Chapter 1076
Although Xiangjiang Films has the hope of entering the mainland market, there are still many things that need to be communicated and negotiated. It is not a visit, but one or two negotiations that can be settled.

It is impossible for the members of the two delegations to stay in the capital for a long time. After all, many of them are company leaders, and they still have a lot of things to do.

After only staying in the capital for three days, on the morning of the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Li Fuzhao, Ye Jiexin and others took a chartered flight back to Xiangjiang. As for the communication with the mainland, Feng Yubin, director of Xiangjiang Bank, and Chen Siyuan, general manager of Siyuan Films, were respectively in charge.

In the office, Li Guangyu listened to Yuan Tianfan and Ye Jiexin's detailed report on their arrival in the capital.

Ye Jiexin said: "Li Sheng, we still have a lot of differences with them. I'm afraid we won't be able to reach an agreement in a short time, such as the review regulations for film releases, such as the proportion of our film entry, and the issue of our own theaters, and Issues concerning copyright protection cannot be negotiated in a day or two."

Leaving aside the auditing issue, it is not easy for films to be screened in mainland theaters. Ye Jiexin is worried that she will not even be able to earn back the money from the copies. How to monitor the box office is also a very big problem. The reason for the establishment of theaters in the mainland is to ensure the real box office of the show.

Cinema is also a very troublesome thing. Li Guangyu and his establishment touched the interests of a considerable number of forces, and many people did not want Li Guangyu and his establishment to enter and establish a cinema.

The biggest problem is still the copyright. Ye Jiexin is worried that they haven't released it yet. I'm afraid that pirated copies are everywhere. How can they make money? This also involves the issue of the review cycle. The review time is too long. The world does not want to see.

Of course, Li Guangyu hopes to establish movie theaters in the mainland immediately, and hopes that Hong Kong films can quickly go through the process of being released in the mainland, but he is very clear that this will take time, and Heung Kong needs to communicate more with the mainland, and at the same time they need to get Show some sincerity.

Li Guangyu will not give up seeking the opportunity to establish theaters in the mainland. As long as his theaters are located in the mainland, the future development of Jiayi Group, especially Jiayi Film Company, will not have too many problems. Only with the support of the mainland market , the Xiangjiang film industry will not be as lonely as in the previous life.

He said to Ye Jiexin: "You should pay more attention to the negotiation with the mainland, and try to let our films enter the mainland market as soon as possible. Make a program to let Xiangjiang and the outside world understand the rapid development of Pengcheng."

"Okay Li Sheng, after I go back, I will arrange a special news team to be in charge of the production of this program, focusing on the major industrial parks in Pengcheng Special Zone. Increase our ratings and influence."

The development speed of Pengcheng in recent years is quite astonishing. With the clothing industrial park, food and beverage industrial park and home appliance industrial park as the main body, supplemented by other industries, Pengcheng's economy is full of vitality, and Pengcheng has transformed from a small city to a large one. The city has changed, and many well-known cities in the mainland have been left behind.

Today's Pengcheng is no longer the Pengcheng when Li Guangyu first visited it. At that time, the urban area of ​​Pengcheng was quite small, the designated special economic zone was also very desolate, and the traffic was relatively backward.

Now Pengcheng is full of factories, numerous construction sites, wide roads, continuous improvement of infrastructure, and constant resident population. It is already a modern metropolis with a bright future.

It’s just that in recent years, there hasn’t been a platform or film to show Pengcheng to the outside world. This has caused many people to hear that Pengcheng is developing very well, there are many factories there, and many Xiangjiang businessmen invest in Pengcheng.

They don't know what kind of development Pengcheng has become. The ordinary citizens of Xiangjiang at the bottom are running around for their three meals a day, and they don't have many opportunities to go to Pengcheng to see it and get in touch with the news there. It's just some newspapers, and they don't know the real situation in Pengcheng.

And this time, Jiayi TV Station will shoot a documentary about the development and changes of Pengcheng after the reform and opening up, show Pengcheng in front of Xiangjiang citizens, and let them understand Pengcheng and the achievements of the mainland's reform and opening up.

Li Guangyu warned: "After the program team is over, we should listen to the opinions of Pengcheng's senior management. At the same time, you can also communicate with them about the establishment of theater chains. Through two-way communication, we will strive to let our theater chains set up in the mainland as soon as possible."

As an emerging city, Pengcheng has less traditional interests, which is conducive to the entry of Jiayi Cinemas. As long as a gap is opened, future development will be much easier.

Ye Jiexin said: "Sheng Li, I will go to Pengcheng in person to communicate with the Pengcheng Municipal Committee and strive to be the first to deploy in Pengcheng. If we only start with one or two cities as a pilot, I believe this will be more conducive to the cooperation between us and the mainland government. negotiate."

Many policies in the mainland are tried out in one place first, and will only be promoted on a large scale after they are confirmed to be feasible. If they also communicate with the mainland and find a pilot in Pengcheng and Shanghai, they will build theaters in these two places. Ye Jiexin believes that The other party will most likely agree.

It will be easier if the local government can support them to establish a theater locally. Ye Jiexin estimates that the Pengcheng and Shanghai Municipal Government will not refuse.

Li Guangyu said: "You have to deal with this aspect. In addition, I now officially inform you that you will be the vice chairman and vice president of Jiayi Group's board of directors, and will no longer serve as the general manager of the TV station. As for the former executive vice president Xiong Jianhui, he has been dismissed." .”

When Ye Jiexin was in the capital, she received a report from Xiangjiang. During this period, the sixth inspection team led by Gan Qin has been stationed in Jiayi Group to conduct a thorough investigation on Jiayi Group.

Their Jiayi Group is the second group whose top executives have been fired after Tianyu Financial Group, and the specific matters are still under review.

If it causes huge losses to the group, it will be sued by the group's legal department.

Now the atmosphere inside Jiayi Group is also quite tense. After all, the person who was dismissed this time is the executive vice president, the second in command of the group, which has a great impact on Jiayi Group.

Just yesterday, the market value of Jiayi Group fell again. As of the close of yesterday afternoon, the market value of Jiayi Group fell to 132 billion Hong Kong dollars. Since Japan imposed restrictions on Hong Kong Films, the market value has dropped by more than one billion Hong Kong dollars in the past few days. The Art Group suffered heavy losses.

At present, it is not clear how much management will be involved within the group. Ye Jiexin is even worried that Shi Shaoming may follow in the footsteps of Liu Tianci. At the beginning, Liu Tianci was demoted from the president to vice president because of a major problem in the group. This time the problem is even bigger. As the president Shi Shaoming will definitely be responsible for this.

Ye Jiexin knew that even if Shi Shaoming resigned, she would not be able to play. Her current qualifications are not enough to become the president in one go. It is estimated that the president will be transferred over by then, but she does not know who will be in charge.


(End of this chapter)

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