Through the wealth life

Chapter 1186 Transformation Pains

Chapter 1186 Transformation Pains
When several parties held a press conference, Li Guangyu was a guest at the Governor's Mansion, discussing with Wei Yixin.

With the continuous development of Xiangjiang's economy, the cost of labor in Xiangjiang has also continued to rise, which has also led to the continuous migration of labor-intensive industries in Xiangjiang to the mainland, especially to Guangdong Province.

This has also put great pressure on the employment situation in Xiangjiang. Although Li Guangyu has established many industries in Xiangjiang, they are now mainly used as research and development and trial production sites, and the main production base is still in the mainland.

With the continuous deepening of reform and opening up in the mainland, the situation has become more and more clear. Entrepreneurs who were hesitant before are now investing and building factories in the mainland to reduce their cost pressure and improve the competitiveness of their products.

Now Xiangjiang needs to face a painful period of transformation. There are not many R&D-oriented industries. Many citizens are unable to keep up with the rapid transformation of Xiangjiang's industries in terms of cultural and technical levels, and many intensive low-tech industries are gradually moving to the mainland. transfer, which has caused many citizens to be unemployed.

Wei Yixin is now facing such a situation. The clock has turned in 88. He hopes to find some solutions this year to promote the sustained and rapid development of Xiangjiang while reducing the unemployment rate.

Wilson had stayed in Xiangjiang for many years, especially in the MacLehose era. He witnessed the glory of Xiangjiang property market and saw the rise of Demand Real Estate Group. He was very worried about this. Real estate kidnapping is very detrimental to the economic development of Xiangjiang.

Fortunately, there is such a monster as Li Guangyu in Xiangjiang. Under the control of him and his allies, the property market in Xiangjiang has been relatively stable since the crash in 82. The supply of the property market is very sufficient, and the price increase is within a reasonable range. Not only did it not play a negative role in Xiangjiang's economy, but it led to the development of Xiangjiang's economy.

However, although housing prices are relatively stable, labor costs in Xiangjiang have been rising over the years. At the same time, the low labor force in the mainland has also attracted enterprises in Xiangjiang. This still makes Xiangjiang industry face transformation and upgrading, and puts forward higher requirements for Xiangjiang citizens.

When Wei Yixin asked about the future development direction of Xiangjiang, Li Guangyu said: "With such a geographical location and economic development trend of Xiangjiang, it is doomed that there is not much room for the development of labor-intensive industries here, and the high labor cost is not conducive to The global competition of enterprise products and the transfer of global manufacturing to the mainland is a major trend, and our Xiangjiang enterprise is a pioneer in this regard.

In my personal opinion, the focus of Xiangjiang is to develop in the financial industry, trade industry, tourism, Internet industry, technology research and development base, Asian headquarters base of multinational companies, etc. These aspects are more in line with the future of Xiangjiang. "

Li Guangyu never thought of building Xiangjiang into an industrial city, that would be very unrealistic for Xiangjiang, he would not choose to develop against the current, that would only be useless and would delay the rapid development of Xiangjiang.

As for the problem that many citizens are unemployed due to the transfer of many low-value-added industries to the mainland, this aspect needs to be introduced by the government to support them in skills training, entrepreneurship training, and policy support to allow them to change careers.

In particular, the construction of Tianshuiwei in the past year can absorb the work of a large part of people. The two largest groups in Xiangjiang in the future, one is the financial group, and the other is the service industry group. The people engaged in these two industries will be the most.

Li Guangyu is also moving many production companies in the Tianshuiwei Industrial Park to the mainland. When the printing company was transferred, thousands of employees were facing job changes.

At the beginning, Li Guangyu's entire arrangement plan was also rejected by Le Yiling, because there were still countless companies moving to the mainland, with tens of thousands of employees, and the Li's consortium's enterprises in Xiangjiang could not afford it.

In order to solve this problem, the top executives of the Li's Consortium spent nearly a month conducting research and communicating with the company's employees, and finally came up with a more suitable plan to transfer the Li's Consortium's industry to the mainland over the years Afterwards, there were no major collective incidents among its employees.

Li Guangyu’s original guidance plan one has a way out, and supports them to find their own way out. If they want to start a business, Tianyu Bank will provide financial support and low-interest loans according to the actual situation, and if their industry is connected with the industry of the Li’s consortium , Li's consortium gives priority to purchasing.

Those who are willing to work in other companies can go for an interview, and the group under the Li's consortium will give priority to admission.

For those who are willing to engage in the service industry and need stores, but have some financial difficulties, they will give priority to leasing the stores of Wheelock Group and Star Property Group, and they do not need to pay rent in advance. This aspect can be delayed for up to one year.

In addition, the Lee Consortium also provides skills training for these personnel free of charge, so that their abilities can keep up with the speed of Xiangjiang's development.

Now there are more small food production companies in Pengcheng Food and Beverage Industrial Park. Most of these companies were run by employees of the former Lee Consortium. Their products are mainly sold to the three major retail groups of Hengyu, 7-11 and Xuelan. , and they are actively developing their own sales channels.

In places such as Wheelock Plaza and City of Stars, many store owners are also employees of the Lee consortium. They operate small businesses such as clothing, beauty salons, snacks, restaurants, hardware, lighting, etc., and it is no problem to support their own family. .

In the past few years, many of the bus drivers of the Kowloon Bus Company were employees who had previously worked in Li's factories. After passing the driving training, they transferred to work in this field.

Li Guangyu relied on his own strength to solve the problems of his employees, but after other entrepreneurs transferred their industries, they did not have such strength to prepare for the company's employees. This aspect still needs to be done by the government.

Now Wei Yixin needs to find a way to solve these problems, especially after the global stock market crash in October last year, it has strengthened the determination of many companies to move to the mainland. Only by reducing their production costs can their products win orders from the European and American markets.

Wei Yixin said: "I personally support Mr. Li's views. Xiangjiang will definitely be a financial capital in the future. Our government will continue to increase support for Xiangjiang's financial industry. It is the height of the Asian headquarters.

It’s just that these are long-term plans, and they cannot be completed in one or two years. At present, Xiangjiang still has tens of thousands of employees who have just come out of the factory to solve the jobs, which may affect the production and life of tens of thousands of families. "

Don’t think that these tens of thousands of employees are few. You must know that the total population of Xiangjiang is only over 500 million. These tens of thousands have just come out of the factory. With some people looking for work, the overlay is even more dire.

In addition, Xiangjiang has plenty of employees from all walks of life, so it is impossible to provide so many jobs all of a sudden.

Moreover, some companies with high technical requirements and strong professional skills cannot adapt to these people at all, so it is very difficult to solve this problem. Only relying on the Xiangjiang government or one or two companies cannot provide so many jobs. post.


(End of this chapter)

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