Chapter 1193

Li Guangyu did not attend the Merchants Fair held in Ludao that afternoon. It was mainly held in the afternoon for the Chamber of Commerce from Fujian Province. will attend.

However, Guo Henian, one of the Malaysian Chinese representatives, attended the investment promotion meeting. Although he was born in Malaysia, his father was from Fujian Province.

At the same time, there were also many business people from Fujian Province in Xiangjiang, and Xu Rongmao, chairman of the board of directors of Shimao Real Estate, was one of the representatives.

In the conference hall of Jiuhua Hotel, people were talking about their hometown, while Li Guangyu was listening to Peng Xiaoli's report in the office.

After Peng Xiaoli's report, Li Guangyu was very angry. He gave such good treatment, and Tianyu Investment Company also increased the value of high-level assets for free, but some people were still not satisfied. Together with the senior management of the group.

Thinking that the emperor can do whatever he wants because he is high in the mountains, he is a bastard, and he really failed his trust.

Li Guangyu said: "What's going on in the inspection department over there? Does the group inspection director know about it? Does Chen Dong's inspection headquarters know what's going on here?"

"Li Sheng, Chen Sheng probably doesn't know about it. As for the head of the inspection department in South America, I personally think he should know something about it. As for how much he knows, I don't know."

Over the past year or so, the secret room has grown larger and larger. There are staff in the secret room in various industries under the Li family. Their usual work is no different from everyone else.

They will report to their superiors only when someone, especially a management team, harms the interests of the Li Family Consortium. Therefore, this aspect is very simple, and the requirements are not high, and it does not require the high professional quality of those senior spies.

This time, it was reported by the Ministry of Secrecy in South America that the person in charge over there used various names to embezzle the finances of Li's property, and at the same time accepted bribes from the outside world, harming the interests of the Li's consortium.

Li Guangyu controlled his emotions, he called Gan Qin, and told him to inform Chen Dong to come to his office, and at the same time, let Gan Qin inform Guo Fengtao to come to the office as well.

Since they both worked in the same building, Chen Dong and Guo Fengtao came very quickly, especially Chen Dong, whose office was on the same floor as Li Guangyu's.

On the top floor of the building, there is not only Li Guangyu's office, but also the offices of the assistant's office, secret room, review headquarters, financial headquarters, political research office, and legal affairs headquarters.

After Chen Dong came in, Li Guangyu asked him to sit down and said, "Uncle Chen, look at this."

When Chen Dong saw the document handed over by Li Guangyu, he was also very surprised and angry when he saw the report above. This matter was originally the responsibility of his review department. He didn't expect that he didn't receive any news from here. Instead, it was the secret room. Bianhui had already reported that Li Guangyu was here, this time it was a serious dereliction of duty by their inspection department.

According to the situation reported above, if it is true, the person in charge of the inspection department in Latin America is not only negligent, but probably dereliction of duty.

Chen Dong said: "Sheng Li, I suggest that Sun Shoutao, the person in charge of Latin America, be called back immediately. I want to personally lead the inspection team to Sao Paulo, and I hope to arrange personnel from the legal department, the financial department, and the assistant office to go with me. This time I will definitely It is necessary to thoroughly investigate the industrial situation in Latin America."

The reason why Chen Dong asked Li Guangyu to arrange personnel from several departments was to play a supervisory role. After all, not only Sun Shoutao, the person in charge of Latin America, but also the person in charge of the Latin American inspection department were inspected this time. They wanted to check themselves. Only the supervision of several departments can prove the authenticity and reliability of their investigation.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Chen, don't get too excited. I can still trust you. What happened this time shocked me. This is also the first corruption damage involving the person in charge of a large area in Li's industry." The case of the company's assets must be thoroughly investigated this time to completely remove the cancer in our industry.

This time I will let Huang Chenguang, the deputy general manager of the law firm, Du Yuhao, the deputy general manager of the accounting firm, and Shen Jiayan, the assistant office, go there with you. At the same time, the ninth action team will go there together to maintain your safety. "

This time the lineup was very large. The two deputy general managers were the executive deputy general managers of the two major firms. They usually presided over the affairs of the two major firms. Zhou Xiaoning and Qing Hong didn't have much time to deal with the affairs of the firms.

So these two people are the [-]th-level management of the Li's consortium. You must know that many financial directors and legal department directors under the Li's consortium are controlled by the two major firms.

As for Shen Jiayan, although her rank is only tenth, she is an assistant office worker, representing Li Guangyu outside, and no one will underestimate her status.

When Chen Dong was about to say something, there was already a knock on the office door.

After Li Guangyu ordered to come in, Guo Fengtao pushed open the door of the office, came in and closed the door before walking towards Li Guangyu and the others.

Li Guangyu said: "Feng Tao, sit here, I have something to talk to you about."

After Guo Fengtao sat down next to Chen Dong, he said aloud, "Li Sheng, please tell me, I will try my best to fulfill your orders."

"It's like this. At present, there are some situations in our Latin America. I hope you can go to Sao Paulo to preside over the development of our industry there. At the same time, you will also be promoted to an executive officer. You may be resident in Sao Paulo. I don't know. Do you have any idea?"

Guo Fengtao was really surprised. He thought that he could only work in Tianyu Financial Group all his life until he retired, but he didn't expect to be promoted suddenly.

At present, he is the vice chairman of the board of directors of Tianyu Financial Group and the executive vice president. He enjoys the [-]th-level treatment in the Li's consortium, which is the same as that of many group presidents.

It's just that apart from Yuan Tianfan, their financial group has not had an executive officer for many years. This is incomparable to Xingyu Group, Real Estate Group, Bentley Group, and Apparel Group.

There are Gan Qinglin, Qin Jiao, and Zhao Yu from the real estate department. Before Xingyu Game Group, there was Li Xuemei, and later there was Qin Peng. Except for Yuan Tianfan, none of them has been promoted to the group.

Even Yuan Tianfan's position as the first executive officer was resigned due to some circumstances of Tianyu Bank, which hit Tianyu Financial Group even more. Luo Qianwen, who was the most promising executive officer, had no chance at all.

Unexpectedly, Li Guangyu would let him join the executive team and be in charge of the affairs of Li's industry in Latin America when the senior management of their group had no more thoughts.

This also means that the Latin American market will officially have executive officers stationed in charge, just like North America, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asian markets.

Guo Fengtao will not give up such an opportunity at this time. Although he may work in Sao Paulo for several years, it has nothing to do with changing a strange working environment compared to job promotion.

He said aloud: "Li Sheng, I am willing to go to Sao Paulo to take up a post. I will definitely preside over the development of our industry in Latin America and live up to your high expectations of me."


(End of this chapter)

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