Through the wealth life

Chapter 1238 Small Housing

Chapter 1238 Small Housing

In Li Guangyu's office, Gan Qin reported the situation outside the Wheelock Building to Li Guangyu in detail, and asked Li Guangyu how to deal with it.

Li Guangyu can understand the feelings of these people outside. After all, this is related to their jobs. If the project is carried out on his own side, many real estate companies may have to close down, and these people may lose their jobs because of this. That's why they chose such a radical approach. Ways to resist, hoping to keep their jobs.

Of course, there must be someone instigated and organized behind this, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to protest outside the Wheelock Building.

For such a situation, Li Guangyu couldn't just ignore it, otherwise there would be a big problem.

Li Guangyu said: "You inform Zhao Qianyin and ask her to hold a press conference to explain the issue of the construction of a residential area for 100 million people. Let the citizens of Xiangjiang understand the benefits of this project for Xiangjiang and them, and point out these demonstrations at the same time. The selfishness of the crowd.

In addition, Tang Zaichuan was notified that our Jiayi TV station took action to popularize the major American consortiums for everyone, so that the American people can also understand their internal situation. Since their bad rules are going to showdown, we will also break the news for them. "

After receiving Li Guangyu's order, Gan Qin immediately left Li Guangyu's office and began to contact Zhao Qianyin and Tang Zaichuan.

In Xiangjiang, the efficiency of Li's consortium is definitely the fastest. After Zhao Qianyin received the order, she immediately asked Jia Huiling, the general manager of the administration department, to contact Xiangjiang and the major media stationed in Xiangjiang to hold a press conference at 11 o'clock.

On the other hand, Jiayi TV Station has adjusted the program time, whether it is a comprehensive channel or a news channel, a sports channel or a Mandarin channel, and at the same time popularized the top ten financial groups in the United States for the audience in front of the TV.

For a while, the people of the world were shocked and angry. It turned out that the richest man they admired before was just a clown on the bright side in front of these forces. The industry is under the monopoly of these family consortiums.

Not to mention the effect of Jiayi TV station, anyway, it is already late at night in the United States, especially in New York, even if those consortiums want to solve it, they have to wait for their tomorrow.

In the press conference hall on the second floor of the Starlight Building, reporters have begun to enter the venue one after another, and the three major Hong Kong TV stations will broadcast live.

At exactly 11 o'clock, Zhao Qianyin, President of Starlight Real Estate Group, and Jia Huiling, General Manager of the Group's Administration Department, came to the front desk of the release hall together.

Jia Huiling said: "The reason why our Star Real Estate Group held this press conference is mainly to explain the issue of the 100-person residential building project to the citizens of Xiangjiang.

Now let me give a detailed introduction on this matter, and then I welcome questions from reporters. "

Then Jia Huiling began to elaborate on this matter. She said: "Everyone knows the current living environment in Xiangjiang. Compared with other countries and regions, our per capita living area in Xiangjiang is seriously low. In addition, nearly 10 people settle in Xiangjiang every year. We Housing has been very scarce.

In order to change this situation, our President Zhao deliberately communicated with the presidents of Cheung Kong, Sun Hung Kai, Shau Kee, New World Development, Wanbang, Hongji, Huaren Land and other groups, and deliberately built multiple communities that can accommodate 100 million people to alleviate the current situation in Hong Kong. The shortage of housing also reduces the cost of living for everyone.

I believe everyone should be very clear about why property prices in Hong Kong have been hovering at low latitudes for the past few years. The reason why some people have objections to this this time is because our plan has lost their interests and prevented them from pushing Hong Kong up. The housing prices in the real estate market are expected to make the 500 million citizens of Xiangjiang pay for their companies.

Here I hope that the citizens of Xiangjiang can stand with us and jointly promote the rapid completion of the project. Don't be influenced by these people. Our Star Real Estate Group will never compromise with these forces. The purpose of our Star Real Estate Group is to provide you with A warm home allows residents of Xiangjiang to own a home. "

Countless Xiangjiang citizens listened to Jia Huiling's narration, and their hearts were full of anger. These demonstrations were too much. The Li consortium and its allies built a large number of houses so that they could buy houses at a relatively low price. High housing prices exploit their ordinary citizens to achieve the purpose of bulging their own pockets.

In the eyes of ordinary citizens in Xiangjiang, they don't think there is anything wrong with Li Guangyu's entry into various industries. They enjoy the high-quality services provided by the enterprises of the Lee consortium, and the prices are relatively low. The cost of their daily necessities is due to Li Guangyu's The elements have been relatively low over the years, and they have also been supporting the enterprises of the Lee consortium.

As for the things that American reporters say, they don't care at all. They know more than what American reporters say.

They witnessed with their own eyes how Li Guangyu led the Lee consortium to develop from a garment factory to the current large consortium.

But this time Li Guangyu wanted to benefit Hong Kong again and reduce the burden of living costs for the citizens of Xiangjiang. Unexpectedly, these selfish people went to Wheelock Building to protest against the wishes of the more than 500 million citizens of Hong Kong, hoping that the Lee Consortium would stop doing this It is too shameless for them to raise the price of housing so that they are so preoccupied with goods.

Regardless of what the citizens of Xiangjiang in front of the TV think, the press conference of Starlight Real Estate Group is still going on. After Jia Huiling finished explaining, the next step is to enter the questioning session.

The first was a reporter from Dongfang Daily. She got up and said, "Miss Zhao, there is a lot of discussion about the construction project of 100 million people living in the outside world. We want to know what prompted you to communicate with several major groups to implement this plan?"

Zhao Qianyin responded: "The main population of our Xiangjiang is concentrated in Xiangjiang Road and Kowloon districts, but the housing is relatively small and the area is extremely small. As a company in Xiangjiang, we have the responsibility to provide high-quality and spacious housing for the citizens of Xiangjiang.

Over the years, the development of Tin Shui Wai has been very good, and it has borne a lot of pressure for the urban area, but this is far from enough. For this reason, we have developed Tseung Kwan O and will soon develop Fanling, so that the citizens of Xiangjiang City can be diverted to various satellite cities. In this way, everyone's living environment can be effectively improved, and there is no need for three generations of a family to live in a house that is only 400 square feet or even smaller.

And we have always adhered to the purpose of letting the residents of Xiangjiang own their own houses, and try to reduce their purchase costs as much as possible, so that they can not have too much pressure on housing.

And our housing project for 100 million people is designed to further reduce the living pressure of the population in areas such as Xiangjiang Island and Yau Tsim Mong. "

Not to mention the audience in front of the TV series, even the reporters listened to Zhao Qianyin's words, and thought about the house they lived in now, and they were heartbroken.

Xiangjiang is now an international metropolis, even comparable to New York, London, and Tokyo. In such a metropolis, there are still many families with five or six families and three generations living in a room of 400 square feet.

The reason for this situation is that there are not enough housing in the main districts of Xiangjiang, and the housing prices in Xiangjiang are relatively high, especially in the main city districts. These areas are not developed by Starlight Real Estate Group, nor are Wanbang and Hongji. Not affected much at all.

From 81 to the present, for seven years, neither Star Properties nor Cheung Kong, Sun Hung Kai, Shau Kee and other groups have developed projects in the urban area. The only project developed is Tin Shui Wai, which is too far away from the urban area, so the impact is not great. too big.

The reason why this 100 million people living project has such a big impact is because Li Guangyu and the others are here for the urban area. Once they come in, it will inevitably lead to a sharp drop in housing prices in the urban area. This is why so many real estate companies are dissatisfied. .

With the return of these top real estate groups in Xiangjiang, the Hong Kong real estate industry is bound to usher in a major reshuffle. This protest is just a last-ditch effort.


(End of this chapter)

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