Chapter 11
In this February, just after the Spring Festival, major newspapers put Li Guangyu on the front page.

The front page of Dongfang Daily wrote with the title "The Myth of Wealth Created by a Game", Mr. Li Guangyu, a boy under the age of 17, resolutely dropped out of school when everyone was still in the classroom of middle school and encountered a catastrophe at home. He runs the family business.

Perhaps it was God's compensation for him. When he entered the game industry that the Xiangjiang family was not familiar with, many people thought it was just a toy he found in a sudden disaster. The establishment of this family was only two years old. According to reliable sources, the company has made a profit of more than 5000 million Hong Kong dollars.

Sing Tao Daily described it with the title "Youth in charge doubled the family assets in three months": "A car accident at the end of October last year allowed Li Guangyu, who was only 10 years old, to take over as the head of the family. In addition to operating the clothing industry all year round, his family has also entered the game industry.

No one can imagine that the profit created in just three months after entering the game industry has exceeded the market value of the Taiping Clothing Company he controls. "

Business Daily wrote with the title "Legendary Boy": "Three months ago, many people thought that if it wasn't for the He family, the Li family might have been finished. A 16-year-old boy was in charge of the family when his parents died suddenly. It is not easy to maintain the family business.

In such an environment, Li Guangyu took on the burden of family development. Perhaps because of his youth's hobby of games, he plunged into the game industry when everyone in Xiangjiang was not optimistic about the game industry.Unexpectedly, in just three months, the profit exceeded [-] million Hong Kong dollars. This is a miracle in the history of Heung Kong's entrepreneurship. "

Dozens of newspapers, such as Min Bao, Xiangjiang New Daily, and Xiangjiang Economic Daily, published their opinions on Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu became famous, and these reports did not have photos, so it had no effect on Li Guangyu's travels.

The influence was mainly on the upper echelons of Xiangjiang. For example, as soon as the report came out, Shen Bi, chairman of HSBC, called to invite Li Guangyu to attend a charity gala held by HSBC on February 2.

On February 2st, which was the Lantern Festival, He Chaoqiong came to Li Guangyu's house early in the morning and dragged Li Guangyu to go out with him.

Li Guangyu thought about his shopping experience last time and immediately found a reason: "Cousin, you go find friends to play by yourself. My company still has matters waiting for me to deal with, so my cousin won't accompany you."

He Chaoqiong stared straight at Li Guangyu and didn't answer, Li Guangyu panicked.

Li Guangyu hurriedly continued: "Cousin, the company really has something to do today, I will definitely accompany you another day, I'll go first."

After Li Guangyu finished speaking, he walked outside. At this time, Du Yonghong and Xiong Li had already driven the car to the door.

As soon as Li Guangyu got into the car, He Chaoqiong got in. Li Guangyu looked at He Chaoqiong and said, "I'm going to the company, aren't you going to play? What are you doing with me?"

He Chaoqiong said angrily: "Hmph, recently it has been reported that your game company is a gold mine. You have become the idol of Xiangjiang teenagers. Today I will follow you to see how your game company makes money."

When Li Guangyu heard that He Chaoqiong wanted to follow to the company, he let her go, and ordered Du Yonghong to drive to the International Building.

After Li Guangyu arrived at the company, he allowed He Chaoqiong to visit the company casually, and he came to Yuan Tianfan's office to learn about the situation in Wharf.

Yuan Tianfan reported to Li Guangyuhui: "Chairman, at present we have acquired 800 million shares of Wharf in multiple accounts, and we found that there is another company that is also absorbing shares of Wharf. Now the share price of Wharf has risen to 19 yuan. per share and the company is currently running out of funds.”

Li Guangyu originally thought that 1 million would be able to reach the expected target, but it seems that he underestimated the rise of Wharf.

Li Guangyu said: "I will transfer 1 million shares to the company's account later. We will continue to absorb Wharf shares. When it reaches 1000 million shares, we will stop the acquisition. Do you know which one is the other company that has absorbed a large amount of Wharf shares? Have you found out that we are buying a lot of Wharf stock?"

"Chairman, it is not clear which company is making the move, but it should not be Jardine Matheson. First, Jardine Bunsen is short of funds, but the other party is cautiously buying like us. If it is Jardine Mathematics, they There is no need to do this. Since we are divided into dozens of accounts, they are relatively scattered, even if the other party is aware of it, they will only think that we are some retail investors." Yuan Tianfan replied.

After Li Guangyu and Yuan Tianfan chatted about Wharf for a while, they returned to their office, only to see He Chaoqiong sitting in the office, playing with her hair boredly.

As soon as he saw Li Guangyu coming in, he immediately complained: "I thought the game company was very fun, but there is nothing interesting, it's boring to death."

"You thought it was a game hall. They are all made by game companies and tested by the market. Of course they are fun. We are engaged in game development. Of course there is nothing you want to play." Li Guangyu explained to He Chaoqiong.

He Chaoqiong wrinkled her nose and said to Li Guangyu: "Cousin, I don't care, you have to go shopping with me today. If you don't go with me, I will tell Grandpa Fifth that you bullied me."

Li Guangyu was very speechless to this little witch. He used to complain to Li He Mengping, but now that Li He Mengping was gone, he turned to complain to He Zuozhi.

Thinking about his shopping experience, Li Guangyu felt that he couldn't be threatened by her, so he said with a nonchalant expression: "I don't have time, I'm busy, and besides, he won't believe you if you tell grandpa."

He Chaoqiong stared at Li Guangyu with a pair of eyes, tears were already rolling in her eyes, with an expression that if you disagree, I will cry for you immediately.

Li Guangyu knew that she was acting again, and he had used this method many times in front of Li Guangyu, but every time Li Guangyu saw her expression, he immediately agreed, and this time was no exception.

Fortunately, it is already ten o'clock, and I walked around Mong Kok with He Chaoqiong and then went home.Li Guangyu had to study Japanese and Russian in the afternoon. Although He Chaoqiong was a bit capricious, she would not come back to disturb Li Guangyu if Li Guangyu had something to do.

It is said that Li Guangyu has learned Japanese and Russian for nearly three months. According to the two tutors, he can communicate normally in the two foreign languages ​​now without any problems, and there is no need to study any more at the end of this month.

And Li Guangyu's etiquette course ended years ago, so from March onwards, Li Guangyu will have more time to think about which industry to enter next.

Time flies, no matter how hot the headlines are, it will pass away, and the wealth boom caused by Li Guangyu has receded, but Xingyu Game Company has no intention of stopping.

The surprise first came from RB. Epson produced 4500 Xingyu Cubes again. As soon as the news spread to Xiangjiang, it immediately caused a sensation. This alone once again made a profit of more than [-] million Hong Kong dollars for Xingyu.

Immediately, good news came from the United States. Through the efforts of the American sales company, the Xingyu Cube can be distributed to the whole United States through various channels. In the past half a month, 60000 new orders have been placed, and the good news of 20000 orders has also come from Europe.Europe and the United States brought a total of more than 2 million Hong Kong dollars in revenue to the company, which shocked the entire Hong Kong.

As for Taiwan and Southeast Asia, well, the current social environment is such that copycats are strong and the government doesn't care about them, so Li Guangyu doesn't comment.

At present, some families are even considering the feasibility of entering the game industry, especially the second generation of many families, and they even took the opportunity to inquire about news from Li Guangyu.

(End of this chapter)

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