Now that you don't understand, go to study."

"Grandpa, although the factory is solely owned by the Li family, the management of the factory is all old people who follow my grandfather and father. I am still young, so I don't know if I can manage them."

"Remember that you are now the chairman of this garment factory. You can rely on them if you don't understand the management, but you must grasp the financial and personnel affairs of the factory. Remember, you not only represent the Li family, you are also my He Zuozhi's. Grandson, my He family is not just a few people who dare to cheat, I will accompany you to your factory in the afternoon."

"Okay, grandpa, besides, I want to take a break from school and spend my time in the factory learning how to manage the family business. As for studying, I want to hire a private teacher so that my time will be more free."

"Yes, you can handle this matter yourself. I hope you can support your Li family. Your grandfather is also considered a hero for a lifetime. Unfortunately, he was harmed during the war and became the root cause of the disease. Your grandma died in the war. Now your grandfather is less than six years old. He died of illness in ten days, I originally hoped that your father would carry forward the Li family, but it may not be fulfilled."

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will study hard to help the Li family and He family to a higher level in Xiangjiang."

"It's a good thing that you have this ambition, but the road has to be taken step by step. The shopping mall is not like your school. There are dangers every step of the way. What you have to do now is to integrate into it, listen, watch and learn more."

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(End of this chapter)

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