Through the wealth life

Chapter 114 Hutchison Whampoa Changes Hands

Chapter 114 Hutchison Whampoa Changes Hands

In the next few days, Li Guangyu was busy with his marriage, and even rarely visited the company.

After the invitation letter was made, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing spent a full day writing it.

As for the upper-class families in Xiangjiang, Li Guangyu visited them one by one and sent invitations.The invitation letters from other families were sent by the housekeeper Wu Wen.

As for the group companies, Li Guangyu only invited board members above the board of directors of the major groups, the general manager of Kowloon Bus Company, and the senior executives above the deputy general manager of Tianyu Investment Company. The invitation letters for these people were sent by his assistant Zhang Ziyu.

9月26号,香江各家头条都把李嘉诚作为了头条。就在昨天,李嘉诚旗下的长江实业集团以7.1港元每股的价格,耗资6.39亿港币从汇丰获得和记黄埔有限公司7000万股股权, 约占和记黄埔22%的股权, 成为和记黄埔最大个人股东。

This is the first Chinese in Heung Kong to acquire the company of the Big Four in so many years, and Li Ka-shing also overshadowed everyone at this moment.

Li Guangyu thought that HSBC really valued Li Ka-shing enough, and dared to buy it at the price of 7.1 Hong Kong dollars per share.This price is at most equivalent to half of the current price of Hutchison Whampoa. It cost Li Guangyu nearly 15.4 million Hong Kong dollars to acquire [-]% of the shares.

As for why Li Guangyu didn't snap up Hutchison Whampoa, one reason was that he didn't want to offend Li Ka-shing, after all, he belonged to the Xiangjiang family.Knowing that Li Ka-shing was going to acquire Hutchison Whampoa, Li Guangyu's attempt to snatch it would damage the unity of the Xiangjiang family, and it would be difficult to spread the word that Li Guangyu was in the upper echelons of Xiangjiang.

Now, if Li Guangyu went to negotiate with HSBC, it is estimated that HSBC might not agree.To know Li Guangyu's movements, he will definitely enter the banking industry in the future, and then he will become a competitor with HSBC.

In this regard, HSBC executives are also very clear that with Li Guangyu's current influence and financial resources, once Li Guangyu enters the banking industry, he will definitely become a strong competitor of HSBC, vying for HSBC's market in Hong Kong and even Southeast Asia.

HSBC sold Hutchison Whampoa to Li Ka-shing, which was an ally. If it was sold to Li Guangyu, it would be an act of capitalizing on the enemy.

Li Guangyu currently holds 15.4% of the shares, plus 20% of Cheung Kong's shares.Just watch Li Ka-shing's development now, and just wait for the money to be distributed.

In 82, when both the stock market and the real estate market were at a low level, Li Guangyu bought a part of Hutchison Whampoa shares. The better Li Ka-shing developed, the more profitable Li Guangyu would be.

Li Guangyu was busy with his marriage. After all, there were only ten days left before the wedding. On the [-]th of next month, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing would get married, but the reporter did not let Li Guangyu go.

On the morning of the 26th, as soon as Li Guangyu came out of his home, many reporters surrounded him. They came to wait outside Li Guangyu's home early in the morning.

After Li Guangyu got off the car, he accepted the reporter's interview under the protection of bodyguards.

A reporter from Oriental Daily asked: "Li Sheng, just yesterday, Mr. Li Ka-shing, Cheung Kong Group became the largest individual shareholder of Hutchison Whampoa. As the second largest group of Cheung Kong Group, what do you think about this?"

Li Guangyu replied: "Mr. Li Ka-shing has done what our Xiangjiang families have not done. He is the first family leader to acquire the main company of the four major foreign companies. I admire him very much. As the No. The second largest shareholder is also very happy with this acquisition."

A reporter from Sing Tao Daily asked: "Li Sheng, Mr. Niu Bijian, the current chairman of the Jardine Matheson Group, and Mr. John Madden, the chairman of the board of directors of Wheelock, believe that HSBC violated business rules. Their directors were not present. He voted to sell the shares of Hutchison Whampoa at a low price. What do you think of this matter?"

"I'm not clear about the process of this matter. Since it was voted by the board of directors of HSBC, I don't think it violates business rules. HSBC is a banking industry, not an industrial group. They sold Hutchison Whampoa shares below the market price completely. I can understand." Li Guangyu replied.

Li Guangyu clearly knew that when HSBC voted to sell Hutchison Whampoa this time, it deliberately avoided Jardine Matheson and Wheelock to avoid accidents during the sale.

Shen Bi took great pains to make friends with Li Ka-shing. You must know that doing so is undoubtedly a traitor in the eyes of the British consortium. A British bank actually helps the Chinese to buy a British company. Shen Bi dares to do it. The chairman of the board of directors is very angry.

A reporter from Xiangyu Daily asked: "Li Sheng, now some tabloids have praised Mr. Li Ka-shing as the No. 1 Chinese in Hong Kong. What do you think about it?"

Li Guangyu took a special look at the reporter. It was fine for the reporters from his own group to join in the fun, but he still had to ask such sharp questions.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Li Ka-shing took the lead in acquiring major companies under the British consortium this time. Such an achievement really deserves the title."

The reporter of Sing Tao Daily asked immediately after hearing this: "Li Sheng, you must know that since this year, you have been known as the richest man in Hong Kong, and you are also the most likely to become No.1 in Hong Kong. Now someone puts this title on Mr. Li Ka-shing. Do you have any thoughts on your body?"

Li Guangyu is not interested in these titles. Now that there is an undercurrent in Xiangjiang, Li Guangyu wants to keep a low profile as possible, and it is better to have Li Ka-shing and others in the front.

Li Guangyu replied: "Whether it is Mr. Huo Yingdong, Mr. Pao Yugang, or even Mr. Li Ka-shing today, they deserve to be called the No.1 Xiangjiang Chinese. But I am still too young now. It’s not bad, it’s also due to luck, and I absolutely can’t afford this title.”

The reporter from Xiangyu Daily is not happy to hear that his boss is so modest. Why can’t his boss be No.1 in Xiangjiang? Work for Xiangyu Daily.

A reporter from Xiangyu Daily asked: "Li Sheng, you are too humble. You know, you have grown your family business to a market value of tens of billions in just two years. How can you do it just by luck? I believe you will be recognized as No.1 by Xiangjiang in the future."

Li Guangyu was a little speechless about this young and beautiful female reporter under his banner. I wanted to keep a low profile. If you said it like this, these newspapers would make a big report again. How could I keep a low profile.Even if you are my admirer, don't say that on such an occasion.

Reporters from Sing Tao Daily and Oriental Daily began to ask Li Guangyu about this after hearing what the reporter from Xiangyu Daily said.

Li Guangyu was responding to several reporters' questions on the grounds that he was young and inexperienced, and that his abilities were far behind those of his elders.

When some reporters asked questions, Li Guangyu said: "Everyone, I'm sorry, I want to feel that Hutchison Whampoa is going to a meeting, so today your interview ends here."

Then Li Guangyu rushed to the Hutchison Whampoa headquarters under the protection of bodyguards.

(End of this chapter)

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