Through the wealth life

Chapter 1190 Parents' Heart

Chapter 1190 Parents' Heart

Not to mention that Jiayi Group is making intense preparations for the [-]th Spring Festival Gala of Jiayi TV Station. Since Ludao is the main navigable city for the three-way cross-strait link, some plans for Ludao are also undergoing some adjustments.

This is also a huge opportunity for Ludao. If it is used well, the economic take-off of Ludao will be just around the corner.

In recent years, Pengcheng has always been far ahead of other cities in opening up to the outside world. The most important thing is that Pengcheng is adjacent to Xiangjiang, and countless Xiangjiang enterprises have transferred to Pengcheng. This advantage is far beyond comparison with other cities.

Although Baidao is also adjacent to Lisboa, Lisboa's capital is far from being comparable to that of Xiangjiang, and the speed there is obviously not comparable to Banpeng City.

As the existence of Ludao adjacent to Baodao, the original plan was to attract overseas Chinese in Fujian Province and Baodao capital to invest and start business. However, due to some reasons, Baodao capital did not enter the mainland at all. Now that the three links have been realized, they Ludao The island has also been identified as an exchange city for Taiwan's air and sea transportation, which has a natural advantage for them to attract capital from the island.

In order to accelerate the economic development of Ludao City, Chen Weihua, Chief of the Ludao Municipal Party Committee, led two senior officials in charge of the United Front and the General Office of the Municipal Party Committee, as well as the Executive Deputy Chief of the Municipal Government, senior municipal government officials in charge of economics, commerce and investment promotion, and various departments in the city. The main officials of the company came to Xiangjiang to carry out the work of attracting investment, focusing on attracting Xiangjiang capital and Baodao and overseas Chinese enterprises stationed in Xiangjiang.

With such an opportunity, as the senior leaders of Ludao, how could they let go of such a good opportunity, especially since Ludao can fly directly to Taoyuan, and can directly reach Taichung by sea, which will definitely attract many companies to settle in Ludao.

It was nine o'clock in the evening at the Jiuhua Hotel in Xiangjiang Central. At this time, Chen Weihua had already finished his day's work and was now dealing with some housework.

Chen Weihua and his wife Zhou Jini have always been very guilty about their daughter who left her for some reason at a young age, and did not find her back until she was 23 years old.

Later, he and his wife were very reluctant to let their daughter return to Xiangjiang to live their own lives, but considering that their daughter grew up in Xiangjiang and the living environment was very different from the mainland, he and his wife agreed to their daughter’s request .

Five years have passed in a flash, and now her daughter is over 28 years old, and she is about to turn 29, but she is still single now. Chen Weihua and his wife are very anxious about their daughter's marriage.

This time because he was on business, Zhou Jini did not come with him, and today he was the only one who had a good talk with his daughter after work.

In Chen Weihua's house, Chen Yuxia said with a smile: "Dad, you are tired today, why don't you go to bed earlier, what's the matter, we will talk after you finish your work here in Xiangjiang."

In the past two years, every time Chen Yuxia came home from vacation, she was often urged by Chen Weihua and Zhou Jini to ask her about her marriage. She knew that this time Chen Weihua was looking for her again.

"Yuxia, your mother and I are only one daughter like you. Now you are almost thirty, and your mother and I are both in our fifties. It seems that we are going to be sixty years old. Your current marriage problem is a family problem. The top priority of this year, you have delayed it for a year, and the Spring Festival is coming this year, tell me, what is your personal problem?"

For their own daughter, perhaps because of their guilt over the years, Chen Weihua and his wife have never forced her to make major marriage matters, and have always let her decide by herself, hoping that she can have a happy marriage.

But seeing Chen Yuxia getting older year by year, don't talk about marriage, even if she doesn't have a partner now.

Chen Weidong and Zhou Qini saw it in their eyes and were anxious in their hearts, but it was not easy to make mandatory arrangements, so as not to cause harm to their daughter's marriage. They could only care about this issue every time they saw their daughter, and hoped that her daughter would get married and have children earlier, so that they could The husband and wife are also at ease.

The husband and wife should also know that their daughter has been working very hard these years and is also very busy. From the middle management of the group to the current position of vice president of Jiuhua Hotel Group, the hard work cannot be described in just one or two sentences.

It's just that I need to solve my personal marriage problems when I'm busy. It's impossible to just focus on work and not get married for the rest of my life.

Thinking of the many older leftover women in the Li family consortium, Chen Weihua felt a headache. He didn't expect his own daughter to become one of them. This was not what he wanted to see.

Chen Yuxia was already prepared for her father's questioning, and she was used to it in the past few years, and she was not afraid this time, she was still stagnant in her job this year, but she had a good harvest in love.

She said aloud: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely not come back alone during the Chinese New Year this year. When the time comes, you and Mom will have a look. I believe he can meet your requirements."

Hearing his daughter's words, Chen Weihua immediately beamed with joy. Apart from work, he has been worried about Chen Yuxia's marriage all these years. Now it seems that his daughter has found a significant other.

He still trusts his daughter's vision. You must know that her daughter is the vice president of a group. It is impossible for her to choose a partner who is too different from her. After all, the two parties must at least have a common language.

He immediately asked: "Yuxia, tell me quickly, how old is the other party, what is his job now, and what is his personality like?"

Chen Yuxia didn't expect her father to be as inquisitive as her mother at this time, but since her father is here, she will bring her boyfriend to meet him tomorrow, so it's better to tell him in advance, so as not to be too abrupt.

"Dad, the other party is 31 years old now, with a height of 1 meters. His personality is not bad. Anyway, he treats me well. He works under Li's banner like me, but he is not in the same group as me, and his position is one level higher than mine."

Chen Weihua was even happier when he heard that. He was a little taller than his daughter, and was two or three years older. Hearing what his daughter said, the other party was the president of the Li Family Consortium. Such a son-in-law felt very good, and he would not let his daughter be wronged. .

Chen Weihua felt that this year was a lucky one for him. Ludao, which he was in charge of, ushered in huge benefits, and he was always worried about his daughter's marriage. As long as his daughter got married and had children, he would have no regrets.

He smiled and said: "Now the only one under the Li's Consortium that fits what you said is Cao Hongxuan of China Electronics Group. Although I haven't met him personally, I have heard about him.

Being able to take over the China Electric Appliances Group after Huiyin Fujiwara left, his ability is still highly regarded by the senior management of the Li Family Group. He will be present at the investment promotion conference tomorrow. Can be worthy of my girl. "

Chen Yuxia didn't want to continue discussing Cao Hongxuan's matter with Chen Weihua, she said aloud: "Dad, I'm afraid the timing of your visit this time is not very good. The impact of last year's global financial crisis has not subsided. At this time, many companies' expansion is due to capital I was forced to press the pause button because of the reason, and the current situation on Treasure Island is not very clear, and there is an undercurrent inside, I am afraid that you will return disappointed this time."

Listening to his daughter's words, Chen Weihua's happy smile disappeared. He didn't understand the current situation, but he had to do this. He wanted to tell Baodao Capital and all foreign-funded enterprises that Ludao is open to them , They are welcome to invest in Ludao at any time.

Especially for Baodao Capital, the three links are of great significance. As Ludao is currently the only inland city directly connected to Baodao, they need to open their arms at this time and welcome Baodao Capital and businessmen to come to Ludao. The island can invest and start business with confidence, and accelerate the exchanges between the two sides in personnel, logistics, economy and culture.

Let the relationship between the two sides of the strait be closer, let Ludao become a window for Baodao to understand the mainland, promote mutual trust between the two sides, and contribute to more comprehensive opening up and exchanges in the future.


(End of this chapter)

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