Through the wealth life

Chapter 1249 Dilemma of American Enterprises

Chapter 1249 Dilemma of American Enterprises
After the year-end meeting, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing led Li Xuelan, Zhou Zhigang of Heungkong Petrochemical Group, Chen Xinqi, President of Nanhua Food and Beverage Group, He Xingzhen, Executive Vice President of Donghua Trading Company, Yue Mingjie, Vice President of Heungkong Communications Group, Zhong Anchi, Vice President of Wheelock Group, Bai Zhipeng, vice president of China Shipping Group, and other high-level executives flew directly to Vancouver, Canada.

At a time when several major retail groups of the Lee Consortium are squeezing several major retail companies in the United States, Li Guangyu led such a large delegation to the past, hoping to further deepen the relationship between the Lee Consortium and the Canadian government and avoid the Canadian government's policy Interfering with the plans of the Lee Consortium.

This time Li Guangyu used to deepen the cooperation with the Canadian government and business circles, and increase the influence of the Lee Consortium in Canada.

Over the years, Vancouver has always been the key investment area of ​​the Lee Consortium, and the Canadian headquarters of the Lee Consortium's major companies are located in Vancouver.

At the same time, Vancouver Airport is also one of the seven base airports of Xiangjiang Airlines. There are [-] aircraft stationed here, mainly flying routes from Vancouver to North America and central cities in Asia and Oceania.

When Li Guangyu was flying in the sky for a long time, in the conference hall of a hotel in the center of New York City, the core personnel of several major consortiums in the United States gathered together again.

In the past few years, their gatherings have become more and more frequent. The number of gatherings in the past two years has exceeded the total number of the previous ten years. Go against it and make them quite uncomfortable.

These days, the entire North American market has become a battleground between the two sides, and it spans multiple industries. If they are not united, they may not be able to keep their own local market.

Nick Giannini, the helm of the California consortium, said: "Everyone, the major Asian consortiums obviously already know about our actions in the Asian stock market. The current storm in our North American market is their counterattack, and the Western European consortium has also come to join in the fun. There are many forces pushing us down the cliff, and now is not the time for us to fight among ourselves."

At present, their California consortium is facing a lot of pressure. Costco is a gold swallowing beast. It is still in the early stage of investment. The arms sector of their main business is not very profitable due to the relatively peaceful world situation.

There are many Internet technology companies with relatively good market capitalization in Silicon Valley, but these companies are all high in market capitalization and low in profit, and some companies are still burning money.

The profitability of Lockheed, which it holds, is far from comparable to that of Boeing. Even though they have received more orders from the military than Boeing, Boeing has left them a few blocks away from the private sector.

Now the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union continues to improve, and the tension between the world's two levels of confrontation has also improved. This has led to a continuous decline in their arms orders, and the level of profitability of the consortium has weakened compared to previous years.

Johnny Stillman, head of First Citibank, said: "Our opponents are very smart. They must have known some of our plans, so they counterattacked in advance to keep us in the North American market, so that we have no energy to take care of it. Other places, so that they can quickly occupy other markets, the ultimate goal is to trap our enterprises and products in the domestic market to weaken our strength."

Why did Asian capital choose to jump out at such a period this time, and Western European capital also joined forces. They knew that this must be related to the situation in Eastern Europe.

Asian capital and Western European capital can also perceive the changes in Eastern Europe. The Soviet Union’s threat to them and the United States is weakening, and the threat of communication to Western Europe and Asia is also weakening. Now Asia and Western Europe do not need them. The United States has jumped out deal with them.

This is a typical preemptive attack. These capitals also know that they will deal with them after they withdraw from the Soviet Union, so they will make an early move.

The senior executives of the major consortiums in the United States also know that due to the confrontation with the Soviet Union over the years, the quality and technology of many of their products cannot be compared with those of Japan and West Germany. In comparison, the competitiveness of their products is constantly weakening.

Their plan last year was to hope that the economies of various countries would suffer heavy losses, so as to give their companies time to transform and upgrade. Unfortunately, the results were not very good. Many domestic companies were forced to close down or relocate due to technology and price factors.

The auto industry is even more disrupted by Japanese products. Currently, Japanese brands account for half of the U.S. car sales in the country. Their own GM, Ford, and Chrysler are far less competitive than Japan’s Toyota and England’s Bentley.

In the past 1988 sales data, Toyota took the first place, Bentley Group took the second place, their own GM could only take the third place, and Japan's Mitsubishi and Nissan took the fourth and fifth places.

This is definitely a disgrace to their American car companies. Let alone the Bentley Group, the car background in England is behind them.

Several major Japanese auto groups imitated them at first, but now several major Japanese auto companies are crushing their local major auto groups in their market.

The man at the helm of the Ford consortium said: "I believe everyone is aware of the current situation in our homeland. If it weren't for our military superpower, I am afraid that we would not be able to secure the number one position now. This time it is the Asian capital. A counterattack with Western European capital, if we can’t counterattack back, I’m afraid we will be trapped in the local market.”

What they are most worried about now is the complete alliance between Asian capital and Western European capital, which will hit them too hard. Once the two parties do not distinguish each other and the products of the two parties are not restricted, many American companies will be caught by these two parties in North America or even markets outside the United States. Siege.

For example, the Microsoft system is struggling to develop in Asia. All Asian countries, whether government or private, are promoting the Suzaku system, which is an upgraded version of the Phoenix system.

In Western Europe, England also mainly promotes the Suzaku system. In Western Europe, Microsoft does not have an advantage. Considering the reason of Airbus, France is also promoting the Suzaku system, and France has always opposed them in terms of slogans. interfering in the affairs of other countries.

In terms of semiconductors, Japan and Formosa Semiconductor Corporation are also robbing their markets everywhere, especially Dongfang Semiconductor Group. Texas Instruments' market in Western Europe is almost being snatched by it, mainly through price wars. Texas Instruments is really strong in this regard. You can't win the Oriental Semiconductor Group.

The top ten consortiums in the United States don’t have much in their hands, except that there are the most banking and financial groups. Now the American consortiums focus on finance, unlike the major Asian consortiums. Although they also have banks, the major Asian consortia have trading companies as their core.

For example, in Japan and South Korea, they all have trading companies. The Li's consortium focuses on several major retail groups, and the core is the internal trade coordination office controlled by Li Xuelan.

The major Asian conglomerates mainly rely on their own group product trade to develop, and finance is only an auxiliary. The American consortium is just the opposite. Their finance is the main business, and other industries are auxiliary. The wolves of Wall Street are their minions to make profits.

Members of several parties had a detailed discussion on the subsequent counterattack plan. This time they want to teach Asian capital a lesson so that they will not have the courage to challenge them again.


(End of this chapter)

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