Through the wealth life

Chapter 1243 Encirclement and suppression

Chapter 1243 Encirclement and suppression
The announcement of Jiayi TV station at noon also disappointed many audiences who were going to watch the show. Perhaps the people outside Xiangjiang didn't know, so how could they not know which groups Li Guangyu owned.

As for the identities introduced behind the major American TV stations, they only fooled those who didn't know the inside story. Li Guangyu didn't care about those identities on the surface.

As for the major financial groups in the United States reported by Jiayi TV in the past two days, they believe that this is absolutely true. Since the Li family group has such a strong strength, it is normal for those families and financial groups in the United States to have such strength.

Li Guangyu didn't care whether the audience believed it or not, he just showed his attitude, this matter is over.

In the afternoon of that day, Li Guangyu held a contact meeting of several major retail groups on the second floor of the Starlight Building. The senior management of the four major retail groups, Hengyu, 7-11, Xuelan, and South China, as well as Du Yuemei, Li Xuelan, and Gan Qin attended the meeting.

The American consortium is looking for work for him everywhere, and Li Guangyu needs the other party to be busy. This time, Li Guangyu is going to let several major retail groups join hands with Carrefour and Ito Yokado to conduct sales in the Canadian market for American companies such as Sears, Kmart, Wal-Mart, Costco carried out a siege and completely drove the American retail group out of the Canadian market.

Now the global retail market is mainly occupied by retail groups from the United States, Japan, Western Europe, and Hong Kong. South Korea’s Lotte can only stick to its homeland and has no strength to expand outward.

In Greater China and Southeast Asia, Ito-Yokado, Wal-Mart, Carrefour, and Metro jointly deal with the major retail groups of the Lee Consortium.

In the North American market, several major Hengyu Groups are mainly competing with several major retail groups in the United States.

In the Western European market, it is still relatively calm at present. Carrefour and Metro Group are sticking to the Western European mainland market, and several major Hengyu Groups occupy the British mainland and Central and Eastern European markets.

Moreover, in order to cope with the new situation in the current retail market, Carrefour and Metro are in contact. The two parties are preparing to cross-shareholding and formally become one to deal with the three major retail groups in the United States, Japan and Hong Kong.

At the meeting, Li Guangyu said: "Recently, those consortiums in the United States are very leisurely, and the threat of the Soviet Union to them is getting weaker and weaker, so they are going to find trouble everywhere. I plan to find trouble for them in the North American market, so that they will not be thinking about making trouble for a day. .

This time, we will focus on your retail department and focus on the Canadian market. It is best to let the major American retail groups withdraw from Canada, and the American market should also move to contain them. "

At present, the Li's consortium and the American consortium are fighting fiercely in the retail market, the automobile market, the operating system market, and the mobile phone market.

Although they expanded very quickly in the North American market before, they were still on the defensive overall. This time Li Guangyu asked them to launch an offensive, and everyone present was very happy about it.

This means that their expansion plan can be launched more quickly, and the group's annual investment plan can also be greatly increased, which is very beneficial to their strength.

Li Xuelan said aloud: "Sheng Li, our Hengyu Supermarket Group currently has 125 large and small stores in North America, including 68 in Canada, 34 in the United States, and 23 in Mexico.


Our Shenandoah supermarket currently has 35 stores in North America, including 20 in the United States and 15 in Canada.

As for South China Electrical Appliances Group, it is currently mainly deployed in the Greater China region and Southeast Asia, and the current number in North America is zero.

If we want to drive out Wal-Mart, Costco, Kmart, Sears, etc. in Canada, our Hengyu Supermarket needs at least hundreds of stores in Canada, South China Electric Group needs more than 30 stores, and Shenandoah Supermarket also needs more than 50 stores. 7 to 11 stores are needed, and [-]-[-] needs more than [-] stores. "

The four presidents, Chen Linwen, Liu Haichuan, Liu Weifang, and Fujiwara Huiyin, all looked at Li Guangyu, hoping that Li Guangyu would agree to Li Xuelan's suggestion on increasing the number of stores, so that their group strength would have a higher increase.

Li Guangyu asked: "Are your major groups adequate in manpower, and will the management personnel be able to keep up once they expand?"

Chen Linwen said aloud: "Li Sheng, our Hengyu Supermarket Group has always attached great importance to the cultivation of reserve talents. Now our Hengyu Supermarket Group has a total of 1126 stores of various types around the world, which can fully support this expansion."

Liu Haichuan also responded that there is no problem. The number of directly-operated stores belonging to the 7-Eleven Group has reached 11 worldwide, and the managers of hundreds of convenience stores have no problems.

Shenandoah Supermarket currently has only 62 stores in the world, 35 in North America, 7 in Asia, 3 in Australia, 8 in Western Europe, 4 in Central and Eastern Europe, and 5 in Latin America.

And the sudden expansion this time puts a lot of pressure on their group management.

However, in order to enable the group to expand rapidly, Liu Weifang still assured Li Guangyu that the group would have no problems and could meet Canada's expansion needs.

Huiyin Fujiwara has long wanted to expand rapidly. At present, the South China Electric chain store has 165 stores of various types, including 54 stores in mainland China, 25 stores in Baodao, 12 stores in Xiangjiang, 5 stores in Lisboa, and 69 stores in Southeast Asia.

She has always been unwilling to be reconciled to the South China Electric Chain Group's entrapment in Greater China and Southeast Asia, but Li Guangyu asked her to occupy and stabilize these two regions first, so she can only hold back her inner thoughts of global expansion for the time being.

When this opportunity came, she naturally would not miss it, and also told Li Guangyu that there was no problem with the management of the group, and that the South China Electric Chain Group also had its own backup talents.

Li Guangyu still has a general understanding of the specific conditions of the major groups. It is indeed a bit difficult for the management of Xuelan Supermarket to expand so much.

He said aloud: "Xue Lan, you make a specific expansion plan. This time I will transfer a part of the funds from Tianyu Financial Group, plus a part of my personal funds, a total of 20 billion US dollars as a special expansion fee for this expansion. It is up to you Make a reasonable distribution.

In addition, in terms of the management talents of Shenandoah Supermarket Group, Hengyu Supermarket Group will transfer some of them to support them. I hope that these stores can be opened on New Year's Day next year.

At the same time, contact Ito-Yokado and Carrefour, and cooperate with them in the Canadian market to encircle and suppress American retail groups. "

Li Xuelan was very happy that Li Guangyu agreed to her proposal. Except that the South China Electrical Appliances Chain Group was not her direct descendant, the three major groups were all her supporters. This time, the major groups were able to obtain additional store expansion, and the group's strength had another good advantage. increase.

Li Xuelan believes that this year, Hengyu Supermarket Group's turnover will surpass Kmart again, ranking second among the world's retail groups.

She said: "Li Sheng, please don't worry, I will definitely arrange this matter. In the future, I suggest that Liu Weifang return to Vancouver to coordinate the actions of several major groups. At the same time, I will cooperate with Carrefour and Ito Hiroshi Contact Huatang's local person in charge, and together plan to encircle and suppress several major retail groups in the United States."

When Xuelan Supermarket was first established, Liu Weifang had been in Vancouver for a long time. She was quite familiar with Vancouver, and she was a very suitable person in the past.

Just send the vice president there, the expansion of several major groups, the vice president may not be able to hold back, and Liu Weifang can better coordinate all parties.

Regarding Li Xuelan's suggestion, Li Guangyu agreed after a little thought.


(End of this chapter)

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