Through the wealth life

Chapter 1254 Entering the American Consortium

Chapter 1254 Entering the American Consortium
When Vancouver ushered in the night, a new day began in Tokyo. Today’s Tokyo Stock Exchange has long lost the joy and laughter of the past. Countless stockholders frowned and looked very eager.

The stock market has just opened, and the hall is full of cries, and the only thing stock managers need to do now is to keep selling their shares on the seats in the exchange.

It's a pity that the market is currently bearish, with more pending orders and fewer transactions, and the Nikkei index has fallen sharply again. The voices of cursing, questioning and urging in the hall have never stopped.

Yesterday, many people were still in the middle class, or even the wealthy class, but today they have become impoverished, especially those who are long futures, many of whom have already been burdened with high debts.

In the Investment Department of Tokyo Bank of America, the heads of the major consortiums in the United States have arrived here before the opening of the market.

They also received the solution given by the headquarters, and they came here today to discuss how to do it.

The current situation is very unfavorable to them. They are not worried about the stocks of major companies on the exchange. If they fall, they will not lose much. Now it is the futures that have a big problem.

All the gains during this period have been wiped out. If they continue to maintain the decline of yesterday afternoon today, they need to continue to cover their positions, otherwise there will be a thunderstorm.

These orders are all guaranteed by their major banks, and they can't escape if they want to escape, and they will need to compensate according to the order.

And the other party obviously has no plans to trade in advance, they can only hold on at this time and wait for the contract time to come.

John Milton, head of Bank of America Asia, said: "I believe that everyone has received domestic orders. This time the Japanese government and the consortium have cut their hands. Our previous plan can be said to have completely failed. It is obviously impossible to pull up the Japanese stock market." Possibly, it is impossible for us to control these well-known companies in Japan. The other party firmly holds the controlling stake in their hands. What we need to do now is to reduce our losses and try our best to ensure that the Nikkei does not experience a large decline.”

Faced with Japan's rogue behavior of suppressing its own stock market, the American consortium has no good way to deal with it.

Now they can't trade long orders, and no one takes orders if they want to backhand short. This situation is too weird, and this is something they have never encountered on Wall Street.

In the past, they were short sellers in other people's markets, and the other party was responsible for protecting the market, so they could have more solutions.

This time they want to push up the Japanese stock market as much as possible, so they have done a lot of long, and they are going to wait until the position is closed in the second half of the year to backhand short, and then suppress the Japanese stock market. At that time, the market value of the Japanese stock market was extremely high, and Asian capital and Japan It is extremely difficult for the government to protect the market, and they can easily pull down the Japanese stock market.

As a result, the Japanese government and the consortium do not follow the routine and suppress their own country's stock market. This is a situation that has never happened in the global stock market, especially in their capitalist market. Who would not want their company to have a higher market value, but this time They met such a wonderful thing.

If every market does this in the future, the wolves of Wall Street will not have much deterrent power at all, and their role will be greatly reduced.

K. J. Dujac said aloud: "Now we are slowly starting to protect the market, absorbing the stocks of some high-quality companies in the Japanese market, and slowing down the decline of the Nikkei Index. At the same time, we are contacting the opposition parties in Japan to put pressure on the Japanese government. , Force them to come out to rescue the market, and at the same time increase the pressure of public opinion, and induce dissatisfaction among the people and members of the government, it is best to remove this government and interrupt their current plan.”

The American consortium will not let it go. Since the Japanese ruling party wants to fight against them, they will directly take down the ruling party and replace it with a political party that is more obedient to them. Then they will have a way to promote the stock market to rise.

Now their government and major consortiums have started their activities. It is hard to say whether they will be successful, but they will definitely not sit still.

Cross Charles, head of Morgan Consortium Asia, said: "Now our focus is still on the stock market. I personally have no hope for the Japanese government to step down. Now the six major consortiums and several major families in Japan are united as never before. Their goal is only One is to suppress us, as long as their attitude remains the same, there is not much we can do to change the current situation in Japan.”

Now several major consortiums in Japan are also beginning to merge with each other. Companies from several parties merge with each other, and several parties jointly hold shares in many companies, which promotes the sharing of interests and unity of several major consortiums.

The biggest mistake of their American consortium is that they allowed the Li's consortium to grow, but they didn't bring the Li's consortium to their side. What's more, they shouldn't suppress the Li's consortium when they didn't suppress the Japanese consortium.

They overestimated their abilities too much, thinking that even if the Japanese consortium and Li's consortium joined forces, they would be able to suppress it, only now did they realize that was not the case at all.

With the Li family consortium in the middle, the capitals of Japan and the Four Tigers are all united to fight against them. Even if their American consortium is strong, they cannot easily suppress so many forces.

What worries them the most is the growth rate of the Li's consortium, the Xiangjiang consortium, and the Hsinchu consortium. Coupled with the support of the Greater China market, in the future, not only the Japanese consortium can wrestle with them, but the Li's consortium Can also fight against them.

Their miscalculation this time will make Asian capital stronger, and it will be more difficult for them to suppress it.

Worthy McKison, director of Asia at the Texas Consortium, said: "Now we mainly take care of the stock market, and let the headquarters be responsible for other aspects. Now everyone is still discussing how to enter the market. Our Texas consortium has mobilized 50 people. Hundreds of millions of dollars come here, where are you?"

For this Asian stock market, the Texas consortium is doing its best. Don’t look at their huge strength and the amount of assets they control. They have already mobilized 100 billion US dollars in cash, which is close to the limit. Any more will affect the operation of their business. .

After the leaders of all parties reported the funds they mobilized, after summarizing, they now have 320 billion US dollars in cash, which is enough for them to make some moves in the Japanese stock market.

John Milton said: "Now we start to enter the market slowly, start to absorb more valuable shares, and at the same time stabilize the market situation."

The effect of the American consortium that brought heavy capital into the market is still good. Although the sell-off is still fierce, the decline of the Nikkei has begun to slow down.

In Japan Tianyu Investment Company, an employee immediately reported to Liu Haoxuan.

For such a situation, Liu Haoxuan had expected it a long time ago, and he knew very well that the American consortium could not remain indifferent.

He said to the department staff: "You should pay attention to the situation of the stock market. When the Nikkei index rebounds, immediately sell the order to suppress the rebound momentum. At the same time, contact the responsible persons in South Korea and Japan to let them cooperate. We must not Let the American consortium turn things around."

The Tokyo Stock Exchange has become the main battlefield for both sides, and the Nikkei Index has also begun to hover around 22000 points.


(End of this chapter)

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