Through the wealth life

Chapter 110 Pengcheng Special Zone

Chapter 110 Pengcheng Special Zone
In the past few days, Li Guangyu visited various groups and their subsidiaries frequently, and he would use this time to finish handling the company's affairs.Because he will spend a lot of time preparing for the wedding with Cao Weiqing in September, the time to come to the company will be reduced.

While Li Guangyu was busy, the Pengcheng Municipal Committee and Municipal Government were very happy.Regarding the establishment of a special zone in Pengcheng to facilitate the flexible use of foreign economies, it has now been approved by the central government, and Pengcheng has begun to develop at a high speed.

In the building of the Pengcheng Committee, the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Pengcheng Committee was being held, and Li Tingwei was invited to attend the meeting.

Zhang Aihua, a senior official in Pengcheng City, said: "Comrades, we have applied to the central government to designate a certain area as a special economic zone for foreign countries. After research by the central government, it has been approved. Moreover, the size of the special zone has also been stipulated. Now What is before us is how to develop this special zone, and everyone has their own opinions.”

The members of the Standing Committee here do not have much experience in how to develop this special zone. The only thing that can provide them with reference is the industrial park established in Shekou at the beginning of the year.

Mayor Jia Dezhong said: "Although we have demarcated the special zone, our infrastructure is very lagging and there are no supporting facilities. At present, it is still difficult for foreign investors to invest."

Later, Fang Sheng, the deputy secretary in charge of party building, said: "Our current infrastructure and supporting facilities are lagging behind. The main reason is that our finances are insufficient. We mainly need to be able to introduce enterprises to invest and start businesses. In this way, we have tax revenue, so that we can It has the financial resources to carry out supporting facilities.”

Cao Aimin, deputy secretary and executive deputy mayor, said: "Our current problem is mainly to introduce companies to build factories and produce in our area. How can we let foreign businessmen invest in us with confidence? This is our first problem to solve. We must know that Shekou The industrial zone competes with us, and they have more experience than us."

Afterwards, the members of the Standing Committee also made speeches one after another. Secretary Zhang Aihua said: "It seems that everyone thinks that the main problem is how to introduce companies to develop in our special zone. In this regard, let's first listen to some information that Comrade Li Tingwei learned in Xiangjiang."

After Li Tingwei came back, he had already reported to the mayor what happened in Xiangjiang.Now the senior city officials asked him to report some situation of Xiangjiang to the standing committee members at the meeting, so he described the situation reported to the mayor again.

"I accompanied Director Huang of the Provincial Investment Promotion Bureau and Comrade Chen Xuhui, Director of Investment Promotion of Shekou Industrial Zone, to contact some heads of the Xiangjiang family through Mr. Huo Yingdong in Xiangjiang, but the effect was not very good." Li Tingwei said.

Secretary Zhang Aihua asked: "What is the specific reason? What concerns do they have?"

"Secretary Zhang, at present, the major families in Xiangjiang generally don't understand some of our policies, and they are hesitant to invest and build factories in the mainland." Li Tingwei said.

Zhang Aihua also knew that there were some objective reasons for this problem, and said to Li Tingwei: "They don't know our policy yet, so we will communicate with them more, and we will try our best to answer their doubts and dispel their doubts."

Zhang Aihua then said: "Comrades, the central government has proposed to focus on economic development, and we are at the forefront of foreign economic reforms determined by the province and the central government. We cannot stop fighting for it because we have difficulties. We must fight for it. It will provide experience for future reforms. If the plots are allotted but not developed, then what’s the use.”

To say that the person with the greatest pressure here is Mayor Jia Dezhong. He is mainly responsible for the development of the city's government affairs, and economic development is the top priority.

After the secretary finished speaking, Jia Dezhong said: "Although we still have many difficulties, Comrade Li Tingwei still brought us some good news."

Mayor Zhang Aihua said so, and immediately said to Li Tingwei: "Comrade Tingwei, tell us what kind of good news you have."

Li Tingwei said: "Although all the families in Xiangjiang are still hesitating, Mr. Li Guangyu, the richest man in Xiangjiang, intends to invest in us and establish a clothing production company and a shoe production company. Each company is expected to recruit [-] yuan. employees."

All the members of the Standing Committee who are currently working are overjoyed when they hear this. Driven by the benefit of this celebrity, their future work will be carried out better.

Zhang Aihua also said happily: "This is very good. As long as Li Guangyu takes the lead, our investment promotion work in Xiangjiang will be easy to carry out."

Seeing that everyone was so happy to hear that Li Guangyu had come to invest, Li Tingwei hurriedly said, "Secretary Zhang, Mr. Li Guangyu will not use the name of his group to invest in our mainland, but a Japanese investment company to build a factory here."

Zhang Aihua didn't understand what was going on, why he came to build a factory, not his own group, but another Japanese investment company.

Zhang Aihua said: "Tell me in detail what is going on."

Li Tingwei reported in detail Li Guangyu's requirements and operation methods for them, and also reported what he learned about the Xiangjiang families from Huo Yingdong.

After hearing the report, Zhang Aihua said: "Comrades, the current situation is still relatively complicated. We also need to understand the concerns of the major families in Xiangjiang. We must comply with Mr. Li Guangyu's request."

Mayor Jia Dezhong also said: "In fact, Mr. Li Guangyu also intends to develop in the mainland, but now his reputation in Xiangjiang is too high, and everyone is paying attention to his movements, so we have to do this. We all have to stand by him. Think about it from that perspective.”

After stopping the words of the secretary and the mayor, all the members of the Standing Committee present also stated that they would not publicize Li Guangyu's investment.

Li Tingwei said: "Secretary Zhang, Mr. Li Guangyu promised to contact Xiangjiang Chen Xinglin's family and his father-in-law Cao Wenjin's family to set up a supporting company next to his company."

Zhang Aihua was overjoyed after hearing this. After these supporting companies came over, they developed next to Li Guangyu's company, and at the same time drove the development of tens of thousands of people.

Zhang Aihua asked: "This is really good news. As long as these companies come in, our special zone can develop, and our investment in Xiangjiang will open up."

Jia Dezhong is not so optimistic. Now Li Guangyu just said that he wants to invest here, but he has not yet decided where.At present, compared with the Shekou Industrial Zone, the Special Economic Zone is far from comparable in terms of supporting facilities and management experience.

Jia Dezhong said: "Secretary Zhang, we can't be blindly optimistic at the moment. We must know that the investment promotion director of the Shekou Industrial Zone was also present at that time. We don't have much advantage now."

Zhang Aihua's heart sank when he heard this. He also knew the current gap between the Special Economic Zone and the Shekou Industrial Zone. It was still difficult for Li Guangyu to establish his company here.

Zhang Aihua said: "For the development of our special zone, we must take the initiative. Comrade Li Tingwei, you will go to Xiangjiang tomorrow on behalf of our municipal party committee and government to communicate with Mr. Li Guangyu again, and strive to reach an agreement with Li Guangyu on establishing a company in our special zone as soon as possible."

"Yes, Secretary Zhang, I will go to Xiangjiang tomorrow, and I must complete the task." Li Tingwei said.

(End of this chapter)

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