Chapter 1196
Li Guangyu believes that the review team led by Chen Dong, with the assistance of the secret room, will be able to find out. As for the meeting on the afternoon of the 26th, it was just a cover to transfer Sun Shoutao back. There will be an annual meeting, and Li Guangyu doesn't want high-level executives running back and forth.

On the morning of the 26th, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing led the principals of these groups to Ludao.

The flight departing from Taoyuan International Airport today will arrive at Ludao International Airport. The guests on the flight are all island veterans. Their relatives are all in the mainland, and many of them have participated in the tough war against foreign aggression.

For the next week, Xiangjiang Airlines will be free to the veterans and their families who came from Taiwan. They do not need to pay for the air tickets they ordered to express their respect for these veterans.

This is a moment of historic significance. This time Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing have witnessed such a moment in the past. At the same time, Jiayi News Channel will broadcast the flight live in two places, whether it is Taoyuan or the airport in Ludao. There is a reporter from Jiayi TV Station.

Li Guangyu's special plane arrived at Ludao International Airport at nine o'clock in the morning. Today, he and Cao Weiqing woke up very early, and the special plane took off from Qi Tak Airport after seven o'clock in the morning.

Chen Weihua, head of the Ludao Municipal Party Committee, rushed back to Ludao from Xiangjiang yesterday afternoon in order to witness this historical moment.

Today, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have finally ended the years of isolation, and the two sides have realized direct flights, which is an important step for the peaceful reunification of the country.

Not only Ludao high-level officials were present at the scene today, but also the governors of Fujian Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, senior officials of the Provincial Party Committee in charge of the united front work, and senior officials of the Provincial Government in charge of foreign affairs also arrived at the airport.

At the same time, the director of the Central Office related to Baodao, the deputy minister in charge of the United Front Work, the deputy director of the Civil Aviation Administration, and the senior official and deputy minister of national defense also came here.

Today, Li Guangyu is no longer the protagonist. So many high-level executives are here, waiting for an Airbus A320 to take off from Taoyuan International Airport. This plane is fully loaded with 150 people and will arrive at Ludao International Airport at 10:[-].

目前香江航空A320有两种,一个这种150座, 另外一种180座,还有空客A319, 是和空客A320一个系列,这个有220座。

The Airbus A320 is mainly used by Hong Kong Airlines to fly short- and medium-range routes, and the newly ordered Airbus A330 is used to fly long-range and even ultra-long-range routes.

As time passed, the flight from Taoyuan arrived at Ludao International Airport at 9:55, and called the control tower of Ludao International Airport to request landing.

At present, there are still very few flights at Ludao International Airport. All international flights are operated by Xiangjiang Airlines. Before that, there were only two cities, one is Xiangjiang and the other is Kuala Lumpur. Today ushered in the third flight directly to Taoyuan International Airport. .

And there were no flights taking off or landing during this time period, so after receiving the call from the plane, the tower immediately agreed to the landing request.

Looking at the plane above the sky slowly approaching the runway, and then taxiing to a slow stop on the runway, the waiting people were also relieved. After the plane slowly turned to the apron, the high-level government officials and Li Guangyu also moved towards the stop. Ping away.

This is a touching picture. When the veterans on the plane and their families walked out of the cabin, many people's eyes were filled with tears.

For nearly 40 years, they have also missed their hometown for nearly 40 years. From the youth in the past, they are all over seventy years old now, even the youngest is over sixty.

It's just that due to some reasons, they have been unable to return to their hometown, and even many of their friends have passed away in regret. Such grief and feelings cannot be understood by outsiders.

Now, they have finally set foot on this hot land again, they can go back to their hometown, they can go back to see their relatives, even if their parents are no longer there, they can still enjoy a stick of incense, which is enough Let them burst into tears of excitement.

High-level officials in the mainland welcomed the return of the veterans from Taiwan. Many high-level officials welcomed them back to the mainland, and reassured these veterans and their families that they will not be targeted. The mainland is open to them. They come and go. Freedom without any restrictions.

The head of the United Front Work Department once again emphasized the central government's commitment to the people of Baodao and strengthened communication between the two sides.

The Deputy Minister of National Defense gave a solemn military salute to these veterans, and he said: "I know that many of you here have participated in the War of Resistance and shed blood and sweat for the sovereignty of the motherland and the people. The motherland can win the victory against aggression, and you too The credit is indispensable, you are also the hero of the nation, the hero of the country.

Today, you have returned to the mainland after many years, and you will return to your hometown again. On behalf of the Central Military Commission and the Ministry of National Defense, I would like to extend my sincere welcome to you. The blood of the martyrs was shed in vain.

If you have any difficulties when you return to your hometown, you can contact our armed forces in various places. They will try their best to solve your difficulties. You have also fought for the country, and this achievement cannot be erased by anyone. "

Listening to the speech of the Deputy Minister of National Defense, the returning veterans even shed tears.

During that arduous war of resistance, they also shed blood desperately, and countless of their brothers fell in that great anti-aggression war.

It is beyond their imagination to listen to the high-level military officials in the mainland affirming their original contributions, affirming their efforts, and treating them as heroes of the nation and the country.

Representatives of returning veterans from Baodao expressed their gratitude to the high-level officials present, thanking them for giving them the opportunity to go back to their hometown to have a look when their parents are still alive. Filial piety, if their parents have passed away, they can also go to offer a stick of incense.

The hometowns of veterans who returned this time are mainly in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. The inland government will make reasonable arrangements for them to return to their hometowns based on the needs of these veterans and their families.

The reporters of Jiayi TV Station will also selectively divide into multiple channels to follow up these veterans when they return to their hometowns.

And the live broadcast of Jiayi TV Station today also touched the audience. There was another upsurge of protests in Baodao, demanding that Baodao open more direct flights to cities. Countless people demanded to return to the mainland, especially some government departments. personnel and some active personnel.

The business community also made waves, demanding that the Taiwan government cancel restrictions on their investment in the mainland, and at the same time remove restrictions on their movement in the mainland.

Moreover, CCTV, Xinhua News Agency, and the People's Daily in the mainland have all expressed their views, and warmly welcome the return of veterans and their families. At the same time, the mainland also hopes that Baodao will show more sincerity in cooperation and open more direct channels Fly and fly directly to the city, and increase exchanges between the two sides. The two sides are the same country and belong to the Chinese nation, and there should be no barriers between the two sides.

Those in the mainland who know that their relatives are in Baodao are also infinitely looking forward to the return of their relatives, especially some old people who are already in despair, but they have not received the news of their children's death, so their hearts They still have a little bit of thought, now they expect that there will be their own children among the people who come back, and they hope to have another look at him.


(End of this chapter)

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