Through the wealth life

Chapter 1204 Years of Development

Chapter 1204 Ten Years of Development

This was an extremely grand party. When the clock reached six o'clock in the evening, Chow Yun-fat, Zheng Shaoqiu, Wen Bixia, Zhong Chuhong, Li Zongsheng, and Lin Jiaxuan came to the stage of the banquet hall.

After the hosts wished everyone New Year's greetings, they immediately entered the first item of the day. Li Guangyu took the stage to speak.

Looking at the thousands of people sitting below, Li Guangyu didn't feel too much shock in his heart. He was already used to such a scene in the past few years.

After receiving the microphone from Wen Bixia, Li Guangyu said aloud: "Here, first of all, I would like to wish everyone a happy new year! The year of the dragon brings great luck.

Looking back on the past, our annual meeting is now the tenth. I still clearly remember the first time, due to our limited space, it was held at the Treasure Island Hotel. At that time, the Peninsula Hotel was still owned by the Kadoorie family. industry.

There were very few people in the first annual meeting, and there were not many high-level people who attended the annual meeting. There were only 16 tables in total. I still remember those people clearly. Some reasons were dismissed, and other high-level people are still here today.

In the first ten years, it is because of your persistence and dedication that our industry has grown bigger and bigger. I am here to express my sincerity to all the senior executives who have contributed to the development of Li's industry, as well as all employees of Li's industry thanks. "

There was warm applause in the banquet hall, and those high-level executives who attended the first annual meeting were also full of emotion. At this time, they realized that they had joined the Li's consortium for ten years without knowing it, and some people had joined for longer, such as Zhao Xiaoyan , Guo Qingya, Gan Qin, etc., not to mention Chen Dong and Zhou Xiaoning.

And their perseverance and dedication have also allowed them to climb to a higher platform. Those who attended the annual meeting for the first time are now members of the board of directors of the group for the last time, and many are now presidents or vice presidents.

After the applause stopped, Li Guangyu continued to speak: "In the past ten years, we have achieved a lot of achievements, and our industry has also developed from a garment factory to dozens of groups and more than a dozen independent companies. , more than 200 subsidiaries, more than 1000 branches, many of our groups have become one of the overlords in the same industry.

By the end of 87, the total number of employees under our holding industry had exceeded 90. I believe that it will not be difficult to break through one million employees in this year. This will be a huge milestone for us. Achievements are also the result of our joint efforts. "

The management of the Li's Consortium didn't think there was anything wrong, but today's annual meeting was attended by not only the members of the Li's Consortium, but also 32 tables of guests from the mainland.

The data that Li Guangyu kept breaking out here completely shocked their hearts. They knew very little before. They didn't inquire about it in detail, they only knew that Li Guangyu had good strength, but they didn't have an accurate idea of ​​how strong he was.

Only Deputy Chief Su looked calm. Before she came here, she had read the information about Li Guangyu and the Li Consortium, and had a clearer understanding of the strength and influence of the Li Consortium.

The current strength of the Li's consortium is terrifying. It has more than 90 employees. You must know that the total population of a county in many areas in the mainland is less than 90.

After Li Guangyu's speech, Du Yuemei, the first executive officer of the Li's Consortium, also came to the stage to express New Year's greetings to the senior management and all employees of the Li's Consortium on behalf of the executive team. The spirit of the company will make persistent efforts to make new contributions to the development of Li's industry.

Afterwards, He Jin, the senior management representative, took the stage to speak on behalf of the senior management of the Lee Consortium, followed by middle and low-level management representatives and outstanding employee representatives.

After these speeches, the time has come to 06:30, and the hosts Chow Yun-fat and Zhong Chuhong came to the stage to explain the next event.

Zhong Chuhong said: "Ten years in a hurry, the scale of our Li's industry is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more groups and companies. Many high-level executives may not be able to count these groups and companies controlled by our Li's for a while."

There are too many Li's consortium groups and independent companies, and it is relatively difficult for its senior management to tell all of these all of a sudden. The senior management at the headquarters is better, but it is not easy for the senior management of the major groups.

Chow Yun-fat continued: "In order to let everyone have a clear understanding of the development achievements of the past ten years, with the approval of Li Sheng and the executive team, our Jiayi TV station specially shot a documentary short film, which listed the establishment time of our major groups in order. , now let us walk into the development track of Li's industry in the past ten years."

After Chow Yun-fat and Zhong Chuhong left the stage, the lighting engineer began to adjust the lights of the stage and banquet hall. At the same time, the big screen was already prepared and ready for everyone present to see clearly, and the audio equipment was also ready.

This documentary is personally narrated by Li Xuelan and Gan Qin, introducing the time when major groups and independent companies were established and their previous helms.

As the screening started, the first thing that appeared in front of everyone was an old photo of Sham Shui Po, from which the Taiping Garment Factory logo could be seen.

The pictures of the documentary continued to flash across, and the voice of Ganqin also continued to come out through the speakers. In February 1947, Mr. Li Yingliang established the company and became the general manager. In September 2, Mr. Li Wencheng became the chairman. In November 1969, Li Guangyu In March 9, Mr. Chen Dong became the chairman of the board of directors, and in March 1977, Mr. Chen Dong became the chairman. In December 11, the asset base was established as Hongyu Clothing Group, and Chen Dong became the chairman and president of the board of directors of the group.

Then came Xingyu Game Group. In December 1979, Xingyu Game Company was established, and Li Guangyu became the chairman of the company. In January 12, Xingyu Game Group was established, and Li Guangyu became the chairman of the board of directors. As the chairman of the board of directors, in October 1979, Qin Peng became the chairman of the board of directors, and in January 1, Toru Iwatani became the chairman of the board of directors.

Tianyu Financial Group established Tianyu Investment Company in January 1978, with Li Guangyu as the chairman. In December 1, Yuan Tianfan became the chairman of Tianyu Investment Company. In May 1979, Tianyu Financial Group was established, with Yuan Tianfan as the chairman of the board of directors of the group.

Xiangyu Culture Group, in April 1978, established Xiangyu Daily Press, with Li Guangyu as the chairman, in July 4, established Xiangyu Culture Group, with Li Guangyu as the chairman of the board of directors, and in December 1978, Du Yuemei as the chairman of the board of directors In February 7, Selina Chow became the chairman of the board of directors, and in January 1979, Le Yiling became the chairman of the board of directors.

Behind them are Jiayi Group, Starlight Real Estate Group, Xingyue Real Estate Group, Xinghong Sports Group, Pengyu Group, Bentley Group, Xiangjiang Communication Group, ..., Xiangjiang Petrochemical Group, Jiadai Group.

Some groups are divided into multiple groups. When introducing their groups, the groups and independent companies that have been separated are also introduced.

Through pictures, subtitles and narration, this documentary let the people present have a clear understanding of Li's industry and previous helmsmen.

Among them, December 1979 was a special period of time. In that month, Li Guangyu resigned from all positions in the group. Before that, the chairman or chairman of the board of directors of each group was named Li Guangyu. companies are very few.

Li Guangyu's current position is the executive director of Xiangjiang Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce, the board member of Xiangjiang Zhonghua University, Hongkong Communication University, Hongkong Aviation College, Hongkong Medical University, Xiangjiang Academy of Fine Arts, Hongkong University of Science and Technology, Hongkong Conservatory of Music, and Hongkong Film and Television Academy.

Looking at these titles, if you don't know Li Guangyu, you will definitely not associate him with a huge consortium, let alone know his influence on the Greater China region.


(End of this chapter)

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