Through the wealth life

Chapter 1234 Silence is golden

Chapter 1234 Silence is golden
The time passed by three o'clock, and Huo Yingdong said aloud: "Thank you for taking the time to attend this meeting. I know that you have a lot of thoughts these days. There are no outsiders here today, so we will open up and talk about everything. If there is any problem, we will discuss and solve it together, there is no need to make a lot of trouble, our today is hard-won, and I hope everyone can cherish this achievement together."

It's a pity that it's not what it used to be. The mutual trust among the people present is almost non-existent, so how could they be willing to open their hearts to each other.

After all, the Li's consortium is powerful, they don't want to jump out and say they have opinions on it, who knows if Li Guangyu will suppress them, they don't have much wealth, it is not wise to jump out and offend the Li's consortium .

If they want to jump out, they would have come out a long time ago, how can they endure until this time, their strength is not as good as others, no matter how much resentment they have, no matter how unwilling they are, they can only endure now, unless there is a problem with the Li family consortium one day, They will stand up and express their opinions.

As for the regulation of 50 hectares, they are also very clear about it. Can they talk about this matter? Even if they have opinions, it will have no effect. It's better not to express dissatisfaction if people control it.

The meeting with more than 100 people is extremely silent now, the entire conference room is silent, and everyone's faces are extremely calm and calm, and it is impossible to see any thoughts and emotions from their faces.

Facing such a situation, Huo Yingdong was very disappointed and sad in his heart, thinking that this kind of quietness fully demonstrated that everyone present did not trust each other, which was also an extremely dangerous signal.

The more calm you are now, the more you hide your dissatisfaction deep in your heart, the more terrifying the future outbreak will be, and these people present are enough to have a huge impact on all aspects of the situation in Xiangjiang.

Perhaps in order to alleviate the current embarrassing situation, Hu Yinxiang said aloud: "Yingdong, the reason for this situation now is caused by many aspects. Everyone knows these things well, and just trying to solve them is a knot. The problem can’t be solved at all.”

Hu Yinxiang is very aware of the situation here. In the past few years, he Hopewell Industrial has also made relatively low profits in Xiangjiang. It reached 524 billion Hong Kong dollars and 508 billion Hong Kong dollars. New World Development also ranked fifth among listed real estate companies in Hong Kong, with a market value of 468 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The market value of Hopewell Holdings and Hang Lung Properties is only one-tenth of Sun Hung Kai's market value. Hang Lung Properties is better, with a current market value of 54 billion Hong Kong dollars, and the market value of Hopewell Holdings is only 49 billion Hong Kong dollars.

The reason for this situation is that their company's profitability has been low in recent years, so the market value has grown slowly.

Real estate companies such as Sun Hung Kai, Cheung Kong, Shau Kee, Shun Tak, New World Development, IMC, Hongji, and Hua Ren Real Estate, relying on the soaring property market in Japan and the continuous capital injection of major shareholders, have caused their market value to soar.

The reason for the low profitability of these real estate companies that focus on Xiangjiang is also caused by the Lee consortium and its allies.

Over the years, from Tin Shui Wai to Tseung Kwan O, the Lee consortium and its allies have developed a large number of houses, which has made the current market supply in Xiangjiang very abundant, and at the same time, the selling price is relatively low. Can't keep up with Xiangjiang's salary increase.

On the other hand, the cost is constantly rising, including the cost of land acquisition, labor and material costs, so the profitability of all parties is relatively low.

The reason why it has become a deadlock now is that if they want to untie it, they need to increase the prices of the real estate developed by the Li consortium and its allies. Only by pushing up the real estate prices can they make good profits.

However, the rise in property prices will inevitably lead to dissatisfaction among the citizens of Xiangjiang, which will transfer the conflict to the 50 hectare limit. It is natural to think that this limit has caused the price increase in the Xiangjiang property market. This will cause even greater problems, and the problem cannot be ruled out. will be enlarged.

Huo Yingdong said: "I believe that there is no problem that cannot be solved. The main reason why many things have become deadlocks is that they do not communicate with each other. As long as we all have the sincerity to solve the problem, I believe that the problem can be solved. Yes, the most important thing now is for you to speak out your ideas boldly, and this will help us solve the problem.”

Everyone present knows very well that this time, it is estimated that this person will come to communicate with them again this time. They don't want to cause trouble. An Anxin is just a listener. This matter still requires Li Guangyu, Guo Desheng, Xu Shixun, Zhao Shizeng , Luo Yingshi, Chen Zengtao, Hu Yinxiang, Wang Dehui and others slowly argued.

Anyway, these small and medium-sized real estate companies don't have much say. After the decision is made, they just choose to obey, and the general situation cannot be controlled by them.

This is a difficult meeting. Due to too many external interference factors and too many scruples of the people present, it is difficult to move forward the meeting. Silence is the best comment for this meeting.

Huo Yingdong has presided over hundreds of meetings of the Hong Kong Real Estate Construction Chamber of Commerce in the past 20 years, and has never encountered such a situation as today.

He said again: "Guangyu, I don't know what you think of Xiangjiang's current real estate development. What's your opinion?"

Li Guangyu was not going to speak at first, but the current situation can be said to be very troublesome, and he has a part to contribute to the current situation. If he hadn't been holding down housing prices, this situation would not have happened now. There is a problem, at least these people present have absolutely no worries.

It's just that when Huo Yingdong asked, he couldn't say nothing.

"I know that many people here have opinions on me, thinking that I, Li Guangyu, have cut off your financial resources and let you watch a large amount of profits slip through your eyes without being able to do anything about it.

I just want you to consider the monthly salary of ordinary citizens in Xiangjiang. Looking at our current housing prices, do you think it is low?
Our current 600-square-foot house costs more than 50 Hong Kong dollars, and the salary of our ordinary employees is only about 3000 Hong Kong dollars. It will take nearly 20 years for them to get a house.

Singapore has many similarities with us. Take a look at their housing prices. We all started in Xiangjiang, and our business is rooted in Xiangjiang. I hope everyone can take a long-term view. A prosperous and stable Xiangjiang is ours. Hope to see.

Everyone wants to make quick money, and I hope everyone can go out. Xiangjiang is too small, the market is only so big, and the population is only about five million. It simply cannot accommodate so many real estate companies.

I can tell you right now that Cheung Kong, Starlight, Shau Kee, Sun Hung Kai and other groups are planning to deploy in Hong Kong again. This time we will build various types of communities that can accommodate 100 million people, and the price will not increase too much. You guys If you want to continue to choose to stay in the Xiangjiang market, you must be prepared for small profits. "

Last year, Hong Kong’s per capita GDP exceeded 3500 US dollars, but that’s per capita, and everything is afraid of per capita. At present, the monthly salary of front-line employees and supermarket waiters under the Li’s consortium is only about 4 Hong Kong dollars, and the annual salary is only more than 78000 Hong Kong dollars. , It is still a long way from the per capita Hong Kong dollar of more than [-].

Of the more than 4 yuan, they still have to eat and spend. It is good to be able to save 60 yuan a year. A 50-square-meter house costs more than [-] Hong Kong dollars. It will take more than ten years of youth and hard work to get it back. .

That's it, there are still many real estate developers who feel dissatisfied and think that the housing price is too low, and they are full of dissatisfaction and complaints about Li Guangyu.

What Li Guangyu cared about was the 500 million citizens of Xiangjiang. As for some real estate developers in Xiangjiang, they were unwilling to go out, and he could not be blamed if they closed down in the end. He was not a nanny, and he would not escort these real estate companies.

I think when he entered the retail industry in Xiangjiang, I don’t know how many retail industries were forced to close their doors and change careers, and the real estate industry was no different.


(End of this chapter)

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